I am experimenting and trying to use the angular.element (jQuery wrapper) inside angular's config() function. However, in the main.js file, as soon as I add the deps under angular, it generates the $injector:modulerr error (where the 1st comment is)
Script tag is placed right before in my html file
<script src="js/vendor/require.min.js" data-main="js/own/main.js"></script>
main.js file
baseUrl: "js/vendor/",
paths: {
"jquery": "jquery-2.1.1.min",
"angular": "angular.1.2.9.min"
shim: {
"angular": {
deps: ["jquery"], // As soon as I add this, it generates a $injector:modulerr error
exports: "angular"
require(["angular"], function(angular){
.module("app", []) // ng-app="app" already defined in <body>
.controller("appctrl", function($scope){ // ng-controller="appctrl" already defined in <body>
$scope.sample = 1; // this works fine if I don't add deps under angular in require.config
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Views: 169
Error is gone by removing the directive "ng-app='urAppName'" in the html page. The ng-app has to be manually bootstrapped by angular.bootstrap(document.body, ["urAppName"]) AFTER you define your angular module, e.g. angular.module("urAppName", []).controller().....;
Note that you can leave other directives such as ng-controller or your model data such as {{modelName}} in the page.
Upvotes: 3