Reputation: 11244
I am not sure how to describe this problem, so I'll just show the type signatures.
I have an instance of the following:
val x:Future[F[Future[F[B]]]] = ???
And I want an instance of:
val y:Future[F[B]] = ???
is a Monad, so I have the following methods:
def pure[A](a:A):F[A] = ???
def flatMap[A, B](fa:F[A], f:A => F[B]):F[B] = ???
def map[A, B](fa:F[A], f:A => B):F[B] = flatMap(fa, (a:A) => pure(f(a)))
I think the following should work, but it does not feel right:
x.flatMap { fWithFuture =>
val p = Promise[F[B]]
flatMap(fWithFuture, (futureF: Future[F[B]]) => {
Is there a concept I'm missing?
A bit of background information. I am trying to define a function like this:
def flatMap[A, B](fa:Future[F[A]], f: A => Future[F[B]]):Future[F[B]] = ???
Maybe this is conceptually a weird thing. Any tips on useful abstractions are welcome.
Upvotes: 11
Views: 1869
Reputation: 2144
This may answer the "And I want an instance of:" part.
$ scala
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scala> import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.Future
scala> import
scala> Future(List(Future(1),Future(2),Future(3))) // Future[F[Future[B]]]
res0: scala.concurrent.Future[List[scala.concurrent.Future[Int]]] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@41ab013
scala> // transformed to Future[Future[F[B]]
res1: scala.concurrent.Future[scala.concurrent.Future[List[Int]]] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@26a4842b
scala> res1.flatMap(identity) // reduced to Future[F[B]]
res2: scala.concurrent.Future[List[Int]] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@4152d38d
Hopefully the below flatMap definition should give an idea of transforming the types :) I replaced F with a List type for ease of understanding.
scala> def flatMap[A, B](fa:Future[List[A]], f: A => Future[List[B]]):Future[List[B]] = {
| val x: Future[List[Future[List[B]]]] =
| val y: Future[Future[List[List[B]]]] =
| val z: Future[Future[List[B]]] =
| z.flatMap(identity)
| }
flatMap: [A, B](fa: scala.concurrent.Future[List[A]], f: A => scala.concurrent.Future[List[B]])scala.concurrent.Future[List[B]]
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 139058
As Rex Kerr notes above, you can often use a monad transformer to deal with a situation where you find yourself with alternating layers like this. For example, if F
here is Option
, you could use Scalaz 7.1's OptionT
monad transformer to write your flatMap
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
type F[A] = Option[A]
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Future[F[A]], f: A => Future[F[B]]): Future[F[B]] =
OptionT(fa).flatMap(f andThen OptionT.apply).run
OptionT[Future, A]
here is a kind of wrapper for Future[Option[A]]
. If your F
is List
, just replace OptionT
with ListT
and run
with underlying
(and so on).
The nice thing is that when you're working with OptionT[Future, A]
, for example, you can generally avoid ending up with Future[Option[Future[Option[A]]]]
in the first place—see my answer here for some more detailed discussion.
One drawback is that not all monads have transformers. For example, you can put Future
at the bottom of the stack (as I've done above), but there's not really a useful way to define FutureT
Upvotes: 7