Reputation: 21811
Consider the following code:
class Foo f
class Bar b
newtype D d = D
call :: Proxy c -> (forall a . c a => a -> Bool) -> x -> Bool
call g x = g x
-- this function is Testable, and can be used by QuickCheck
f :: (Foo (D d), Bar d) => D d -> Bool
f = error ""
//assume the type FConstraint has kind (* -> Constraint)
main = print $ call (Proxy::Proxy FConstraint) (unsafeCoerce f) (D::D 17)
The intent of such a strange function is to be able to easily test polymorphic functions (such as f
) using QuickCheck: call
would be iterated over a type list of monomorphic types, and this list could be used for several different properties (all taking a single argument) without explicitly writing out type signatures each time. Since this is only appearing in test code, I'm willing to use unsafeCoerce
(though I'm not sure it will do what I want at this point. I need to solve the question below first).
I'm certainly open to better/alternate designs for call
, but here's my question about the solution I came up with above: I need a type FConstraint
with kind (* -> Constraint)
which can be used for the first argument to call
Here's what I've tried:
type FConstraint x = (Foo x, Bar ??)
type FConstraint (D d) = (Foo (D d), Bar d)
Neither type synonym works, since I need to pattern match on the type to get all of the constraints, and also need to partially apply FConstraint
, neither of which type synonyms allow.
I've also tried a type family:
type family FConstraint x
type instance FConstraint (D d) = (Foo (D d), Bar d)
but I still can't partially apply this (nor can I with a closed type family).
Thus I need a type of kind (* -> Constraint)
Here's an almost-compiling example using the idea in the answer below:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, ConstraintKinds, TypeOperators,
MultiParamTypeClasses, DataKinds, PolyKinds, FlexibleInstances,
UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies,
FunctionalDependencies #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.TypeLits
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Unsafe.Coerce
newtype Zq q = Zq Integer deriving (Show, Eq)
instance (KnownNat q) => Arbitrary (Zq q) where
arbitrary = liftM (\i -> Zq $ (i `mod` (natVal (Proxy::Proxy q)))) arbitrary
instance (KnownNat q) => Num (Zq q) where
(Zq a) + (Zq b) = Zq $ (a + b) `mod` (natVal (Proxy::Proxy q))
(Zq a) * (Zq b) = Zq $ (a * b) `mod` (natVal (Proxy::Proxy q))
negate (Zq 0) = (Zq 0)
negate (Zq a) = Zq $ (natVal (Proxy::Proxy q)) - a
fromInteger x = Zq $ x `mod` (natVal (Proxy::Proxy q))
f :: (KnownNat q) => Zq q -> Zq q
f x = x + 1
finv :: (KnownNat q) => Zq q -> Zq q
finv x = x - 1
prop_f :: forall q . (KnownNat q) => Zq q -> Bool
prop_f x = (finv . f) x == x
call :: (c x) => Proxy (c :: * -> Constraint) ->
(forall a . c a => a -> Bool) ->
x ->
call _ f = f
class UnZq zq q | zq -> q
instance UnZq (Zq q) q
class FConstraint x
instance (KnownNat q, UnZq zq q) => FConstraint zq
main = defaultMain $ [testProperty "zq_f_id" $ property $
(call (Proxy::Proxy FConstraint) $ unsafeCoerce prop_f :: Zq 3 -> Bool)]
I get the error:
Could not deduce (KnownNat q0) arising from a use of ‘prop_f’
from the context (FConstraint a)
I'm hoping this is a simple scoping issue...
Here's more code for a use case:
type MyTypes = '[ Zq 3, Zq 5, Zq 7, Zq 11 ]
class TypesToProps xs c where
tmap :: Proxy xs -> Proxy c -> (forall a . c a => a -> Bool) -> [Property]
instance TypesToProps '[] c where
tmap _ _ _ = []
instance (c x, TypesToProps xs c, Arbitrary x, Show x)
=> TypesToProps (x ': xs) c where
tmap _ c f = (property (call c f :: x -> Bool)) : (tmap (Proxy::Proxy xs) c f)
-- results in same error as the `main` above
main = defaultMain $ map (testProperty "zq_f_id") $
tmap (Proxy::Proxy MyTypes)
(Proxy::Proxy FConstraint)
(unsafeCoerce prop_f)
Upvotes: 4
Views: 192
Reputation: 14578
Firstly, your call
function doesn't compile, nor should it: there is no way to infer c x
in the type Proxy c -> (forall a . c a => a -> Int) -> x -> Int
so you can't pass x
to f
Next, your use of unsafeCoerce
is not valid here. If you look at the type of unsafeCoerce
where you have used it:
:: (forall d . (Foo (D d), Bar d) => D d -> Bool)
-> (forall a . FConstraint a => a -> Int)
withCall = unsafeCoerce
You cast D d
to any type and Bool
to Int
. (Note this requires ImpredictiveTypes). I don't understand your use case so I can't say if there is a better solution than unsafeCoerce
, but I can say what you are doing will probably blow up in your face.
Writing the actual FConstraint
is fairly easy:
class UnD x (y :: Nat) | x -> y
instance UnD (D x) x
class FConstraint x
instance (Foo x, Bar t, UnD x t) => FConstraint x
The complete code:
, ImpredicativeTypes
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, FunctionalDependencies
import Unsafe.Coerce
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
class Foo f
class Bar (b :: Nat)
data D (d :: Nat) = D
call :: Proxy (c :: * -> Constraint) -> (forall a . c a => a -> Int) -> x -> Int
call = undefined
f :: (Foo (D d), Bar d) => D d -> Bool
f = error ""
withCall :: (forall d . (Foo (D d), Bar d) => D d -> Bool) -> (forall a . FConstraint a => a -> Int)
withCall = unsafeCoerce
class UnD x (y :: Nat) | x -> y
instance UnD (D x) x
class FConstraint x
instance (Foo x, Bar t, UnD x t) => FConstraint x
main = print $ call (Proxy :: Proxy FConstraint) (withCall f) (D :: D 17)
In response to your update, the immediately obvious thing to do would be to refactor your TypesToProps
class TypesToProps xs (c :: k -> Constraint) (t :: k -> *) where
tmap :: Proxy xs -> Proxy c -> Proxy t -> (forall a . c a => t a -> Bool) -> [Property]
instance TypesToProps '[] c t where
tmap _ _ _ _ = []
instance (c x, TypesToProps xs c t, Arbitrary (t x), Show (t x)) => TypesToProps (x ': xs) c t where
tmap _ c t f = property (f :: t x -> Bool) : tmap (Proxy :: Proxy xs) c t f
main = defaultMain $ map (testProperty "zq_f_id") $
tmap (Proxy :: Proxy '[3, 5, 7, 11])
(Proxy :: Proxy KnownNat)
(Proxy :: Proxy Zq)
This may not be general enough, but it requires no use of unsafeCoerce
When you write unsafeCoerce prop_f
, the type checker demands that the KnownNat q
constraint be satisfied before it can do anything with it. You must either retain the constraint on the result type - which is fundamentally incompatible with what you are doing - or erase the constraint first.
You can store constraints as data (which is how they are stored internally anyways for polymorphic functions):
data Dict p where
Dict :: p => Dict p
We can erase constraints using this datatype:
anyDict :: Dict p
anyDict = unsafeCoerce (Dict :: Dict (Eq ()))
prop_f' :: forall q . Zq q -> Bool
prop_f' q = case anyDict :: Dict (KnownNat q) of Dict -> prop_f q
In general this will be unsafe, but in this specific case it is actually safe, since the q
in Zq q
is a phantom parameter, and to use anything involving Zq
you need to pick a concrete q
anyways, which would remove the class constraint anyways.
Then you can write
class TypesToProps xs where
tmap :: Proxy xs -> (forall a . a -> Bool) -> [Property]
instance TypesToProps '[] where
tmap _ _ = []
instance (TypesToProps xs, Arbitrary x, Show x) => TypesToProps (x ': xs) where
tmap _ f = property (f :: x -> Bool) : tmap (Proxy :: Proxy xs) f where
Note that the function forall a . a -> Bool
is uninhabited, so you can only produce a value of that type using unsafe
functions. This means that it is impossible to shoot yourself in the foot using tmap
alone; unless you use an unsafe function, you will never even be able to instantiate tmap
. Finally:
main = defaultMain $ map (testProperty "zq_f_id") $
tmap (Proxy :: Proxy '[Zq 3, Zq 5, Zq 7, Zq 11])
(unsafeCoerce prop_f' :: forall a . a -> Bool)
Upvotes: 3