
Reputation: 9009

Examples of histomorphisms in Haskell

I recently read [1] and [2], which speak about histomorphism (and dynamorphisms) which are recursion schemes that can express e.g. dynamic programming. Unfortunately the papers aren't accessible if you don't know category theory, even though there's code in there that looks like Haskell.

Could someone explain histomorphisms with an example that uses real Haskell code?

  1. Histo- and Dynamorphisms Revisited
  2. Recursion Schemes for Dynamic Programming

Upvotes: 26

Views: 2982

Answers (2)


Reputation: 11973

Let's start by defining a data type that we will use as an example:

data Nat = S Nat | Z

This data type encodes the natural numbers in Peano style. This means that we have 0 and a way to produce the successor of any natural number.

We can construct new natural numbers from integers easily:

-- Allow us to construct Nats
mkNat :: Integer -> Nat
mkNat n | n < 0 = error "cannot construct negative natural number"
mkNat 0 = Z
mkNat n = S $ mkNat (n-1)

Now, we'll first define a catamorphism for this type, because a histomorphism is quite similar to it and a catamorphism is easier to understand.

A catamorphism allows to "fold" or "tear down" a structure. It only expects a function that knows how to fold the structure when all recursive terms have been folded already. Let's define such a type, similar to Nat, but with all recursive instances replaced by some value of type a:

data NatF a = SF a | ZF -- Aside: this is just Maybe

Now, we can define the type of our catamorphism for Nat:

cata :: (NatF a -> a)
     -> (Nat -> a)

Given a function that knows how to fold the non-recursive structure NatF a to an a, cata turns that into a function to fold a whole Nat.

The implementation of cata is quite simple: first fold the recursive subterm (if there is any) and the apply our function:

cata f Z = f ZF -- No subterm to fold, base case
cata f (S subterm) = f $ SF $ cata f subterm -- Fold subterm first, recursive case

We can use this catamorphism to convert Nats back to Integers, like this:

natToInteger :: Nat -> Integer
natToInteger = cata phi where
  -- We only need to provide a function to fold
  -- a non-recursive Nat-like structure
  phi :: NatF Integer -> Integer
  phi ZF = 0
  phi (SF x) = x + 1

So with cata, we get access to the value of the immediate subterm. But imagine we like to access the values of transitive subterms too, for example, when defining a fibonacci function. Then, we need not only access to the previous value, but also to the 2-nd previous value. This is where histomorphisms come into play.

A histomorphism (histo sounds a lot like "history") allows us to access all previous values, not just the most recent one. This means we now get a list of values, not just a single one, so the type of histomorphism is:

-- We could use the type NatF (NonEmptyList a) here.
-- But because NatF is Maybe, NatF (NonEmptyList a) is equal to [a].
-- Using just [a] is a lot simpler
histo :: ([a] -> a)
      -> Nat -> a
histo f = head . go where
  -- go :: Nat -> [a]  -- This signature would need ScopedTVs
  go Z = [f []]
  go (S x) = let subvalues = go x in f subvalues : subvalues

Now, we can define fibN as follows:

-- Example: calculate the n-th fibonacci number
fibN :: Nat -> Integer
fibN = histo $ \x -> case x of
 (x:y:_) -> x + y
 _       -> 1

Aside: even though it might appear so, histo is not more powerful than cata. You can see that yourself by implementing histo in terms of cata and the other way around.

What I didn't show in the above example is that cata and histo can be implemented very generally if you define your type as a fixpoint of a functor. Our Nat type is just the fixed point of the Functor NatF.

If you define histo in the generic way, then you also need to come up with a type like the NonEmptyList in our example, but for any functor. This type is precisely Cofree f, where f is the functor you took the fixed point of. You can see that it works for our example: NonEmptyList is just Cofree Maybe. This is how you get to the generic type of histo:

histo :: Functor f 
      => (f (Cofree f a) -> a)
      -> Fix f  -- ^ This is the fixed point of f
      -> a

You can think of f (Cofree f a) as kind of a stack, where with each "layer", you can see a less-folded structure. At the top of the stack, every immediate subterm is folded. Then, if you go one layer deeper, the immediate subterm is no longer folded, but the sub-subterms are all already folded (or evaluated, which might make more sense to say in the case of ASTs). So you can basically see "the sequence of reductions" that has been applied (= the history).

Upvotes: 21

J. Abrahamson
J. Abrahamson

Reputation: 74374

We can think of there as being a generalization continuum from cata to histo to dyna. In the terminology of recursion-schemes:

Foldable t => (Base t a -> a)                                  -> (t -> a) -- (1)
Foldable t => (Base t (Cofree (Base t) a) -> a)                -> (t -> a) -- (2)
Functor  f => (f      (Cofree f        a) -> a) ->  (t -> f t) -> (t -> a) -- (3)

where (1) is cata, (2) is histo, and (3) is dyna. A high-level overview of this generalization is that histo improves cata by maintaing the history of all partial "right folds" and dyna improves histo by letting operating on any type t so long as we can make an f-coalgebra for it, not just the Foldable ones (which have universal Base t-coalgebras as Foldable witnesses that data types are final coalgebras).

We can almost read off their properties by simply looking at what it takes to fulfill their types.

For instance, a classic use of cata is to define foldr

data instance Prim [a] x = Nil | Cons a x
type instance Base [a] = Prim [a]

instance Foldable [a] where
  project []     = Nil
  project (a:as) = Cons a as

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr cons nil = cata $ \case
  Nil      -> nil
  Cons a b -> cons a b

importantly, we note that foldr generates the "next" partial right fold value by using exclusively the "previous" right fold value. This is why it can be implemented using cata: it only needs the most immediately previous partial fold result.

As histo generalizes cata we ought to be able to do the same with it. Here's a histo-based foldr

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr cons nil = histo $ \case
  Nil             -> nil
  Cons a (b :< _) -> cons a b

we can see that we no longer immediately have the immediately previous fold result, but instead have to reach into the first layer of the Cofree in order to find it. But Cofree is a stream and contains potentially infinitely many "previous fold values" and we can dig as deeply into it as we like. This is what gives histo its "historical" power. For instance, we can write a fairly direct tail using histo which is more difficult to do with cata alone:

tail :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
tail = histo $ \case
  Nil             -> Nothing -- empty list
  Cons _ (b :< x) -> case x of
    Nil       -> Just [] -- length 1 list
    Cons a _ -> fmap (a:) b

The style is a little indirect, but essentially because we can look back into the past two steps we can respond to length-1 lists differently from length-0 lists or length-n lists.

To take the final step to generalize histo to dyna we simply replace the natural projection by any coalgebra. We could thus implement histo in terms of dyna quite easily

histo phi = dyna phi project -- project is from the Foldable class

So now we can apply histo folds to any type which can even be partially viewed as a list (well, so long as we keep with the running example and use Prim [a] as the Functor, f).

(Theoretically, there's a restriction that this coalgebra eventually halts, e.g. we can't treat infinite streams, but that has more to do with theory and optimization than use. In use, such a thing simply has to be lazy and small enough to terminate.)

(This mirrors the idea of representing initial algebras by their ability to project :: t -> Base t t. If this were truly a total inductive type then you could only project so many times before hitting the end.)

To replicate the Catalan numbers instance from the linked paper we can create non-empty lists

data NEL  a   = Some  a | More  a (NEL a)
data NELf a x = Somef a | Moref a x deriving Functor

and create the coalgebra on natural numbers called natural which, suitably unfolded, produces a countdown NEL

natural :: Int -> NELf Int Int
natural 0 = Somef 0
natural n = Moref n (n-1)

then we apply a histo-style fold to the NELf-view of a natural number to produce the n-th Catalan number.

-- here's a quick implementation of `dyna` using `recursion-schemes`

  :: (Comonad w, Functor f) =>
     (a -> f a) -> (f (w (w c)) -> w b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
zcata z k g = g . extract . c where
  c = k . fmap (duplicate . fmap g . c) . z

dyna :: Functor f => (f (Cofree f c) -> c) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> c
dyna phi z = zcata z distHisto phi

takeC :: Int -> Cofree (NELf a) a -> [a]
takeC 0 _                 = []
takeC n (a :< Somef v)    = [a]
takeC n (a :< Moref v as) = a : takeC (n-1) as

catalan :: Int -> Int
catalan = dyna phi natural where
  phi :: NELf Int (Cofree (NELf Int) Int) -> Int
  phi (Somef 0) = 1
  phi (Moref n table) = sum (zipWith (*) xs (reverse xs))
    where xs = takeC n table

Upvotes: 13

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