Reputation: 420
Following the Howto: (Almost) Everything In Active Directory via C# tutorial I'm attempting write a piece to add users to Active Directory using the System.DirectoryServices
namespace but I'm getting the error mentioned in the title with each attempt.
As the error suggests, I took a look at how my path-name was structured but I have my doubts still yet.
My goal is to add a new user and place the user in an AD group. Technically, our "Groups" are really just Organizational Units under the parent DC.
Our AD hierarchy is normally formatted as such...
OU(Department Name) > OU (Users) > CN(User)
I would also assume that I can set certain properties to the user as I add their new account, although I'm not sure what the limitations are to this.
Below is the code I've written. I've been over a few articles asside from the one on Code Project but I'm not sure if this is just my lack of understanding or what. Surely it's not as difficult as what I'm making it out to be. I may not understand enough about AD just yet.
public static string CreateUserAccount()
DirectoryEntryData newUserADdata = new DirectoryEntryData();
string oGUID = string.Empty;
string connectionPrefix = "LDAP://" + "DOMAIN";
DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(connectionPrefix);
DirectoryEntry newUser = dirEntry.Children.Add
// Define directory entry based on Organizational Units and Common Names
("CN=" + newUserADdata.NewUserFirstName + newUserADdata.NewUserLastName + ", OU = " + newUserADdata.NewUserOrganizationDepartment + ", DC = domain, DC = local", "user");
// Prepair Data for New Entry
// Initial Login Information
newUser.Properties["samAccountName"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserLoginUserName; // Set Initial Username
newUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { newUserADdata.NewUserLoginPassword }); // Set Initial Password
newUser.Properties["userPrincipalName"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserLoginUserName + "@domain.local"; // Principal Name
newUser.Properties["pwdLastSet"].Value = "0"; // Set "Password Last Set" property to 0 to invoke a password change upon first login
// General
newUser.Properties["givenName"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserFirstName; // First name
newUser.Properties["sn"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserLastName; // Last Name
newUser.Properties["displayName"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserDisplayName; // Display Name
newUser.Properties["description"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserDescription; // Description
newUser.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserOffice; // Office
newUser.Properties["telephoneNumber"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserTelephone; // Telephone Number
newUser.Properties["homeDrive"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserHomeDriveLetter; // Home Drive Letter (H:)
newUser.Properties["homeDirectory"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserHomeDrivePath; // Home Drive Path
// Telephones
newUser.Properties["homePhone"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserTelephoneHome; // Home Phone Number
newUser.Properties["pager"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserTelephonePager; // Pager Number
newUser.Properties["mobile"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserTelephoneMobile; // Mobile Phone Number
newUser.Properties["facsimileTelephoneNumber"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserTelephoneFax; // Fax Number
newUser.Properties["ipPhone"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserTelephoneIP; // IP Phone Number
// Address
newUser.Properties["streetAddress"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserAddressStreet; // Street
newUser.Properties["postOfficeBox"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserAddressPObox; // P.O. Box
newUser.Properties["l"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserAddressCity; // City
newUser.Properties["st"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserAddressState; // State/Province
newUser.Properties["postalCode"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserAddressZipCode; // Zip/Postal Code
newUser.Properties["c"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserAddressCountry; // Country/Region Name
// Organization
newUser.Properties["title"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserOrganizationJobTitle; // Job Title
newUser.Properties["department"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserOrganizationDepartment; // Deparment
newUser.Properties["company"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserOrganizationCompany; // Company
newUser.Properties["manager"].Value = newUserADdata.NewUserOrganizationManagerName; // Manager Name
oGUID = newUser.Guid.ToString();
int val = (int)newUser.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value;
/// Account Control Flags :: syntax :: val | hex | hex | and so on...
newUser.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value = val | 512; // Normal User Settings
catch (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException e)
return "<br /><br /><div class='alert alert-danger'><b><i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'></i> An Error has occured:</b> <br /><br />" + e.ToString() + "</div>";
return "<br /><br /><div class='alert alert-success'><b>Success:<b> <br /><br />The User has been successfully added to Active Directory.</div>";
Any idea how I might get this to work? I really appreciate it.
For those of you lead to this post by your search for AD solutions..
I've gone with the solution proposed by marc_s. This makes things much easier and speed development along.
One item worth mentioning is that the UserPrincipal class properties are a bit limiting. The solution i found for that is to use Principal Extensions. This will allow you to add additional properties to the class that are not included such as physicalDeliveryOfficeName
or maybe facsimileTelephoneNumber
for example.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2165
Reputation: 755451
If you're on .NET 3.5 and up, you should check out the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
(S.DS.AM) namespace. Read all about it here:
Basically, you can define a domain context and easily find users and/or groups in AD:
// set up domain context
using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
// find a user
UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, "SomeUserName");
if(user != null)
// do something here....
// add a new user
UserPrincipal newUser = new UserPrincipal(ctx);
// set properties
newUser.givenName = "....";
newUser.surname = "....";
// save new user
The new S.DS.AM makes it really easy to play around with users and groups in AD!
Upvotes: 1