
Reputation: 185

VBA Decimal issue after replacing a hyphen with dot

Sub BatchCopyTextNewColumn()

    Dim LastRow As Integer

'Variables declared as per Solution from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24967189    /vba-'decimal-issue-after-replacing-a-hyphen-with-dot
'by Jagadish Dabbiru (July 25, 2014)

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim BatchNo() As String
    Dim ArrBatchNo As Long


    Cells(1, 17).Select

'Rename Columns

    Cells(1, 17).Value = "BatchNumeric"

    Cells(1, 18).Select

'Rename Columns

    Cells(1, 18).Value = "BatchCheck_Old_New"

'Ask user to provide you with the Batch# from the last data set e.g. which was received a week ago.

'Last Row is defined by the Column 1 "AccountString"

    LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

    With Range("O2", Range("O1").End(xlDown))


    End With

'Use the PasteSpecial method:

    Range("Q2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

'Solution from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24967189/vba-decimal-issue-after-'replacing-a-hyphen-with-dot
'by Jagadish Dabbiru (July 25, 2014)
'Take each value from column q and Split the batch code with delimiter hyphen(-).
'Then check the length of the value of 2nd array element.
'If length is 1 digit then add 0 as prefix else keep as it is.

    i = 1
    BatchNo = Worksheets("DataFile").Range("Q" & i).Value
    ArrBatchNo = Split(BatchNo, "-")
    If Len(ArrBatchNo(1)) = 1 Then
    ArrBatchNo = "0" & ArrBatchNo
    End If
    Worksheets("DataFile").Range("Q" & i).Value = ArrBatchNo(0) & "." & ArrBatchNo(1)
    i = i + 1
    Loop While Worksheets("DataFile").Range("Q" & i).Value <> ""


End Sub

There is a problem with decimals after replacing hyphens with dots.

Originally the Batch numbers are issued with hyphens. I need to use them as values as I have to distinguish between "OLD" Batch numbers (sent previously) and "NEW" (larger than the last Batch number).

Hyphen replacement (my code):

Sub ReplaceBatchCharacter()


Worksheets("DataFile").Columns("Q").Replace _
'I tried to replace it with "." and there is a problem with decimals as well (e.g. batch # 4230-1 and 4230-10 are both shown as 4210.10 after replacement
    What:="-", Replacement:=".0", _

'by replacing with ".0" I have solution for batch #'s xxxx-1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 but when it starts with double digits xxxx-10 etc I have similar problem as they become xxxx.010 etc.
So the batch number 4230-1 and 4230-10 are both shown as 4210.010 after replacement.
    SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=True

End Sub

Check Old and New Batch # (my code):

Sub BatchNumberCheckNewOld()

Dim BatchNumberPrevious As Single
Dim BatchNumberCurrentCell As Range
Dim BatchNumberCurrentRange As Range
Dim BatchNumberCurrentResult As String
Dim LastRow As Long
'Dim ChangedRange As Range



LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 17).End(xlUp).Row

'Ask user to provide us with the Batch# from the last data set e.g. which was received a week ago.

'Last Row is defined by the Column 1 "AccountString"

'BatchNumberPrevious = 4250.1

BatchNumberPrevious = InputBox("Please enter the last Batch # from previous period. Don't forget to reconcile TB's (prior and current months). Ocassionally OLD batches could be NEW.")

Set BatchNumberCurrentRange = Range(Cells(2, 17), Cells(LastRow, 17))

For Each BatchNumberCurrentCell In BatchNumberCurrentRange

If BatchNumberPrevious >= BatchNumberCurrentCell.Value Then

    BatchNumberCurrentResult = "Old"


    BatchNumberCurrentResult = "New"

End If

'BatchNumberCurrentResult column should be populated by offsetting BatchNumberCurrentCell variable

BatchNumberCurrentCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = BatchNumberCurrentResult

Next BatchNumberCurrentCell

'Autofit width of columns


End Sub

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Views: 431

Answers (1)

Jagadish Dabbiru
Jagadish Dabbiru

Reputation: 940

Take each value from column q and Split the batch code with delimiter hyphen(-). Then check the length of the value of 2nd array element. If length is 1 digit then add 0 as prefix else keep as it is.

i =1
BatchNo = Worksheets("DataFile").Range("Q"& i).Value 
ArrBatchNo = Split(BatchNo,"-")
If Len(ArrBatchNo(1)) = 1 Then
ArrBatchNo(1) = "0" & ArrBatchNo (1)
End If
Worksheets("DataFile").Range("Q"& i).Value = ArrBatchNo(0) & "." & ArrBatchNo(1)
i = i+1
Loop While Worksheets("DataFile").Range("Q"& i).Value <> ""

Upvotes: 1

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