Reputation: 1
I am experiencing slow query times on my database (all tested locally so far) and not sure how to go about it. The database itself has 44 tables and some of these tables have over 1 million records (mainly the movies, actresses and actors tables).
The table is made via JMDB using the flat files on IMDB. Also the SQL query that I am about to show is from that said program (that too experiences very slow search times). I have tried to include as much information as I can, such as the query plan etc.
"QUERY PLAN"<br />
"HashAggregate (cost=46492.52..46493.50 rows=98 width=46)"<br />
" Output: public.movies.title, public.movies.movieid, public.movies.year"<br />
" -> Append (cost=39094.17..46491.79 rows=98 width=46)"<br />
" -> HashAggregate (cost=39094.17..39094.87 rows=70 width=46)"<br />
" Output: public.movies.title, public.movies.movieid, public.movies.year"<br />
" -> Seq Scan on movies (cost=0.00..39093.65 rows=70 width=46)"<br />
" Output: public.movies.title, public.movies.movieid, public.movies.year"<br />
" Filter: (((title)::text ~~* '%Babe%'::text) AND ((title)::text !~~* '""%}'::text))"<br />
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..7395.94 rows=28 width=46)"<br />
" Output: public.movies.title, public.movies.movieid, public.movies.year"<br />
" -> Seq Scan on akatitles (cost=0.00..7159.24 rows=28 width=4)"<br />
" Output: akatitles.movieid, akatitles.language, akatitles.title, <akatitles.addition"<br />
" Filter: (((title)::text ~~* '%Babe%'::text) AND ((title)::text !~~* '""%}'::text))"<br />
" -> Index Scan using movies_pkey on movies (cost=0.00..8.44 rows=1 width=46)"<br />
" Output: public.movies.movieid, public.movies.title, public.movies.year, public.movies.imdbid"
" Index Cond: (public.movies.movieid = akatitles.movieid)"<br />
(SELECT DISTINCT title, movieid, year
FROM movies
WHERE title ILIKE '%Babe%' AND NOT (title ILIKE '"%}'))
(SELECT movies.title, movies.movieid, movies.year
FROM movies
INNER JOIN akatitles ON movies.movieid=akatitles.movieid
WHERE akatitles.title ILIKE '%Babe%' AND NOT (akatitles.title ILIKE '"%}'))
) AS union_tmp2;
Returns 612 Rows in 9078ms<br />
Database backup (plain text) is 1.61GB
It's a really complex query and I am not fully cognizant on it, like I said it was spat out by JMDB.
Do you have any suggestions on how I can increase the speed ?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2714
Reputation: 2477
A query that uses double-ended wild-cards (e.g. '%Babe%') cannot leverage any index, so the table will result in a sequential scan instead of an index scan.
If you were searching for 'Babe%', then your index should work.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 127476
This is your problem:
" -> Seq Scan on movies (cost=0.00..39093.65 rows=70 width=46)"
" Output: public.movies.title, public.movies.movieid, public.movies.year"
" Filter: (((title)::text ~~* '%Babe%'::text) AND ((title)::text !~~* '""%}'::text))"
A sequential scan and huge costs because the database can't use any index on '%Babe%'. Take a look at full text search, than you can create a proper index and let the queryplanner use it.
Upvotes: 3