Reputation: 5502
I have two different views but for both of them there is only one controller as they have several things in common. But when the second view is loaded all the data stored in the scope of the first view is lost. For this problem I found this very nice solution here
This solution looks good only if I have few number of data in scope, which is not the case of mine. I have several data stored in the controller scope. So I wanted to have a way to iterate over the data(only data saved by me not angular's data), but I am not sure how do I iterate over these value. Any thoughts?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 665
Reputation: 18065
i had somewhat similar requirement and i have created a directive for the same purpose
csapp.directive("csDataStore", ["$location", "$sessionStorage", function ($location, $sessionStorage) {
var controllerFunction = ["$scope", function ($scope) {
var enter = function () {
var storedValue = $sessionStorage[$scope.key];
if (angular.isDefined(storedValue)) $scope.value = storedValue;
var exit = function () {
$sessionStorage[$scope.key] = $scope.value;
$scope.$on("$destroy", function () { exit(); });
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: { key: '@', value: '=', onLoad: '&' },
controller: controllerFunction
i use the directive like this
<cs-data-store key="stkh.view" value="filter" on-load="loadData()"></cs-data-store>
so what we have here are 3 parameters: key/value and then what to do on loading that value in the scope... so a callback function on-load, which would be called after the the key has been loaded in the $scope
i used $sessionStorage, to keep values even between page refresh...
Upvotes: 1