Reputation: 2114
I'm trying to parse a json but I have some difficulties with the data types and notably the AnyObject type + downcasting.
Let's consider the following json (it's an extract of a full json).
{ "weather":
"description":"overcast clouds",
To me, the json can be described as follow :
- json: Dictionary of type [String: AnyObject] (or NSDictionary, so = [NSObject, AnyObject] in Xcode 6 b3)
- "weather": Array of type [AnyObject] (or NSArray)
- Dictionary of type [String: AnyObject] (or NSDictionary, so = [NSObject, AnyObject] in Xcode 6 b3)
My json is of type AnyObject! (I use JSONObjectWithData
to get the JSON from a URL).
I then want to access the weather Dictionary. Here is the code I wrote.
var localError: NSError?
var json: AnyObject! = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: &localError)
if let dict = json as? [String: AnyObject] {
if let weatherDictionary = dict["weather"] as? [AnyObject] {
// Do stuff with the weatherDictionary
Here is the error I got
Playground execution failed: error: <EXPR>:28:56: error: '[AnyObject]' is not a subtype of '(String, AnyObject)'
if let weatherDictionary = dict["weather"] as? [AnyObject] {
I don't understand why dict["weather"] is compared to a subtype of (String, AnyObject) and not AnyObject.
I declared my dictionary as [String: AnyObject], so I i access a value using the String key, I should have an AnyObject, no ?
If I use NSDictionary instead of [String: AnyObject], it works.
If I use NSArray instead of [AnyObject], it works.
- The Xcode 6 beta 3 release notes tell that "NSDictionary* is now imported from Objective-C APIs as [NSObject : AnyObject].".
- And the Swift book: "When you bridge from an NSArray object to a Swift array, the resulting array is of type [AnyObject]."
I forgot to force unwrapping the dict["weather"]!.
if let dict = json as? [String: AnyObject] {
if let weatherDictionary = dict["weather"]! as? [AnyObject] {
println("\nWeather dictionary:\n\n\(weatherDictionary)")
if let descriptionString = weatherDictionary[0]["description"]! as? String {
println("\nDescription of the weather is: \(descriptionString)")
Note that we should double check for the existence of the first Optional.
if let dict = json as? [String: AnyObject] {
for key in ["weather", "traffic"] {
if let dictValue = dict[key] {
if let subArray = dictValue as? [AnyObject] {
} else {
println("Key '\(key)' not found")
Upvotes: 43
Views: 55164
Reputation: 33979
This works fine for me in the playground and in the terminal using env xcrun swift
Here is a Swift 4 example using the Codable protocol.
var jsonStr = "{\"weather\":[{\"id\":804,\"main\":\"Clouds\",\"description\":\"overcast clouds\",\"icon\":\"04d\"}],}"
struct Weather: Codable {
let id: Int
let main: String
let description: String
let icon: String
struct Result: Codable {
let weather: [Weather]
do {
let weather = try JSONDecoder().decode(Result.self, from: .utf8)!)
catch {
I have updated the code for Swift 3 and also showed how to wrap the parsed JSON into objects. Thanks for all the up votes!
import Foundation
struct Weather {
let id: Int
let main: String
let description: String
let icon: String
extension Weather {
init?(json: [String: Any]) {
let id = json["id"] as? Int,
let main = json["main"] as? String,
let description = json["description"] as? String,
let icon = json["icon"] as? String
else { return nil } = id
self.main = main
self.description = description
self.icon = icon
var jsonStr = "{\"weather\":[{\"id\":804,\"main\":\"Clouds\",\"description\":\"overcast clouds\",\"icon\":\"04d\"}],}"
enum JSONParseError: Error {
case notADictionary
case missingWeatherObjects
var data = String.Encoding.ascii, allowLossyConversion: false)
do {
var json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: [])
guard let dict = json as? [String: Any] else { throw JSONParseError.notADictionary }
guard let weatherJSON = dict["weather"] as? [[String: Any]] else { throw JSONParseError.missingWeatherObjects }
let weather = weatherJSON.flatMap(Weather.init)
catch {
-- Previous Answer --
import Foundation
var jsonStr = "{\"weather\":[{\"id\":804,\"main\":\"Clouds\",\"description\":\"overcast clouds\",\"icon\":\"04d\"}],}"
var data = jsonStr.dataUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)
var localError: NSError?
var json: AnyObject! = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: &localError)
if let dict = json as? [String: AnyObject] {
if let weather = dict["weather"] as? [AnyObject] {
for dict2 in weather {
let id = dict2["id"]
let main = dict2["main"]
let description = dict2["description"]
Since I'm still getting up-votes for this answer, I figured I would revisit it for Swift 2.0:
import Foundation
var jsonStr = "{\"weather\":[{\"id\":804,\"main\":\"Clouds\",\"description\":\"overcast clouds\",\"icon\":\"04d\"}],}"
var data = jsonStr.dataUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)
do {
var json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers)
if let dict = json as? [String: AnyObject] {
if let weather = dict["weather"] as? [AnyObject] {
for dict2 in weather {
let id = dict2["id"] as? Int
let main = dict2["main"] as? String
let description = dict2["description"] as? String
catch {
The biggest difference is that the variable json
is no longer an optional type and the do/try/catch syntax. I also went ahead and typed id
, main
, and description
Upvotes: 38
Reputation: 1860
Using my library ( you can do this with your json variable of type AnyObject:
var weathers = [Weather]() // If deserialization fails, JSONHelper just keeps the old value in a non-optional variable. This lets you assign default values like this.
if let jsonDictionary = json as? JSONDictionary { // JSONDictionary is an alias for [String: AnyObject]
weathers <-- jsonDictionary["weather"]
Had your array not been under the key "weather", your code would have been just this:
var weathers = [Weather]()
weathers <-- json
Or if you have a json string in your hands you can just pass it as well, instead of creating a JSON dictionary from the string first. The only setup you need to do is writing a Weather class or struct:
struct Weather: Deserializable {
var id: String?
var name: String?
var description: String?
var icon: String?
init(data: [String: AnyObject]) {
id <-- data["id"]
name <-- data["name"]
description <-- data["description"]
icon <-- data["icon"]
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1637
With it you can go like this:
let obj:[String:AnyObject] = [
"array": [JSON.null, false, 0, "", [], [:]],
"null": JSON.null,
"bool": true,
"int": 42,
"double": 3.141592653589793,
"string": "a α\t弾\n𪚲",
"array": [],
"object": [:]
let json = JSON(obj)
json["object"]["null"].asNull // NSNull()
json["object"]["bool"].asBool // true
json["object"]["int"].asInt // 42
json["object"]["double"].asDouble // 3.141592653589793
json["object"]["string"].asString // "a α\t弾\n𪚲"
json["array"][0].asNull // NSNull()
json["array"][1].asBool // false
json["array"][2].asInt // 0
json["array"][3].asString // ""
Upvotes: 6