
Reputation: 640

Haskell List Comprehension Speed Inconsistencies

I'm trying to optimize the execution speed of my program, and I ran into some interesting results that I'm hoping someone can answer. It seems that making small changes in one of my list comprehensions drastically changes the execution speed, but I don't know why.

Here's my program as it is right now.

import Data.Ord
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
import Data.Ix
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List (minimumBy, foldl')

arrayMatrix lists = let rlen = length lists
                        clen = length $ head lists
                        r    = ((1,1), (rlen, clen))
                    in array r . zip (range r) $ concat lists

a_star start goal h m = search S.empty (S.singleton start) 
                        (M.singleton start (m ! start)) 
                        $ M.singleton start (m ! start + h ! start)
    where neighbors (r,c) = filter (inRange $ bounds m) [ (r-1,c), (r,c+1), (r+1,c) , (r,c-1)]
          search closed open gs fs
              | S.null open     = 0
              | current == goal = gs M.! goal
              | otherwise       = let open'   = S.delete current open
                                      closed' = S.insert current closed
                                      neighbs = [(n, ts) | n <- neighbors current, S.notMember n closed
                                                , let ts = gs M.! current + m ! n ]
                                      actionable = filter (\(n,ts) -> S.notMember n open' || ts < (gs M.! n)) neighbs
                                      (op',gs',fs') = foldl' (\(o,ng,nf) (n,ts) -> (S.insert n o, M.insert n ts ng, M.insert n (ts + h ! n) nf)) (open',gs,fs) actionable
                                  in search closed' op' gs' fs'
              where current = minimumBy (comparing (fs M.!)) $ S.toList open

main = do
  matrix <- liftM (arrayMatrix . map (read . ('[':) . (++"]")) . lines) 
            $ readFile "matrix.txt"
  let bds       = bounds matrix
      ulim      = snd bds
      heuristic = let m   = minimum $ elems matrix
                    in listArray bds . map (\(r,c) -> (uncurry (+) ulim)-r-c) $ range bds
  print $ a_star (1,1) ulim heuristic matrix

Right now the program runs on my computer ~350ms (compiled with GHC 7.8.2 -O2) with the matrix.txt supplied by Project Euler.

If I change neighbs from

neighbs = [(n, ts) | n <- neighbors current, S.notMember n closed
          , let ts = gs M.! current + m ! n ]


neighbs = [(n, gs M.! current + m ! n) | n <- neighbors current, S.notMember n closed]

the execution time increases to over 1sec.
Other minor changes like moving the filter on the next line into the list comprehension yields the same result: ~1sec.
Can anyone explain why this happens?

EDIT: It seems this doesn't happen on earlier versions of GHC. I tried GHC 7.6.3 and each of these performed about the same.

I've included the dumps from running ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all as suggested by cdk. I don't really know what I'm looking at, so if anyone is able to interpret, that would be a big help, thanks.

Link to both dumps

EDIT2 (Response to Priyatham): I don't think that's the case. I changed

neighbs = [(n, ts) | n <- neighbors current, S.notMember n closed
          , let ts = gs M.! current + m ! n ]
actionable = filter ((n,ts) -> S.notMember n open' || ts < (gs M.! n)) neighbs


neighbs = [(n, gs M.! current + m ! n) | n <- neighbors current, S.notMember n closed ]
actionable = filter ((n,!ts) -> S.notMember n open' || ts < (gs M.! n)) neighbs

using BangPatterns, and that still runs at a little over a second. In fact, modifying neigbs from

neighbs = [(n, ts) | n <- neighbors current, S.notMember n closed
          , let ts = gs M.! current + m ! n ]


neighbs = [(n, ts) | n <- neighbors current, S.notMember n closed
          , let !ts = gs M.! current + m ! n ]  -- Added bang before ts

increases the runtime to over 1sec as well.

Upvotes: 16

Views: 599

Answers (2)


Reputation: 470

Here's one guess about what happened with let ts = vs. let !ts =. I got it from looking at the output of -ddump-stranal (which dumps strictness analysis annotations), and reading Demand analyser in GHC.

The difference between let !ts = and let ts = is that if ts is bottom (i.e., undefined), then n will not be evaluated at all because ts will be evaluated first and the evaluation will stop. It appears that the difference between two programs is that the pair of integers n is strict and unboxed in one version, but not in the other (see the output of -ddump-stranal and -ddump-simpl; the link above describes the output).

How can !ts or not !ts affect strictness of n? I think that if ts is bottom then the program must fail before evaluating n or any of its elements (I am not sure if it's n :: (Int, Int) itself or its elements). So ghc seems to do the right thing to keep n non-strict when ts is required to be strict, because evaluating n first and possibly failing in a different place might be a mistake.

Next, how do you force !ts to have no impact on n? Note that ts cannot be bottom without n being bottom if either gs, current, or m are known to not be bottom (these are all the elements of the expression except for n) and have already been evaluated (I think M.! and ! might never be bottom without evaluating their arguments first). So we need to impose the condition "ts is bottom implies n is bottom and has already been evaluated", so that ghc knows that it is safe to evaluate n first.

My solution: add bang patterns to current, gs and m. With my ghc 7.8.2, this seems to solve the problem. It also appears that only current needs to be forced.

I'm not too sure about the original question about moving the expression of ts into the tuple, but the same solution seems to work.

P.S. Note that

filter (\x -> x > 5) [x | x <- [1..10]] == [x | x <- [1..10], x > 5]

so in your lists neighbs and actionable it would be cleaner to bring the filter predicate into the list comprehension itself like so:

[(n, ts)
| n <- neighbors current
, S.notMember n closed
, let ts = gs M.! current + m ! n
, S.notMember n open' || ts < (gs M.! n)

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 2897

This is not a complete answer as I lack information on how let and list comprehensions are internally implemented.

Each item in neighbs is a tuple and in WHNF, the sum is not evaluated strictly. This leaves unevaluated thunks which could be increasing the runtime.

I suggest re-writing the second definition using seq without using let, if possible to see if runtime falls(in which case this answer is likely to be correct).

Read this to understand what WHNF is.

Upvotes: -2

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