Reputation: 331
I am using batch file to trigger test methods execution, I have created a loop in batch file for continuous execution of test methods. I want to stop this continuous execution at specific time everyday (like 5AM in the morning), Please do suggest the command to stop/quit the batch file execution.
Please view my batch file details below, my batch file fails to quit @5AM, Please guide to correct my batch file condition
ECHO set timehour=%time:~0,2%
if %timehour% gtr 5 (echo Execution completed quit)
@REM command to execute my test methods
timeout 900
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Views: 5737
Reputation: 70923
i'm not sure what your time format is, so i included a previous subroutine to do 24h formatting. This code will stop the processing if the batch file was running and the time limit is reached. If it is restarted, it will run until the time limit is reached again.
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
set "oldRun="
set "timeLimit=05:00:00,00"
:: Test if the time limit has been reached
:: Only stop the process if
:: - it was still running
:: - and the time limit is reached
call :getTime24h now
if defined oldRun if "%oldRun%" leq "%timeLimit%" if "%now%" geq "%timeLimit%" (
goto :endTests
set "oldRun=%now%"
:: whatever goes here
echo running at %now%
:: here we go again
goto :start
:: Cleanup what needs to be cleaned and exit
:: ...
exit /b
:: Subroutine to get a 24h format time
:getTime24h returnVariable
setlocal enableextensions
set "ts=%time%"
if "%ts:pm=%"=="%ts%" ( set "adjust=0" ) else ( set "adjust=12" )
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:-.,apm " %%a in ("%ts%") do ( set /a "h=100%%a+adjust", "m=100%%b", "s=100%%c", "c=100%%d" )
endlocal & set "%~1=%h:~-2%:%m:~-2%:%s:~-2%,%c:~-2%" & exit /b
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 9806
Try this:
@echo off
rem -----------------------------
set hourtostopthecode=5
rem -----------------------------
set timehour=%time:~0,2%
if %timehour% equ %hourtostopthecode% goto quitcode
rem command to execute my test method
timeout 900
echo Execution completed quit
timeout 1>nul
The code will run your command to execute my test method
and wait 900 seconds in a loop until the hour is 5
. Also you should put a @echo off
at the top of your code as it stop the batch file from displaying the pull path's. I have also changed your command to execute my test method
to rem command to execute my test method
because cmd will ignore any code line that starts with rem
so it wont crash your batch file.
Upvotes: 0