Reputation: 145
I am trying to write a simple parser using Lex and Yacc. And I am not familiar with these two before. When I finish the lex and yacc file, and compile it I got error. I think the error is related to string head files that are not included properly, but I couldn't figure it out by myself.
The Lex file named "tokens.l":
#include "parser.hpp"
MODEL "model"
PORT "input"|"output"|"intern"
GATE "xor"|"and"|"or"|"buf"|"cmos1"|"dff"|"dlat"|"inv"|"mux"|"nand"|"nor"|"tie0"|"tie1"|"tiex"|"tiez"|"tsh"|"tsl"|"tsli"|"xnor"
PRIMITIVE "primitive"
LEFT "("
BLANK [ \t\n]+
{MODEL} {return MODEL;}
{PORT} { if (yytext == "input")
return INPUT;
else if (yytext == "output")
return OUTPUT;
return INTERN;
_{GATE} {return GATE;}
{LEFT} {return LEFT;}
{RIGHT} {return RIGHT;}
{COMMA} {return COMMA;}
{EQUAL} {return EQUAL;}
{BLANK} {;}
"\0" {return END;}
The yacc file named "parser.y":
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
extern FILE *fp;
std::string* str;
%token <str> MODEL
%token <str> INPUT
%token <str> OUTPUT
%token <str> INTERN
%token <str> GATE
%token <str> INSTNAME
%token LEFT
%token RIGHT
%token COMMA
%token EQUAL
%token END
%type <str> vfile modules module params param interngates interngate primitives
vfile : modules END {
std::ofstream fp;"output.v");
$$ = new std::string("success");
modules : modules module {$$=$1+$2;}
| module {$$=$1;}
module :MODEL INSTNAME LEFT params RIGHT LEFT interngates RIGHT
{$$ = "module "+$2+" ("+$4+");\n"+$7+"endmodule\n";}
interngates :interngates interngate {$$=$1+$2+"\n";}
|interngate {$$=$1+"\n";}
interngate :INPUT LEFT params RIGHT primitives {$$=$1+$3+"\n"+$5;}
| OUTPUT LEFT params RIGHT primitives { $$=$1+$3+"\n"+$5;}
| INTERN LEFT params RIGHT primitives {$$="wire"+$3+"\n"+$5;}
primitives :LEFT RIGHT {$$="";}
{$$=$4+" "+$5+" ("+$6+");\n";}
params :params COMMA param {$$=$1+","+$3;}
| param {$$=$1;}
param :INSTNAME {$$=$1;}
To compile the file, I use the command below:
bison -d -o parser.cpp parser.y
lex -o tokens.cpp tokens.l
g++ -o myparser tokens.cpp parser.cpp -lfl
Can anybody give me a clue? Thanks a lot!
Updated: Error report on osx.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2478
Reputation: 20842
You can't use automatic storage for C++ std::string (or any other string class with non-trivial constructor) in %union. You'll need to use dynamic (heap).
Instead of
%union {
string str;
%union {
std::string *str;
You will need to change all of the uses of yylval->str or $$, $1, etc. where $N %type is to use dynamically allocated strings.
So instead of
$$ = "success";
You have to do:
$$ = new std::string("success");
It is customary to use pointers in yacc/bison parser YYSTYPE %union anyway to avoid a huge amount of copying on the stack. Keep in mind your productions should take care of freeing strings for tokens or non-terminals that are no longer used unless your parser runtime is short-lived and the source files aren't huge, then you can cheat and just avoid freeing them or use garbage collection.
It is possible to redefine YYSTYPE to a regular string (non-pointer), but you lose the ability to use the union, which most non-trivial parsers need to pass up a mix of tokens or typed AST objects in semantic actions. Constraining your productions to a single type is less useful than void *.
It is also possible to redefine YYSTYPE to use a variant / polymorphic type, or use a multi-member struct (poor substitution for variant). The former defeats the purpose of the "type safe" %type and %token macros, and the latter forces you to remember the type of each terminal or non-terminal and use explicit notation for the member of your struct ($$->str = "foo", $$->expr.left = $1->str, etc.), This is the downside to using a C based parser with C++. You may want to try Bison's C++ parser skeleton, I have little experience with it due to compile errors everytime I tried it over the years.
There are other (better) workarounds that I have found; I have seen Bison patched to allow boost::variant for YYSTYPE with support of %type and %token. Google "bison Michiel de Wilde" or "bison variant YYSTYPE" (, however, like many Bison suggestions over the years, the patches are met with some vague arguments or general discussion about alternatives, then it fizzles.
Upvotes: 3