Reputation: 91
This is not a question, so much as a solution, but I wanted to share it here as I had gotten help for things I needed here.
I wanted to find a specific Excel sheet, in the Active Workbook, searching by the name of the sheet. I built this to find it. It is a "contains" search, and will automatically go to the sheet if it is found, or ask the user if there are multiple matches:
To end at any time, just enter a blank in the input box.
Public Sub Find_Tab_Search() Dim sSearch As String sSearch = "" sSearch = InputBox("Enter Search", "Find Tab") If Trim(sSearch) = "" Then Exit Sub 'MsgBox (sSearch) Dim sSheets() As String Dim sMatchMessage As String Dim iWorksheets As Integer Dim iCounter As Integer Dim iMatches As Integer Dim iMatch As Integer Dim sGet As String Dim sPrompt As String iMatch = -1 iMatches = 0 sMatchMessage = "" iWorksheets = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count ReDim sSheets(iWorksheets) 'Put list of names in array For iCounter = 1 To iWorksheets sSheets(iCounter) = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(iCounter).Name If InStr(1, sSheets(iCounter), sSearch, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then iMatches = iMatches + 1 If iMatch = -1 Then iMatch = iCounter sMatchMessage = sMatchMessage + CStr(iCounter) + ": " + sSheets(iCounter) + vbCrLf End If Next iCounter Select Case iMatches Case 0 'No Matches MsgBox "No Match Found for " + sSearch Case 1 '1 match activate the sheet Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(iMatch).Activate Case Else 'More than 1 match. Ask them which sheet to go to sGet = -1 sPrompt = "More than one match found. Please enter number from following list" sPrompt = sPrompt + "to display the sheet" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + sMatchMessage sPrompt = sPrompt + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Enter blank to cancel" sGet = InputBox(sPrompt, "Please select one") If Trim(sGet) = "" Then Exit Sub sPrompt = "Value must be a number" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + sPrompt Do While IsNumeric(sGet) = False sGet = InputBox(sPrompt, "Please select one") If Trim(sGet) = "" Then Exit Sub Loop iMatch = CInt(sGet) Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(iMatch).Activate End Select End Sub
I hope someone finds this useful, and would also welcome enhancement suggestions.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 1285
Reputation: 55702
For fun tried to do this in as few lines as possible with loops
Uses a range name, xlm, and VBS under utilised Filter
to provide the same multi-sheet search functionality as above.
The bulk of the code relates to the sheet selection portion
Sub GetNAmes()
Dim strIn As String
Dim X
strIn = Application.InputBox("Search string", "Enter string to find", ActiveSheet.Name, , , , , 2)
If strIn = "False" Then Exit Sub
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add "shtNames", "=RIGHT(GET.WORKBOOK(1),LEN(GET.WORKBOOK(1))-FIND(""]"",GET.WORKBOOK(1)))"
X = Filter([index(shtNames,)], strIn, True, 1)
Select Case UBound(X)
Case Is > 0
strIn = Application.InputBox(Join(X, Chr(10)), "Multiple matches found - type position to select", , , , , 1)
If strIn = "False" Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Case 0
Case Else
MsgBox "No match"
End Select
End Sub
Upvotes: 3