Reputation: 49
I am struggling with this since yesterday, i have created a Batch file -a simple one- which simply will try to read the logs of a windows scheduled task and based on searching for correct 'Last result' will log 0 or 1 to a log file . The Batch file run perfectly . But i want to schedule this Batch file to be ran each 2 minutes ,
so i create a scheduled task that ran this batch file ;When i force starting the scheduled task, I don't see any errors in the task scheduler history, but at the same time my Batch file is not executed.
What i tried, -i made sure i am running the scheduled task with option "run with highest privileges" , -i made sure i have correct permissions (still not sure) I tried using process monitor and didn't see any access issues so nothing happens when i run my task i am going crazy,
This is the content of my Batch file :
call :Logit >> %LOGFILE%
exit /b 0
:: The rest of your code
:: ....
for %%A in (DownloadToIngest.log) do set fileSize=%%~zA
echo %fileSize%>logall.log
if %fileSize% GTR 419430400 (break>DownloadToIngest.log)
schtasks /QUERY /FO LIST /V /tn DownloadToIngest> DownloadToIngestOutput.log
findstr /m "Last Result: 0" DownloadToIngestOutput.log
IF %errorlevel%==0 (>>DownloadToIngest.log echo 1) ELSE >>DownloadToIngest.log echo 0<code>
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Views: 2062
Reputation: 49
Thanks Vector (Look Vector's comment) , the issue was solved by : instead of referencing the path and file name under 'Program/script' adding the name of script under 'Program/script' and the path to the file under 'Start in (optional)'
Upvotes: 1