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userDatabase is a list that consists of a tuples such as (id, username, password). How can I filter the list by using the maximum id? What I have at the moment is doing nothing but I thought I include it for some context.
newUser :: UserDatabase -> UserDatabase
newUser usrdb = filter (\(usrid,_,_) -> usrid == (maximum [x | (x, _, _) <- userdb])) userdb
Thanks in advance!
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I have a list of type [(X, (R, R))]
(a list of tuples, where 2nd element is a tuple too), where X
and R
are some arbitrary types, and R
is a member of typeclass Ord
. Example of such list: [(0, (0,1)), (1, (1,1)), (2, (0,0)), (3, (1,0))]
. Imagine I want to find all elements of this list, where the first element of the second element (that is, the left element of an inner tuple) is maximal. But I don't want just one such element, I want all elements, where a left element of an inner pair is maximal. So my function, called on the above list, should return [(1, (1,1)), (3, (1,0))]
. maximumBy
wouldn't work, because it would return only one element. So I wrote a variation of maximumBy
, which returns multiple maximum values:
maximumByM :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
maximumByM c (x:xs) = maximumByM' c xs [x]
where maximumByM' _ [] acc = acc
maximumByM' c (x:xs) acc@(a:_) = case x `c` a of
LT -> maximumByM' c xs acc
EQ -> maximumByM' c xs (x:acc)
GT -> maximumByM' c xs [x]
Suffix -M means “multiple”. This multiple-valued function returns a list of all values that are maximal (according to a custom comparison):
maximumByM compare [1,2,3] -- [3]
maximumByM compare [1,2,3,1,2,3] -- [3,3]
maximumByM (comparing fst) [(5,1), (5,2), (6,1), (6,2)] -- [(6,2),(6,1)]
maximumByM (comparing snd) [(5,1), (5,2), (6,1), (6,2)] -- [(6,2),(5,2)]
To implement minimumByM
all you need to do is to flip the comparator, because compare 1 2 == (flip compare) 2 1
maximumByM (flip $ comparing fst) [(5,1), (5,2), (6,1), (6,2)] -- [(5,2),(5,1)]
-- the below 2 are equivalent due to Haskell's currying
minimumByM = maximumByM . flip
minimumByM c xs = maximumByM (flip c) xs
Unfortunately maximumByM
returns the list in reversed order. I could add reverse
in code, but this double work? And explicit recursion? Why not implement the same function using right fold:
maximumByM :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
maximumByM _ [] = []
maximumByM c (x:xs) = foldr f [x] xs
where f = (\e acc@(a:_) -> case c e a of
LT -> acc
EQ -> e:acc
GT -> [e])
Now it returns the list in the same order as elements are found in the original list:
maximumByM (comparing fst) [(5,1), (5,2), (6,1), (6,2)] -- [(6,1),(6,2)]
Of course, you could use Boyd Stephen Smith Jr's approach, combining groupBy
and sortBy
requires flip
because it sorts from small to big):
maximumByM :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
maximumByM _ [] = []
maximumByM c xs = head $ groupBy ((==EQ) .: c) $ sortBy (flip c) xs
where (.:) = (.).(.) -- x .: y = \a b -> x(y a b)
You don't need to reverse the list, because sortBy
will preserve the order of elements it deems equal:
maximumByM (comparing fst) [(5,1), (5,2), (6,1), (6,2)] -- [(6,1),(6,2)]
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Reputation: 3202
Are all the usrid values distinct? In that case, there is only one maximum so you can do something like:
type User = (Int, String, String)
type UserDatabase = [User]
fst3 (x, _y, _z) = x
userHigh :: UserDatabase -> User
userHigh = maximumBy (comparing fst3)
If the ids are not distinct, you might have some ties, so you'll want to return a list
usersHigh :: UserDatabase -> [User]
usersHigh = concat . take 1
. groupBy (on (==) fst3)
. sortBy (flip $ comparing fst3)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 30227
Untested, but should get you going:
maximumBy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
maximumBy extract [] = Nothing
maximumBy extract (x:xs) = go x xs
where go candidate [] = Just candidate
go candidate (x:xs)
| extract x > extract candidate = go x xs
| otherwise = go candidate xs
EDIT: Oh, bhelkir points out this function already exists in the libraries. Anyway, a few points:
operation, it's more like a find
or minimum
operation.maximumBy (\(usrid,_,_) -> usrid) users
. The first argument to maximumBy
is a function that extracts the comparison field from the elements of the list.Upvotes: 1