Reputation: 13705
I am working on a community detection algorithm for analyzing social network data from Facebook. The first task, detecting all cliques in the graph, can be done efficiently in parallel, and leaves me with an output like this:
17118 17136 17392
17064 17093 17376
17118 17136 17356 17318 12345
17118 17136 17356 17283
17007 17059 17116
Each of these lines represents a unique clique (a collection of node ids), and I want to sort these lines in descending order by the number of ids per line. In the case of the example above, here's what the output should look like:
17118 17136 17356 17318 12345
17118 17136 17356 17283
17118 17136 17392
17064 17093 17376
17007 17059 17116
(Ties---i.e., lines with the same number of ids---can be sorted arbitrarily.)
What is the most efficient way of sorting these lines.
Keep the following points in mind:
UPDATE 2: Best solution
Based on benchmarking the solutions proposed (see below), here is the best solution (taken from Vlad who in turn adapted it from other solutions proposed here). It's quite clever and does not even use sort
for FILE in infile.* ; do
awk '{ print >sprintf("tmpfile.%05d.%s", NF, FILE) }' \
FILE=`basename $FILE` $FILE&
ls -1r tmpfile.* | xargs cat >outfile
rm -f tmpfile.*
UPDATE 1: Benchmarking results of proposed solutions
For benchmarking I took the Cliques found in an Oklahoma State Facebook network. The unsorted files that contain these cliques look just like the first example I show above, contain 46,362,546 lines, which brings the filesize up to 6.4 GB. The cliques are almost evenly spread over 8 files. The system I am testing this on contains 4 physical processors, each with 6 cores and a 12MB L2 cache, for a total of 24 cores. It also contains 128 GB physical memory. Because the lines to be sorted were split into 8 files, most of these solutions used 8 (or 16) concurrent processes.
Ignoring the first naive approach, I benchmarked the last 5 suggestions of Vlad Romascanu (the solution which I have selected).
The first solution was not too efficient:
real 6m35.973s
user 26m49.810s
sys 2m14.080s
I tried using solutions 2, 3, and 4, which use FIFO files, but they each only used one sort process and were thus taking a long time (and so I killed these before they could finish)/
The last solution was the quickest:
real 1m3.272s
user 1m21.540s
sys 1m22.550s
Note that the user time of this solution is 1m21s, much better than the first solutions 26 minutes.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 1707
Reputation: 770
For reference, I need to add that as of version 8.6 (2010), GNU coreutils (including sort) supports multi-threaded sorting. By default, I think, (since v8.6) it will use the number of cores as number of threads, but you can specify a different number with
sort <file> --parallel=<N>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 66711
A naive approach could be simply:
awk '{ print NF " " $0 }' infile| sort -k1,1nr |
awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }' >outfile
This will keep up to 3 CPUs busy. sort
is not limited by the amount of physical memory available, use the -S
and -T
switches to configure how much memory to use (-S
) before resorting to temporary files in a temp directory (-T
) on a big enough (and ideally fast) partition.
If you can produce several input files by subdividing the work leading up to the sort phase, you would then be able to do:
for FILE in infile.* ; do
awk '{ print NF " " $0 }' $FILE | sort -k1,1nr >$FILE.tmp&
sort -k1,1nr -m infile.*.tmp | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }' >outfile
rm -f infile.*.tmp
This will use up to N*2
CPUs; moreover, the last sort (merge-sort) is highly efficient.
Refining further to improve parallelism to N*2+1
by using FIFOs instead of intermediate files, again assuming multiple input files are possible:
for FILE in infile.* ; do
mkfifo $FILE.fifo
awk '{ print NF " " $0 }' $FILE | sort -k1,1nr >$FILE.fifo&
sort -k1,1nr -m infile.*.fifo | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }' >outfile
rm -f infile.*.fifo
If multiple input files are not possible, you can simulate them (adding I/O overhead which will hopefully be amortized by the number of processes available):
PARALLELISM=5 # I want 5 parallel instances
for N in `seq $PARALLELISM` ; do
mkfifo infile.$N.fifo
awk 'NR % '$PARALLELISM'=='$N' { print NF " " $0 }' infile |
sort -k1,1nr >infile.$N.fifo&
sort -k1,1nr -m infile.*.fifo | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }' >outfile
rm -f infile.*.fifo
Because we use modulo-line-number we have good locality and the filesystem cache should ideally bring the cost of reading the input file over and over in $PARALLELISM
processes closer to zero.
Even better, reading the input file only once and round-robin-ing input lines into several sort
PARALLELISM=5 # I want 5 parallel instances
for N in `seq $PARALLELISM` ; do
mkfifo infile.$N.fifo1
mkfifo infile.$N.fifo2
sort -k1,1nr infile.$N.fifo1 >infile.$N.fifo2&
awk '{ print NF " " $0 >("infile." NR % '$PARALLELISM' ".fifo1") }' infile&
sort -k1,1nr -m infile.*.fifo2 | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }' >outfile
rm -f infile.$N.fifo[12]
You should measure performance for various values of $PARALLELISM
then pick the optimal one.
As shown in other posts, you can of course use cut
instead of the final awk
(i.e. which strips the first column) for potentially better efficiency. :)
Updated all scripts for the filename convention you provided, and fixed a bug in the last version.
Also, using the new filename convention, if I/O is not the bottleneck then a very slight variation on dave
's solutions should probably be even more efficient:
for FILE in infile.* ; do
awk '{ print >sprintf("tmpfile.%05d.%s", NF, FILE) }' \
FILE=`basename $FILE` $FILE&
ls -1r tmpfile.* | xargs cat >outfile
rm -f tmpfile.*
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 3609
Not sure I understood the question correctly, but I think a quicksort-like approach might help:
10 split the file into N subfiles, one for each core/cpu
20 sort each partial file using the solutions suggested in some of the answers here
30 once every file is split and sorted, get the first line from each file and put it into a temporary file
40 get the second line from each file, put them in a second temporary file
50 repeat until you have number of temp files == number of cores
60 GOTO 20
Depending on the number of passes, you should approach a perfectly sorted file.
Note that this is not a perfect solution. However, even in a couple of passes it should give you a reasonably well-sorted list of the longest lines in the first temporary file (I am assuming a Gaussian distribution of the length of the lines in the original long file).
ps: if the partial files are still bigger than the available memory split them again until they fit (depending on the sorting algorithm you're using for each file, tho). But in this case you'll need to double the number of passes to get a reasonable approximation
ps2: I also assume you're not interested in a perfectly sorted file but more in the statistical significance of the data (i.e. how long are long lines on average, etc).
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3308
Since you don't really need to sort, just copy into buckets, you could split in files by number of tokens, this will be the fastest:
perl -ne 'split/\s+/;$t=$#_+1;open $f[$t], sprintf(">%09d",$t) if $f[$t] eq "";$f=$f[$t];print $f $_;'
cat `ls -1r 0*`
btw,the disk will be the bottleneck, # of cores and usage would not really matter.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 28695
awk '{print length,$0}' test.txt | sort -nr | cut -d" " -f2-
Not sure how well that will perform although sort can work around memory limits, AFAIK.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 24052
I wonder how quick this would be:
rm -rf /tmp/fb
mkdir /tmp/fb
cd /tmp/fb
awk '{ print $0 > NF }'
ls | sort -nr | xargs cat
Doesn't take advantage of a lot of cores, though.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 28228
To create something efficient I would have done something like the following, a two pass parsing of the file:
In first pass read line by line, recording three things: line number, file offset and number of words. This could be paralellized without too much difficulty (for the jobs that starts at "random" lines within the file just add the corresponding start number afterwords).
Now sort the list of the three recorded things by number of words per line. Then iterate the list, seeking to the corresponding start offset.
From a performance point of view, all the seeking might be slow, but it should be relative light on memory consumption, only requiering 3 ints for each line.
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