Reputation: 303
I am trying to learn Python/Flask/SQLAlchemy by building a simple Wiki (heavily based off of a Flask-Admin example) but am struggling to understand how to get a new column from my many-to-many relationship to display.
I have successfully created the Wiki and have created a many-to-many relationship table for tags with no problem (and tagging works properly as far as I have seen), but I want to display the tags as a column and can't get the logic worked out.
GOAL: I want to display a column that shows the tags that are referenced by the many-to-many association table.
Here is a picture of what I am trying to accomplish:
Here is what I believe to be the relevant code:
wiki_tags_table = db.Table('wiki_tags', db.Model.metadata,
db.Column('wiki_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')),
db.Column('tag_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
class Wiki(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(100), unique=True)
description = db.Column(db.Text)
path = db.Column(db.Unicode(256))
date_added = db.Column(db.DateTime)
tags_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
tags = db.relationship('Tag', secondary=wiki_tags_table, backref=db.backref('wiki_tags_table', lazy='dynamic'))
def __unicode__(self):
return self.item
class WikiAdmin(sqla.ModelView):
column_exclude_list = ['path']
column_hide_backrefs = False
form_overrides = {
'path': form.FileUploadField
form_args = {
'path': {
'label': 'File',
'base_path': file_path
column_searchable_list = ('title', 'description', 'path')
def __init__(self, session):
super(WikiAdmin, self).__init__(Wiki, session)
class Tag(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.Unicode(64))
def __unicode__(self):
I have been referencing these documents (mostly trying variations of backref) but haven't figured it out yet:
Upvotes: 10
Views: 4046
Reputation: 5568
Try something like what I've done, with a special column formatter for the many-to-many fields. This works for me.
def many_to_many_formatter(view, context, model, name: str) -> str:
"""This function formats the many-to-many fields for display in the list view"""
rel_field, col_name = name.split(".")
list_of_tags: list = getattr(model, rel_field)
list_of_results: list = [str(getattr(tag, col_name)) for tag in list_of_tags]
new_str: str = ", ".join(list_of_results)
except Exception:
current_app.logger.exception("Error trying to format many-to-many relationship field in list view!")
new_str = ""
return new_str
class SpecialView(ModelView):
"""Flask-Admin view"""
column_list = (
# many-to-many field
column_formatters = {
"parts_rel.part_num": many_to_many_formatter,
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 430
I needed to achieve identical thing just now, what worked for me is just adding column_list field in ViewModel class, so in this case, that would be
class WikiAdmin(sqla.ModelView):
column_list = ('title', 'description', 'dataadded', 'tags')
This is old question, but this is first thread (and, arguably, the only relevant) I stumbled upon while trying to figure out for myself how to do it, so maybe this answer will save someone's time
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 453
Not sure if this will help as I'm learning myself. But I had a similar issue where I wanted to display a column from a 'foreignkey table' and did it like this:
from app import db
class Member(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'members'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True)
phone = db.Column(db.String(10), index=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), index=True, unique=True)
grade = db.relationship('Grade', backref='member')
attendance = db.relationship('Attendance', backref='member')
def __repr__(self):
return '<User %r>' %
class Grade(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'grades'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
member_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
grade = db.Column(db.String(10))
grade_date = db.Column(db.Date)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Grading %r>' %
def __str__(self):
return self.grade
def __unicode__(self):
return self.grade
class Attendance(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'attendance'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
id_member = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
attend_date = db.Column(db.Date)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Attenance %r>' %
from app.models import Member, Grade, Attendance
from app import app, admin, db
from flask_admin import BaseView, expose
from flask_admin.contrib.fileadmin import FileAdmin
from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
import os.path as op
class AdminView(ModelView):
column_display_pk = True # optional, but I like to see the IDs in the list
column_hide_backrefs = False
# column_list = ('id', 'name', 'parent')
create_modal = True
edit_modal = True
class MemberAdmin(ModelView):
column_display_pk = True # optional, but I like to see the IDs in the list
column_hide_backrefs = False
can_view_details = True
create_modal = True
edit_modal = True
form_columns = ['name', 'phone', 'email', 'grade', 'attendance']
column_details_list = ['name', 'phone', 'email', 'grade', 'attendance']
column_searchable_list = ['name', 'email']
column_list = ('id', 'name', 'phone','email','grade')
class GradeAdmin(ModelView):
column_display_pk = True # optional, but I like to see the IDs in the list
column_hide_backrefs = False
column_list = ('id', 'member', 'grade', 'grade_date')
form_choices = {'grade': [('Beginner', 'Beginner'), ('Yellow', 'Yellow'), ('Orange', 'Orange'),
('Green 1', 'Green 1'), ('Green 2', 'Green 2'), ('Blue 1', 'Blue 1'),
('Blue 2', 'Blue 2'), ('Purple 1', 'Purple 1'), ('Purple 2', 'Purple 2'),
('Brown 1', 'Brown 1'), ('Brown 2', 'Brown 2'), ('Red 1', 'Red 1')]}
admin.add_view(MemberAdmin(Member, db.session, endpoint='member', category='Admin'))
admin.add_view(GradeAdmin(Grade, db.session, endpoint='grades', category='Admin'))
admin.add_view(ModelView(Attendance, db.session, endpoint='attendance', category='Admin'))
As I don't really know what I'm doing (yet) I think the bit that let me see the columns for my Member model with the extra column added which came from the Grade model was these lines in class MemberAdmin(ModelView):
column_hide_backrefs = False
can_view_details = True
form_columns = ['name', 'phone', 'email', 'grade', 'attendance']
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5874
The relationship attribute loads the related table as a list of objects, so you should be able to print all wiki items and all associated tags like this in a view:
for wiki_item in Wiki.query.all():
print wiki_item.title
for tag in wiki_item.tags:
What happens if you try that?
Upvotes: 0