In MatLab/Octave you could send a command "format long g" and have default numerical output in the REPL formatted like the following:
octave> 95000/0.05
ans = 1900000
Is it possible to get a similar behavior in Julia? Currently with julia
Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3930 (2014-06-28 17:54 UTC)
Commit bdbab62* (6 days old master)
I get the following number format.
julia> 95000/0.05
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You can use the @printf macro to format. It behaves like the C printf, but unlike printf for C the type need not agree but is rather converted as necessary. For example
julia> using Printf
julia> @printf("Integer Format: %d",95000/0.05);
Integer Format: 1900000
julia> @printf("As a String: %s",95000/0.05);
As a String: 1.9e6
julia> @printf("As a float with column sized larger than needed:%11.2f",95000/0.05);
As a float with column sized larger than needed: 1900000.00
It is possible to use @printf as the default mechanism in the REPL because the REPL is implemented in Julia in Base.REPL, and in particular the following function:
function display(d::REPLDisplay, ::MIME"text/plain", x)
io = outstream(d.repl)
write(io, answer_color(d.repl))
writemime(io, MIME("text/plain"), x)
To modify the way Float64 is displayed, you merely need to redefine writemime for Float64.
julia> 95000/0.05
julia> Base.Multimedia.writemime(stream,::MIME"text/plain",x::Float64)=@printf("%1.2f",x)
writemime (generic function with 13 methods)
julia> 95000/0.05
Upvotes: 6