Reputation: 91
I'm getting this error whenever I run this code - I've been staring at it for hours trying to decipher what is happening but it's something internal to Dynamic PDF so I haven't been able to step into the code to debug it. Any help would be appreciated.
public void GeneratePDF(Guid id)
ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document doc = new ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document();
doc.Author = new IssueTracker.ActiveDirectory.Searcher().FindBySAMAccountName(User.Identity.Name.Remove(0, 5)).DisplayName;
doc.Creator = "GPO Pricing Application";
doc.Title = "GPO Pricing Recommendation";
Page page = new Page(ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageSize.Letter, ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageOrientation.Landscape);
Worksheet worksheet = repo.GetByID(id);
AddElement(page, "Report Name: ", worksheet.Name, 0, 0 );
AddElement(page, "Customer Name: ", worksheet.CustomerName, 0, 20);
AddElement(page, "Allied Group: ", worksheet.AlliedGroup, 0, 40);
AddElement(page, "City, State: ", worksheet.City + ", " + worksheet.State, 0, 60);
AddElement(page, "Gross Annual Sales: ", string.Format("{0:C}", worksheet.AnnualSales), 0, 80);
var Y = 100;
Table2 table = new Table2(0, Y, 850, 600);
table.Border.Width = 0.5f;
table.CellDefault.Border.Width = 0.5f;
table.Columns.Add(45); // Contract Id
table.Columns.Add(125); // Product Line
table.Columns.Add(75); // SKU
table.Columns.Add(150); // Description
table.Columns.Add(30); // Qty
table.Columns.Add(50); // Current Price (ea)
table.Columns.Add(50); // Current Spend
table.Columns.Add(50); // New Price (ea)
table.Columns.Add(50); // New Spend
table.Columns.Add(50); // Variance
Row2 row = table.Rows.Add(10, Font.TimesBold, 8);
row.CellDefault.VAlign = VAlign.Top;
row.CellDefault.Align = TextAlign.Center;
row.Cells.Add("Contract Id");
row.Cells.Add("Product Line");
row.Cells.Add("Current Price (ea)");
row.Cells.Add("Current Spend");
row.Cells.Add("New Price (ea)");
row.Cells.Add("New Spend");
var products = productRepository.Get(id);
foreach(var product in products)
Y += 20;
if (Y > 580)
page = new Page(ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageSize.Letter, ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageOrientation.Landscape);
table = new Table2(0, Y, 850, 800);
Y = 0;
row = table.Rows.Add(10, Font.TimesBold, 8);
row.CellDefault.VAlign = VAlign.Top;
row.CellDefault.Align = TextAlign.Center;
row.Cells.Add("Contract Id"); //*********** This is where I get the error
row.Cells.Add("Product Line");
row.Cells.Add("Current Price (ea)");
row.Cells.Add("Current Spend");
row.Cells.Add("New Price (ea)");
row.Cells.Add("New Spend");
row = table.Rows.Add(10, Font.TimesRoman, 8);
row.CellDefault.Align = TextAlign.Center;
Cell2 contractId = row.Cells.Add(product.record.ContractId);
Cell2 productLine = row.Cells.Add(product.record.ProductLine);
Cell2 sku = row.Cells.Add(product.record.LongItemNbr);
Cell2 description = row.Cells.Add(product.record.Description);
Cell2 qty = row.Cells.Add(product.Qty.ToString());
Cell2 currentPrice = row.Cells.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", product.record.DirectPriceEaches));
Cell2 currentSpend = row.Cells.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", product.Spend));
doc.DrawToWeb("GPO Pricing Recommendation.pdf");
private void AddElement(Page page, string label, string data, int x, int y)
Label Label = new Label(label, x, y, 140, 14, Font.TimesRoman, 14, TextAlign.Right);
Label Data = new Label(data, x + 145, y, 250, 14, Font.TimesRoman, 14, TextAlign.Left);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 750
Reputation: 91
I was missing the table.columns.add in the if (Y > 580) section of the code.
Upvotes: 0