
Reputation: 33

PHP script running through cron job freezes. Can't find the cause, please help me

Background Info:

I have what seemed like a simple task, send an xml with stock and price data to an ftp location every hour. So a php script with a cron job should do the task.

This data is being retrieved from an existing magento shop. The cron setup is working because we use cron jobs for a lot of other tasks. To run do this task I set up a simple extension structure running the below code from a model. Seeing as magento recognizes the extension and the cron job is being scheduled I don't believe that the problem is magento in this case, rather something in the actual php code.

The Problem:

The code below has been getting the better of me for the last 2 days, searching google as well as Stack Overflow has not yielded results. When I run the code manually I get a result, the file is created and the script needs about 1 minute to complete. However if I schedule the cron job the script runs for about 4 hours after which I get the message :

Job was running longer than the configured max_running_time

The Code:


class VuyaniSoftware_NeckConnection_Model_StockUpdate

    public function sendStock(){

        //get the relavent products:

        $attributeVarientId = 'Ja';
        $attributeCode = 'neck_active';

        $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
                               array('attribute'=>'status','eq' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Status::STATUS_ENABLED),

        //create the structure for the xml feed:

        $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();

            $root = $xmlDoc ->appendChild($xmlDoc ->createElement("NECK_STOCK"));
            foreach ($products as $product) {
                $childProducts = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getUsedProducts(null,$product);
                foreach($childProducts as $childProduct){
                    $ARTICLE = $root->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement("product"));
                    $ARTICLE->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement("mpn", $childProduct->sku));    
                    $stock = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($childProduct)->getQty();

                    $ARTICLE->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement("stock", round($stock,0)));
                    $ARTICLE->appendChild($xmlDoc ->createElement("salesPrice",round($product->price,2)));
                    if(($special_price !== NULL) && ($special_price !== 0)){
                        $ARTICLE->appendChild($xmlDoc ->createElement("special_price",round($product->special_price,2)));
                        $ARTICLE->appendChild($xmlDoc ->createElement("special_price",round($product->price,2)));


        //Save the feed to memory:

        $xmlDoc->formatOutput = true;

        $nameoffile="Stock_Export_".date("Ymd_His", time()+120*60).".xml";
        $data = $xmlDoc->saveXML();
        $tempHandle = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
        fwrite($tempHandle, $data);

        // Connect to server //Job was running longer than the configured max_running_time

        $conn = ftp_connect("") or die("Could not connect");

        ftp_login($conn,"***","***") or die("invelid username or password");

        // move to path where you need to upload file
        ftp_chdir($conn, "/Team Folders/NeckData/StockData") or die("could not find dir");

        ftp_pasv($conn, true);
        // upload file to particular path
        $upload = ftp_fput($conn, $nameoffile, $tempHandle, FTP_BINARY);

        if (!$upload) { echo 'FTP upload failed!'; }


I did for security reasons block out the ftp username and password as well as change the ftp server. I am sure that that data is correct in the script.

What have I tried:


Here is the config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- The root node for Magento module configuration -->
                <schedule><cron_expr>52 */1 * * *</cron_expr></schedule>

Upvotes: 3

Views: 1142

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1587


If its not help, you need to check script from frontend:

Add next section in config.xml:


Create file app/code/../VuyaniSoftware/NeckConnection/controllers/TestController.php with next content:


class VuyaniSoftware_NeckConnection_TestController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action {

    public function runAction() {
        echo 'Done';

Clear Magento Cache and open in browser:

If all fine, you can test it via cron:

52 * * * * /usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -O /var/log/cron_result.log

Upvotes: 1

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