Reputation: 1321
I apologise in advance if this has already been asked. I have a language, defined by a grammar, and I'd to know how people go about implementing Intellisense for their custom grammars. This seems mechanical to me; the user types something that is then fed to the generated parser and it offers keyword suggestions. I guess parsing will need to be modified so that it is incremental instead of being one-off, i.e., the generated parser.
I'm new to this area so any tips are welcome.
I'm intending to use but anything will do.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 941
Reputation: 610
I think it will depend on what your parser returns. For example the pegged library in the D programming language. It's usage looks like:
module language;
import pegged.grammar;
enum Language = `
Content < Sentence+
Sentence < LetStmt "."
LetStmt < Let Var Be A Vocab
Vocab < FormWord / Word
FormWord <- HyphenForm "-" Word / Word "-" HyphenForm
HyphenForm < ("(" Form ")" / Var / ZZ)
Word <- LatinWord
LatinWord <~ LatinAlpha+
Var <- identifier
LatinAlpha <- [a-zA-Z]
ZZ <~ [0-9]+
Form <~ .+
Let <- "Let" / "let"
Be <- "be"
A <- "An" / "an" / "A" / "a"
import std.stdio;
import language;
void main()
while (true) {
auto text = readln();
auto parseTree = Math(text);
Let G be a group
Math (failure)
+-Math.Content (failure)
+-Math.Sentence (failure)
+-Math.LetStmt[0, 17]["Let", "G", "be", "a", "group"]
| +-Math.Let[0, 4]["Let"]
| +-Math.Var[4, 6]["G"]
| +-Math.Be[6, 9]["be"]
| +-Math.A[9, 11]["a"]
| +-Math.Vocab[11, 17]["group"]
| +-Math.Word[11, 17]["group"]
| +-Math.LatinWord[11, 16]["group"]
+-literal!(".") Failure at line 1, col 0, after "e a group\n" expected "\".\"", but got ""
Let G be a group.
Math[0, 18]["Let", "G", "be", "a", "group", "."]
+-Math.Content[0, 18]["Let", "G", "be", "a", "group", "."]
+-Math.Sentence[0, 18]["Let", "G", "be", "a", "group", "."]
+-Math.LetStmt[0, 16]["Let", "G", "be", "a", "group"]
+-Math.Let[0, 4]["Let"]
+-Math.Var[4, 6]["G"]
+-Math.Be[6, 9]["be"]
+-Math.A[9, 11]["a"]
+-Math.Vocab[11, 16]["group"]
+-Math.Word[11, 16]["group"]
+-Math.LatinWord[11, 16]["group"]
As you can see, the first time I entered "Let G be a group", I forgot the period at the end of the sentence. This resulted in a parse failure. At least printing the parseTree will show this, perhaps traversing the parseTree will also let you see the failure.
When there is a failure it shows "what's expected". Isn't this what's expected the part you would show in an intellisense drop-down?
I'm not sure myself. This post is just a thought about the problem.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8345
There is a codemirror grammar add-on i have written for some projects which required syntax-highlight for various custom languages.
One defines a grammar in JSON format for any language (or variation since json grammars can extend other json grammars) and the add-on creates automaticaly a codemirror parser which can include syntax parts and syntax-errors, autocompletion and more
NOTE: The json grammar format used in the add-on is similar in many ways to a PEG grammar formalism (maybe with more options). but used mainly for generating syntax-highlight parsers. The project is evolving and more options will probably be added in the future.
Upvotes: 1