
Reputation: 410

Batch Scripting Moving files with timestamp

So basically I have a file system C:\Test\BaseLine. Under BaseLine folder I have many folders, it could be one folder or 15 folders, in those folders are image files. I want to copy all the images from INSIDE those folder NOT including BaseLine folder into another location namely C:\Test\Achieve Images with Date stamp as 03-07-2014 at the end of each image.

For example i'll have folder system like this:
BaseLine - 1.jpg, 2.jpg
->[Folder 123] - 3.jpg, 4.jpg
->[Folder 321] - 5.jpg, 6.jpg

At the end of my script i should have my C:\Test\Achieve images having these images like so:
Achieve Images - 3_03-07-2014.jpg, 4_03-07-2014.jpg, 5_03-07-2014.jpg, 6_03-07-2014.jpg

Notice how it does not include any of the BaseLine main folder images.

So far i have a script like this:

cd /d "C:\Test\BaseLine\" @SET DATE_FOLDER=%date:~7,2%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~10,4% SET "ACHIEVE_DIR=C:\Test\Master Achieve" for /d %%a in ("*") do xcopy "%%a\*.*" "%ACHIEVE_DIR%\" /s/h/e/k/f/c/y
PS: This code was with the help of [user]foxidrive. Thanks again buddy for the other problem i had!!

This works but does not append the timestamp to the end of each image files Thanks!

Upvotes: 0

Views: 6560

Answers (3)


Reputation: 410

BEFORE running draft.bat

D:\>dir "d:\test\baseline", "d:\test\baseline\Folder 123", "d:\test\baseline\Folder 321"
Volume in drive D is New Volume
Volume Serial Number is B04C-AB59
 Directory of d:\test\baseline

23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 1.jpg
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 2.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36    <DIR>          Folder 123
23/07/2014  20:37    <DIR>          Folder 321
               2 File(s)              4 bytes

 Directory of d:\test\baseline\Folder 123

23/07/2014  20:36    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  20:36    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 3-tasty.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 3-not tasty.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 4-tasty.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 4-not tasty.jpg
               2 File(s)              4 bytes

 Directory of d:\test\baseline\Folder 321

23/07/2014  20:37    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  20:37    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 5-tasty.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 5-not tasty.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 6-tasty.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 6-not tasty.jpg
               2 File(s)              4 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   7,037,329,408 bytes free




D:\>dir d:\test\Achieve
 Volume in drive D is New Volume
 Volume Serial Number is B04C-AB59

 Directory of d:\test\Achieve

23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 3_23-07-2014.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 4_23-07-2014.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 5_23-07-2014.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 6_23-07-2014.jpg
               4 File(s)              8 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   7,037,329,408 bytes free

 Directory of d:\test\baseline

23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 1.jpg
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 2.jpg
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 3.jpg
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 4.jpg
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 5.jpg
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 6.jpg
               2 File(s)              4 bytes

Notice how baseline does not have any more folders because they all got deleted after moving all of files
non-tasty -> baseline without non-tasty extension
tasty -> achieve without tasty but with date stamp

I hope you can understand now. Thanks a lot

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1108

This works -

@echo off
for /f "skip=1 delims=." %%i in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime') do set ts=%%i
set dt=%ts:~6,2%-%ts:~4,2%-%ts:~0,4%

set workdir=D:\test\baseline\
set newdir=D:\test\Achieve\

cd %workdir%

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s *.jpg') do call :search "%%i"
goto :eof

set filepath=%~f1
set dirpath=%~dp1
set filename=%~n1
set fileextn=%~x1
if "%dirpath%" EQU "%workdir%" goto :eof
copy /y "%filepath%" %newdir%\%filename%_%dt%%fileextn% >nul 2>&1


Test output -

D:\>dir "d:\test\baseline", "d:\test\baseline\Folder 123", "d:\test\baseline\Folder 321"
 Volume in drive D is New Volume
 Volume Serial Number is B04C-AB59

 Directory of d:\test\baseline

23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 1.jpg
23/07/2014  20:35                 2 2.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36    <DIR>          Folder 123
23/07/2014  20:37    <DIR>          Folder 321
               2 File(s)              4 bytes

 Directory of d:\test\baseline\Folder 123

23/07/2014  20:36    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  20:36    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 3.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 4.jpg
               2 File(s)              4 bytes

 Directory of d:\test\baseline\Folder 321

23/07/2014  20:37    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  20:37    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 5.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 6.jpg
               2 File(s)              4 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   7,037,329,408 bytes free



D:\>dir d:\test\Achieve
 Volume in drive D is New Volume
 Volume Serial Number is B04C-AB59

 Directory of d:\test\Achieve

23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          .
23/07/2014  21:24    <DIR>          ..
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 3_23-07-2014.jpg
23/07/2014  20:36                 2 4_23-07-2014.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 5_23-07-2014.jpg
23/07/2014  20:37                 2 6_23-07-2014.jpg
               4 File(s)              8 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   7,037,329,408 bytes free

Cheers, G

EDIT - This works based on your original question. I haven't seen the comments on the other answer yet. Let me know if you need changes.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 41234

You cannot do it with xcopy but as you've outlined in the comments, this renames the files before copying.

The first four lines of this code will give you reliable YY DD MM YYYY HH Min Sec variables in XP Pro and higher.

@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"


cd /d "C:\Test\BaseLine\"
SET "ACHIEVE_DIR=C:\Test\Master Achieve" 
md "%ACHIEVE_DIR%" 2>nul

for /d %%a in (*) do (
for /r %%b in ("%%a\*.jpg") do ren "%%~b" "%%~nb - %DATE_FOLDER%%%~xb"
xcopy "%%a\*.jpg" "%ACHIEVE_DIR%\" /s/h/e/k/f/c/y

Edit code to move all *-tasty.jpg files to the %ACHIEVE_DIR% and datestamp them, then remove the original containing folders under C:\Test\BaseLine\ with all remaining files but leaving the files inside C:\Test\BaseLine\ intact.

@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"


cd /d "C:\Test\BaseLine\"
SET "ACHIEVE_DIR=C:\Test\Master Achieve" 
md "%ACHIEVE_DIR%" 2>nul

for /d %%a in (*) do (
for /r %%b in ("%%a\*-tasty.jpg") do move "%%~b" "%ACHIEVE_DIR%\%%~nb - %DATE_FOLDER%%%~xb"
rd /s /q "%%a"

Upvotes: 1

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