
Reputation: 13

Printing an integer with x86 32-bit Linux sys_write (NASM)

I'm new to this forum. I have a little experience with high-level languages (really little). Nearly one month ago I thought it would be a good idea to see how assembly worked so after choosing nasm (IA-32) on linux I started learning from a tutorial.

Now, after ending it, I tried to write a simple program where you get the computer to print a list of 100 number (1 2 4 8 16...) but I couldn't even get it right. I get this output:


The program is this:

section .text
    global main
    mov word [num], '1'
    mov ecx, 100
    push ecx ; to push the loop counter

    mov eax, 4
    mov ebx, 1
    mov ecx, num
    mov edx, 1
    int 0x80

    sub ecx, 30h
    add ecx, ecx   ; shl ecx, 1
    add ecx, 30h
    mov [num], ecx   ; deleting this line I get  11111111111111111...

    pop ecx  ; to pop the loop counter
    loop doubl
    mov eax, 1
    int 0x80    
section .bss
num resw 2

It looks like the error is in the part that doubles the number or the one that stores it in the variable 'num', yet I don't understand why it happens and how to solve it.

By the way can someone explain me when to use the square brackets exactly? Is there a rule or something? The tutorial calls it "effective address" and it looks like I have to use the brackets when I want to move (or do something with) the content of a variable instead of doing it to the variable's address. Yet I'm quite confused about it. I see it used in:

mov ebx, count
inc word [ebx]
mov esi, value
dec byte [esi]

But isn't it obvious that one wants to increment the content of the register (since it doesn't have an address (or does it?) ??

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2500

Answers (1)


Reputation: 58507

Your numbers will quickly grow larger than just a single digit. What you ought to be doing is have an integer in num rather than a character, and then convert that integer into a string that you can print with sys_write.

Here's one way of doing the conversion: repeated division by 10, getting the lowest digit first as the remainder:

; Input:
; eax = integer value to convert
; esi = pointer to buffer to store the string in (must have room for at least 10 bytes)
; Output:
; eax = pointer to the first character of the generated string
; ecx = length of the generated string
  add esi,9
  mov byte [esi],0    ; String terminator

  mov ebx,10
  xor edx,edx         ; Clear edx prior to dividing edx:eax by ebx
  div ebx             ; eax /= 10
  add dl,'0'          ; Convert the remainder to ASCII 
  dec esi             ; store characters in reverse order
  mov [esi],dl
  test eax,eax            
  jnz .next_digit     ; Repeat until eax==0

  ; return a pointer to the first digit (not necessarily the start of the provided buffer)
  mov eax,esi

Which you can use like this:

    mov    dword [num],1
    mov    eax,[num]       ; function args using our own private calling convention
    mov    esi,buffer
    call   int_to_string
; eax now holds the address that you pass to sys_write

section .bss
    num    resd 1
    buffer resb 10

Your number-doubling can be simplified to shl dword [num],1. Or better, double it at some point while it's still in a register with add eax,eax.

Upvotes: 3

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