
Reputation: 2002

Proper tagged AST

I’ve been trying to build tagged AST for a while now. Let’s introduce the issue:

data E a
  = V a
  | LitInt Int
  | LitBool Bool
  | FooIntBool (E a) (E a) -- er…
    deriving (Eq,Show)

The issue with that piece of code, to me, resides in FooIntBool. The idea is that it takes an int expression and a bool expression, and glues them together. But E a could be anything. This would be valid given the above definition of E:

FooIntBool (LitInt 3) (LitInt 0)

You can see the issue. Then, what do we want? A tagged expression. This is not possible given the current definition of E, so let’s introduce some GADTs:

data E :: * -> * -> * where
  V          :: a -> E l a
  LitInt     :: Int -> E Int a
  LitBool    :: Bool -> E Bool a
  FooIntBool :: E Int a -> E Bool a -> E (Int,Bool) a

This is quite nice! I can now right that kind of code:

FooIntBool (V "x") (LitBool False)

The issue with that is when I want to make it a monad, or an applicative. It’s just impossible. Consider the monad implementation:

instance Monad (E l) where
  return = V

That was obvious and straight-forward. Let’s see the bind implementation:

  V x >>= f = f x -- obvious as well
  LitInt a >>= _ = LitInt a -- obvious yeah
  LitBool a >>= _ = LitBool a -- …
  FooIntBool a b >>= f = FooIntBool (a >>= ?) (b >>= ?) -- AH?

We can’t write a >>= f and b >>= f since f :: a -> E l b. I haven’t found a solution to that issue yet, and I’m really curious how to deal with that and still being able to use de Bruijn indices (through bound).

Upvotes: 6

Views: 195

Answers (2)

Jake McArthur
Jake McArthur

Reputation: 894

I think your typed AST is unlikely to work the way you want. The fact that variables are untyped is going to hurt. Try to imagine what it would be like to write an interpreter with an environment; you'd have to look up variables in the environment and than either cast the results into the correct types or fail with an error. So I'm going to suggest a slightly different AST with typed variables, and an as yet unexplained reordering of the type parameters.

data E v a where
  V          :: v a -> E v a
  LitInt     :: Int  -> E v Int
  LitBool    :: Bool -> E v Bool
  FooIntBool :: E v Int -> E v Bool -> E v (Int, Bool)

Now, as far as I know it is not possible to define a law-abiding Monad instance for this. Note that the kind of E is (* -> *) -> * -> *; it may be more intuitive for our purposes to think of it as (* -> *) -> (* -> *). This is superficially compatible with what Monad expects, * -> *, at least if you partially apply E to some v, but then the types get weird. I believe you are already aware of this, which is why you had put your variable type parameter last; the intended effect of this is that (>>=) will represent substitution. However, if we did that with this new type I've proposed, it's not compatible with Monad at all.

There is a different kind of monad that can work, though. We can generalize its kind from * -> * to (k -> *) -> (k -> *) (where k in this case is just *). Note again that I've used parentheses to emphasize that, just like most instances of Monad, E is to be treated as a unary type constructor. We'll be working with natural transformations instead of just any old Haskell function:

type a ~> b = forall x. a x -> b x

(By the way, the kind of (~>) is (k -> *) -> (k -> *) -> *.)

To construct our new HMonad type class, we can just copy Monad and replace (->) with (~>). There is one complication, which is that we have to flip the argument ordering of (>>=), to make the types work out:

class HMonad m where
  hreturn ::  a ~> m a
  hbind   :: (a ~> m b) -> (m a ~> m b)

I'll just show you the HMonad instance for E and then attempt to explain it:

instance HMonad E where
  hreturn = V
  hbind f e = case e of
    V v            -> f v
    LitInt x       -> LitInt x
    LitBool x      -> LitBool x
    FooIntBool a b -> FooIntBool (hbind f a) (hbind f b)

Actually, this looks exactly the way a Monad instance would for an untyped version of the AST. Note that, as expected, hreturn just injects a variable, and hbind performs a kind of type-safe substitution by seeking out variables and applying the function to them. This works due to the higher rank types.

You can't quite do this with the bound package, since it uses Monad instead of this fancier HMonad. It is possible (and has even been done on multiple occasions) to write a version of bound that works for typed ASTs like this, but it's not clear whether it's actually worth it.

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 14588

If you really want, it is possible to write a well typed Monad instance. I haven't checked if it follows the monad laws.

instance Monad (E l) where 
  return = V 

  V x >>= f = f x 
  LitInt a >>= _ = LitInt a 
  LitBool a >>= _ = LitBool a
  FooIntBool a b >>= f = FooIntBool (a >>= q.f) (b >>= r.f) where 

    q :: E (Int, Bool) t -> E Int t
    q (V x) = V x 
    q (FooIntBool x _) = x

    r :: E (Int, Bool) t -> E Bool t
    r (V x) = V x 
    r (FooIntBool _ x) = x

Upvotes: 3

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