
Reputation: 575

Git push error: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 200 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal

While doing git push, I receive this error:

Username for '': Newbie
Password for 'https://[email protected]':
Counting objects: 11507, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (8210/8210), done.
Writing objects: 100% (11506/11506), 21.75 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 11506 (delta 2213), reused 11504 (delta 2211)
efrror: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 200
atal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Everything up-to-date

I also tried doing: git config http.postBuffer 524288000, but still error.. Also tried: git config --global http.postBuffer 2M by referring on git push error: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 0

Please can anyone help me out with this?

Upvotes: 55

Views: 106211

Answers (13)


Reputation: 1

Strange but the solution that worked for me is as I was using git bash to pull my repo and continuously faced the issue for 2 days. I did two thing as follows that worked for me.

1. Changed the network to office Wi-fi.

2. Switched from "git bash" to "CMD"(admin mode);

This worked for me.

Please try and check if this works for you too. First go with second method of using CMD as admin mode, if this doesn't works then try to change the wi-fi.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1899

I tried updating curl to latest and it was awesome, it worked for me

Upvotes: 0

Jay varmora
Jay varmora

Reputation: 83

You can try this, maybe this code is working

git config http.sslVersion tlsv1.2

Upvotes: 0

Mohammad Parvez
Mohammad Parvez

Reputation: 417

It will work after increasing Git’s HTTP buffer by setting the git config var http.postBuffer to 524288000.

git config http.postBuffer 524288000

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 7064

Poor network connection was the issue for me. Check your internet strength.

Upvotes: 5

Michael M.
Michael M.

Reputation: 519

This happened to me when I was cloning a git repo that was taking a long time. I went to do something else and my computer went to sleep, terminating the connection. Turning off auto sleep on my computer worked for me.

Upvotes: 3

Vijay Chauhan
Vijay Chauhan

Reputation: 387

Increase the Git buffer size to the largest individual file size of your repo:

git config --global http.postBuffer 157286400

Upvotes: 26


Reputation: 139

I faced a similar issue. When I was trying to push my branch to remote, I was seeing this error: >error: RPC failed; curl 56 LibreSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 54

In my case, this issue was caused due to a proxy that I was connected to. I disconnected the VPN connection and tried to push my changes again and that worked.

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 23223

This error was caused by my corporate Firewall.

Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 87

Try re-initializing your git repository: git init

Upvotes: 6

Tod Birdsall
Tod Birdsall

Reputation: 19074

I was running into a very similar issue, though I was deploying to an Azure Web App via a git push. I received this error:

RPC failed; curl 56 SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 10054
The remote end hung up unexpectedly

The solution for me was to change my deployment environment from a Macbook to a Windows desktop. See this answer for full details.

Upvotes: 1

James Shi
James Shi

Reputation: 2014

Look here:

The problem is most likely because your git buffer is too low.

You will need to increase Git’s HTTP buffer by setting the git config var “http.postBuffer” to 524288000.

git config http.postBuffer 524288000

Upvotes: 106

Damian Nadales
Damian Nadales

Reputation: 5037

Try building git using openssl libraries. Refer to this post. You may have to compile git in Windows. I hope that helps.

Upvotes: 0

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