Reputation: 15384
I am trying to use the helper collection_radio_buttons to show an image as a label, and want to save the image_id to the model so that I can retrieve the url, so far I have come up with this which shows a radio button and the image_url as the label.
Something I have noticed already is that I can only click the radio button once and it then just stays in its on state:
<%= f.collection_radio_buttons(:default_image_id, DefaultImage.all, :id, :image) %>
The html generated looks like so:
<input id="campaign_default_image_id_1" name="campaign[default_image_id]" type="radio" value="1" />
<label for="campaign_default_image_id_1"></label>
How do I set this up correctly? Can I wrap the label in a image_tag ?
So after some more research and trying to piece this together I can now render an image and a radio button, but the image is the default image I uploaded with carrierwave and not the resized :small version that I would like. Can I pass the :small version through?
<%= f.collection_radio_buttons(:default_image_id, DefaultImage.all, :id, :image) do |b| %>
<%= b.label { image_tag("#{b.text}") + b.radio_button } %>
b.text retrieves the url
But I would like it to prefix the filename with fancy_box_array, like so:
The html generated with this new code is:
<label for="campaign_default_image_id_1"><img alt="Vandals portfolio" src="" />
<input id="campaign_default_image_id_1" name="campaign[default_image_id]" type="radio" value="1" /></label>
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2880