Reputation: 102
I have a reasonable amount of experience with Ada, but I have never used objects before. I found I had to use them to avoid the complications of not null access discriminate record types with task safe data structures. I need to make a function that takes in a base class and based on an if statement do dynamic dispatching, but I get an "incompatible types" error if the type I am testing is not in the class in the conditional. Is what I want to do impossible in Ada?
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Dispatch is
type foo is tagged record
bar : boolean;
end record;
type foo2 is new foo with record
bar2 : boolean;
end record;
type foo3 is new foo with record
bar3 : boolean;
end record;
f3 : foo3;
procedure Do_Something(fubar : in out foo'class) is
if fubar in foo2'class then
fubar.bar2 := True;
end if;
end Do_Something;
end Dispatch;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 243
Reputation: 25511
Here, your code fails to compile with dispatch.adb:16:15: no selector “bar2" for type “foo'class" defined at line 3
; nothing about incompatible types.
Anyway, the problem with the code as posted is that there is no component bar2
in foo
; the only components visible in an object through a view of type foo’class
are those in an object of type foo
To get round this, you can change the view of fubar
to foo2
if fubar in foo2'class then
foo2 (fubar).bar2 := true;
end if;
However, this is not dispatching! To get a dispatching call you need
and you need a more complicated example, because you can only declare primitive operations in a package spec. Something like
package Dispatch is
type Foo is tagged record
Bar : Boolean;
end record;
procedure Update (F : in out Foo; B : Boolean) is null; -- primitive
type Foo2 is new Foo with record
Bar2 : Boolean;
end record;
overriding procedure Update (F : in out Foo2; B : Boolean);
type Foo3 is new Foo with record
Bar3 : Boolean;
end record; -- inherits default Update
end Dispatch;
package body Dispatch is
procedure Update (F : in out Foo2; B : Boolean) is
F.Bar2 := B;
end Update;
end Dispatch;
procedure Dispatch.Main is
F3 : Foo3;
procedure Do_Something(Fubar : in out Foo'Class) is
Fubar.Update (True); -- dispatches
end Do_Something;
end Dispatch.Main;
Upvotes: 3