Reputation: 243
Whats the best way to animate a button in android based on scroll events?
I have a button which is located in the bottom right corner of the view and I'd like to animate the button to move below the bottom viewport when the user is scrolling down and up, if the user scrolls up.
My Layout:
I used the ObservableScrollView from this example (Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android)
<RelativeLayout ...>
<ObservableScrollView ...>
<LinearLayout ...>
<!-- <Items> -->
<Button />
attached some scala code
observableScrollView.setScrollViewListener(new ScrollViewListener {
override def onScrollChanged(scrollView: ObservableScrollView, x: Int, y: Int, oldx: Int, oldy: Int): Unit = {
val scrollBottom = linearLayout.getHeight - observableScrollView.getHeight - 20
if (y >= scrollBottom) { // reached bottom
} else if (y > 0 && oldy > 0 && y > oldy) { // scroll up
} else if (y > 0 && oldy > 0 && y < oldy) { // scroll down
val animationDuration: Int = 1000
lazy val yStartPosition = getY // initialized on first access
var currentState: ComposeButtonState = STATE_SHOW
val animationQueue: AnimatorSet = new AnimatorSet()
def animate(from:Float, to:Float) = {
val anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "y", from, to)
anim.setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator())
def stateChange(state: ComposeButtonState) = {
if (state != currentState) {
currentState = state
state match {
case STATE_SHOW => animate(yStartPosition + yTranslateInitialValue, yStartPosition)
case STATE_HIDE => animate(yStartPosition, yStartPosition + yTranslateInitialValue)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3198
Reputation: 4958
Use an ObjectAnimator with
protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
//do something cool
Object Animator example:
ObjectAnimator myAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(yourButton, "translationY",
yourButton.getY(), screenHeight);
Upvotes: 1