Reputation: 396
I've tried to build reading RGB pixel data in Swift. Getting the basic Image Information is no problem, but I think I've got something wrong with the pointer and the byte-offset:
let provider:CGDataProviderRef = CGImageGetDataProvider(inImage)
let data:NSData = CGDataProviderCopyData(provider)
let bytes: COpaquePointer = data.bytes // Needs to be changed to ConstUnsafePointer<()> in xCode beta3
let bytePointer = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(bytes)
println("Pixel Data:\n")
var printString:String = ""
for var row:Int = 0; row < Int(height); row++ {
for var col:Int = 0; col < Int(width); col++ {
var pixel:UInt8 = bytePointer[row * Int(bytesPerRow) + col * Int(bytesPerPixel)]
printString += "("
for var x = 0; x < Int(bitsPerPixel); x++ {
printString += pixel[x]
printString += ")"
if col < Int(width) - 1 {
printString += ","
printString += "\n"
(I cast Int to the variables bytesPerRow, etc because they are UInt8)
I got a 4x2px Image wich contains two rows of following pixels: Red, Green, Blue, White. So I expect this output (There is no alpha):
(ff0000), (00ff00), (0000ff), (ffffff)
(ff0000), (00ff00), (0000ff), (ffffff)
I get a error when compiling at printString += pixel[x]
'UInt8' does not have a member named 'subscript'
I thought it could just be appended to a string in swift. I've tried to convert it to a string but this won't work either. So maybe I'm doing something wrong with the pointers.
How do i get a proper output?
@David got me on a right track I think. But after the first 8 Byte weird thing happen. Might this be padding byted @heinrich-giesen suggested?
My raw image data for 3 tests looks like this:
Pic1: 3Byte/Pixel, no Alpha, 4 pixelWidth, 2 pixelHeight, [red, green, blue white; red, green, blue white]
Raw Data: <ff000000 ff000000 ffffffff ff000000 ff000000 ffffffff>
Pic2: 4Byte/Pixel, Alpha, 4 pixelWidth, 2 pixelHeight, [red, green, blue white (alpha); red, green, blue white]
Raw Data: <ff000000 00ff0000 0000ff00 ffffff00 ff0000ff 00ff00ff 0000ffff ffffffff>
If you look at the raw data its pretty clear that I expect a output like:
(ff,00,00), (00,ff,00), (00,00,ff), (ff,ff,ff)
(ff,00,00), (00,ff,00), (00,00,ff), (ff,ff,ff)
(ff,00,00,00), (00,ff,00,00), (00,00,ff,00), (ff,ff,ff,00)
(ff,00,00,ff), (00,ff,00,ff), (00,00,ff,ff), (ff,ff,ff,ff)
But the real output my code generates is this:
((ff, 00, 00, ), (00, 00, ff, ), (00, ff, ff, ), (ff, ff, 00, ))
((ff, 00, 00, ), (00, 00, ff, ), (00, ff, 00, ), (ff, 00, 00, ))
((ff, 00, 00, ff, ), (00, 00, ff, ff, ), (00, ff, ff, 00, ), (ff, ff, 00, 00, ))
((ff, 00, 00, ff, ), (00, 00, ff, 00, ), (00, ff, 00, 00, ), (ff, 00, 00, 00, ))
The code to build the output is this now:
for var row:Int = 0; row < Int(height) ; row++ {
printString += "("
for var col:Int = 0; col < Int(width); col++ {
printString += "("
for var x = 0; x < Int(bytesPerPixel); x++ {
var pixel:UInt8 = bytePointer[row * Int(bytesPerRow) + col * Int(bytesPerPixel) + x * Int(bytesPerPixel)]
printString += NSString(format:"%02x, ", pixel)
printString += ")"
if col < Int(width) - 1 {
printString += ", "
printString += ")\n"
So is there a padding (Like the space in the output of the raw data)? I've tried to skip one and two after the initial 8 but this won't yield less confusing outputs. Something breaks after 8 Bytes. Suggestions?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2204
Reputation: 521
Your code looks a bit strange. Are you sure the line:
for var x = 0; x < Int(bitsPerPixel); x++ {
is correct? Did you really mean bitsPerPixel
and not bytesPerPixel
? (or samplesPerPixel or whatever it is in swift). And are you sure a component (a sample) has 8 bits? And a pixel has no padding bytes?
Another point: what are height
and width
? Are they the components of the size
of an image? that is wrong. You have to use pixelsWide
and pixelsHigh
. The size
of an image says only how great --expressed in inch or centimeter or (1/72)of an inch (called a point)-- an image shall be depicted. That is independent of the number of pixels. But you work on pixels!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 41246
Change bytePointer to UnsafePointer<UInt32>
and update the loop to access the individual bytes of the word using shift (>>) and mask (& 0xff).
var pixel:UInt32 = bytePointer[row * Int(bytesPerRow) + col * Int(bytesPerPixel)]
printString += NSString(withFormat:"(%08x)", pixel)
That'll give you the alpha channel as well, but you get the drift.
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