Reputation: 192467
I'm using GNU Emacs on Win32.
I want to be able to run jslint as a compilation on .js files, and then step through the errors that jslint reports.
I have jslint, the WScript version.
Upvotes: 11
Views: 2323
Reputation: 192467
EDIT - There's now a simplified module that does this for you.
This .el package:
Easy peasy. Still Windows only though.
I kept all the old parts of this answer for reasons of historical interest, but you don't need to read any further.
Note - Below I describe how to modify jslint.js for use within emacs.
If you don't want to do it yourself, the already-modified code required is available.
That link has an additional piece, flymake-for-jslint-for-wsh.el, that allows you to use jslint with flymake, on Windows.
To use jslint within emacs,
Download jslint.js, the WScript version.
Edit the jslint.js file. Scroll to the bottom and find this:
Replace that (and everything that follows) with this:
var filename = "stdin";
var content= "";
if (WScript.Arguments.length > 0){
filename = WScript.Arguments(0);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
//var file = fso.GetFile(filename);
var fs = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 1);
content = fs.ReadAll();
fso = null;
fs = null;
} else {
content = WScript.StdIn.ReadAll();
for (var i=0; i<JSLINT.errors.length; i++) {
// sample error msg:
// sprintf.js(53,42) JSLINT: Use the array literal notation [].
var e=JSLINT.errors[i];
if (e !== null){
var line = (typeof e.line == "undefined")?'0':e.line;
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(filename + '(' +line+','+e.character+') JSLINT: '+e.reason);
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(' ' + (e.evidence||'').replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/,"$1"));
This change does two things:
The first change allows you to invoke jslint.js from within emacs with M-x compile
. The second allows you to interpet error messages with M-x next-error
Save that file to jslint-for-wsh.js
Then, in your init.el, or emacs.el, add to your compilation-error-regexp-alist
, this regexp:
("^[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z.0-9_: \\-]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)[,]\\( *[0-9]+\\))\\( Microsoft JScript runtime error\\| JSLINT\\): \\(.+\\)$" 1 2 3)
In your javascript mode hook, set the compile command:
(setq compile-command
(let ((file (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
(concat "%windir%\\system32\\cscript.exe \\LOCATION\\OF\\jslint-for-wsh.js " file)))
That's it.
When you then open a .js file, and run M-x compile
, you will run jslint.js on the existing buffer. You'll get a list of errors, and M-x next-error
works as you expect.
You can also run jslint as the flymake syntax checker tool, on Linux or Windows. See for details.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 531
If you use JSHint installed with Node.js, you can, for example, run
M-x compile jshint --reporter unix --verbose *.js
Or, add to your .emacs file:
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook
(lambda() (setq compile-command
(concat "jshint --reporter unix --verbose "
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7695
JSLint does not support WSH anymore. I just added instructions to EmacsWiki for setting up JSLint with Node.js on Windows.
Possibly a better alternative to flymake is Flycheck, for which I also provided instructions on EmacsWiki concerning how to set it up with JSLint.
Install Node.js.
Install the jslint package for Node.js:
C:\>npm -g install jslint
On Windows there is an issue with calling jslint from EMACS 23. Thus, create a
wrapper ~/.emacs.d/jslint.bat
(jslint needs to be part of the file name!):
node "%APPDATA%"\npm\node_modules\jslint\bin\jslint.js >"%TEMP%"\jslint.out 2>&1 %*
TYPE "%TEMP%"\jslint.out
Test JSLint from Emacs’ built in shell EShell:
$ ~/.emacs.d/jslint.bat
No files specified.
Install flymake-jslint and its dependency flymake-easy.
Add to ~/.emacs
(require 'flymake-jslint)
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'flymake-jslint-load)
Customize flymake-jslint-command
: ~/.emacs.d/jslint.bat
Optionally customize other flymake-jslint options.
Restart Emacs to make sure that everything loads fine.
Test by opening a flawed JavaScript file.
Customize flymake-log-level
and inspect the *Messages*
Check flymake-jslint-args
Make sure that the command configured in flymake-jslint-command
runs in EShell.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9100
Some notes on my setup using Perl, jslint, cygwin, EmacsW32. What a mess!
Upvotes: 0