Reputation: 1342
FYI: This is NOT a homework assignment
I have attempted to implement the Clauset-Newman-Moore community detection algorithm in python and while it runs, the value for modularity (Q) that it outputs is consistently off by some factor. The complete code is below - it accepts a textfile in a format like this.
While I do not expect anyone to give a complete solution that fixes all the code any hint at what might be going wrong is vastly appreciated!!
Some notes that might be of importance:
#!/usr/bin/env python
python <input_file> <output_file>
import heapq
import sys
import time
from pprint import pprint
def read_input(filename):
''' Loads the input into a dictionary'''
output_dict = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
l = line.split('\t')
key = int(l[0].strip())
value = int(l[1].strip())
if key not in output_dict:
output_dict[key] = []
if value not in output_dict:
output_dict[value] = []
if value in output_dict[key]:
if key in output_dict[value]:
return output_dict
def calculate_m(input_dict):
''' Gives the total number of edges in the network. '''
total = 0
for key in input_dict:
total += len(input_dict[key])
return total / 2
def calculate_deltaQ(m, ki, kj):
''' Calculates deltaQ for two communities i and j '''
deltaQ = 1.0/(2.0*m) - float(ki*kj) / ((2*m)**2)
return deltaQ
def populate_Qtrees(input_dict, m):
Qtrees = {}
for i in input_dict:
community = input_dict[i]
ki = len(community)
Qtrees[i] = {}
for j in community:
kj = len(input_dict[j])
Qtrees[i][j] = calculate_deltaQ(m, ki, kj)
return Qtrees
def populate_Qheaps(input_dict, m):
Qheaps = {}
for key in input_dict:
community = input_dict[key]
ki = len(community)
Qheaps[key] = []
for i in community:
kj = len(input_dict[i])
deltaQ = calculate_deltaQ(m, ki, kj)
# we store the items in the heap as their negative values because
# python heap is a min-heap
heapq.heappush(Qheaps[key], (-deltaQ, i, key))
return Qheaps
def populate_H(Qheaps):
H = []
for key in Qheaps:
if Qheaps[key] == []:
maximum = Qheaps[key][0]
heapq.heappush(H, maximum)
return H
def populate_a(input_dict, m):
a = {}
for key in input_dict:
k = len(input_dict[key])
ai = float(k) / (2.0 * m)
a[key] = ai
return a
def select_largest_q(H):
return heapq.heappop(H)
def update_Qtrees(Qtrees, a, i, j):
# from equation 10a - summing i into j
for key in Qtrees[i]:
if key in Qtrees[j]:
Qtrees[j][key] = Qtrees[i][key] - Qtrees[j][key]
# from equations 10b and 10c - update row j
for key in Qtrees:
if key in Qtrees[i] and key not in Qtrees[j]:
Qtrees[j][key] = Qtrees[i][key] + (2 * a[j] * a[key])
elif key in Qtrees[j] and key not in Qtrees[i]:
Qtrees[j][key] = Qtrees[j][key] + (2 * a[i] * a[key])
# remove i key and update j for each row k
for key in Qtrees:
if i in Qtrees[key]:
Qtrees[key].pop(i, None)
if j in Qtrees[key]:
Qtrees[key][j] = Qtrees[key][j] + (2 * a[i] * a[key])
# remove the self-reference (necessary because our tree is a python dict)
if j in Qtrees[j]:
Qtrees[j].pop(j, None)
# remove i
Qtrees.pop(i, None)
return Qtrees
def update_Qheaps(Qtrees, Qheaps, i, j):
# remove the heap i
Qheaps.pop(i, None)
# rebuild the jth heap from the jth binary tree in Qtree
community = Qtrees[j]
h = [ (community[key], key, j) for key in community ] # list comprehension
Qheaps[j] = h
# remove the ith and update the jth element in each heap
for key in Qheaps:
heap = Qheaps[key]
for item in heap[:]:
if item[1] == i:
elif item[1] == j:
# we temporarily change the item to a list to perform insertion
# (tuples are immutable)
item_copy = list(item)
item_copy[0] = Qtrees[key][j]
heapq.heappush(heap, tuple(item_copy))
return Qheaps
def update_a(a, i, j):
a[j] += a[i]
a[i] = 0
return a
def main():
''' Main loop of the program. '''
# read command line input
filename = sys.argv[1]
maxQ = 0
max_step = 0
Q = 0
input_dict = read_input(filename)
m = calculate_m(input_dict)
nodes = len(input_dict)
Qtrees = populate_Qtrees(input_dict, m)
Qheaps = populate_Qheaps(input_dict, m)
H = populate_H(Qheaps)
a = populate_a(input_dict, m)
step = 0
print 'i', '\t', 'j', '\t', 'Q', '\t\t', 'deltaQ', '\t\t', 'step'
while H:
deltaQ, i, j = select_largest_q(H)
Q -= deltaQ
Qtrees = update_Qtrees(Qtrees, a, i, j)
Qheaps = update_Qheaps(Qtrees, Qheaps, i, j)
H = populate_H(Qheaps)
a = update_a(a, i, j)
step += 1
print i, '\t', j, '\t', round(Q, 7), '\t', round(deltaQ, 7), '\t', step
if deltaQ < 0:
maxQ = deltaQ
max_step = step
output_file = sys.argv[2]
with open(output_file, 'w+') as f:
START-----: {0}
MAXQ------: {3}
STEP------: {4}
EXIT------: {5}'''.format(time.asctime(),
time.asctime() ))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1337
Reputation: 15
I think your code -
for key in Qtrees:
if i in Qtrees[key]:
Qtrees[key].pop(i, None)
if j in Qtrees[key]:
Qtrees[key][j] = Qtrees[key][j] + (2 * a[i] * a[key])
to update Qtree is the problem, as per the paper it is not mentioned to do this code -
if j in Qtrees[key]:
Qtrees[key][j] = Qtrees[key][j] + (2 * a[i] * a[key])
you should remove this code and try.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5314
That seems like a lot of heapifys. Might be better to just to use a balanced binary search tree once you work out the current issue. Better to have slower code that works than faster code that doesn't.
- The python heap from the heapq module is a min-heap and I needed a max-heap for this algorithm, so the values for Q are stored as -Q.
- For the same reason, the arithmetic operations on the Q-values are swapped (subtraction instead of addition, etc.)
The second issue is caused by the first. If Q is stored as -Q, call it q. Then A + q is actually A + (-Q), which is A + Q. This could potentially be your issue. Best fix is probably to use -Q to reverse the undo the sign change.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 33519
One thing that concerns me is:
item_copy[0] = Qtrees[key][j]
heapq.heappush(heap, tuple(item_copy))
heap.remove(item) will remove item from the list called heap - and destroy the heap invariant.
In other words, after this step your variable called heap may no longer be a heap.
Perhaps it would help to call
after the heap.remove(item).
Upvotes: 1