Reputation: 31
I'm new in Testing and in PHPUnit. I have a function that brings me several headaches. It's was time to change me mint and try unit test and some kind of TDD. I read cakePHP documentation and many articles like this: In all of those articles using returns or $this->vars to check asserts. My function doesn't have return or SET variables. The arrays that I need to check are saved in database. To solve this I made a SET with this arrays, but I don't know if the best solution.
This is my not working (yet) function:
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class CuentasController extends AppController {
public function pongoAsientos(){
$this->autoRender = false;
$club_Nro = 2;
$añoInicio = 2013;
$numeroInicio = 8156;//9042;
$grabaCaja = array();
$grabaTest = array();
$grabaCajaTest = array();
$clubs = $this->Cuenta->Socio->Club->find('first',array('recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array('' => $club_Nro),
'fields' => array('Club.fechaBalance')));
list($diaBalance,$mesBalance) = explode("-",$clubs['Club']['fechaBalance']);
$inicioBalance = date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$mesBalance, $diaBalance,intval($añoInicio)));
$finBalance = date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$mesBalance, $diaBalance,intval($añoInicio+1)));
$cuentas = $this->Cuenta->find('all',array('recursive' => 0,
'conditions' => array('PlanCuenta.club_id' => $club_Nro,
//'Cuenta.fecha >' => $inicioBalance,
//'Cuenta.fecha <=' => $finBalance,
'' => $numeroInicio // Solo para el test
//' >=' => $numeroInicio // Sacar en produccion
'order' => array('Cuenta.fecha ASC',' ASC'),
//'limit' => 1
$nroAsiento = 0;
$nroOrden = 1;
$ultimo = 'qwerty';
foreach ($cuentas as $key => $cuenta){
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['fecha'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['fecha'];
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['plan_cuenta_id'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['plan_cuenta_id'];
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['socio_id'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['socio_id'];
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['detalle'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'];
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['monto'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['monto'];
if ($cuenta['Cuenta']['socio_id'] == '1332'){
$cuenta['Cuenta']['asiento'] = ++$nroAsiento;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['asiento'] = $nroAsiento;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['plan_cuenta_id'] = '226';
$cuenta['Cuenta']['plan_cuenta_id'] = '349';
$cuenta['Cuenta']['socio_id'] = NULL;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['monto'] *= -1;
if($cuenta['Cuenta']['monto'] > 0 ){
$cuenta['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden+1;
} else {
$cuenta['Cuenta']['concepto'] = 'Gastos Varios';
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['concepto'] = 'Gastos Varios';
$cuenta['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden+1;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden;
$cuenta['Cuenta']['monto'] *=-1;
} else if ($cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'] != 'Apertura de libros' &&
stripos($cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'],'Cierre de libros') === FALSE &&
stripos($cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'],'Vuelos') === FALSE &&
stripos($cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'],'Hangaraje') === FALSE &&
stripos($cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'],'Cuota') === FALSE) {
$cuenta['Cuenta']['asiento'] = ++$nroAsiento;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['asiento'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['asiento'];
$nroOrden = 1;
$ultimo = $cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'];
if($cuenta['Cuenta']['monto'] > 0 ){
$cuenta['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden+1;
} else {
$cuenta['Cuenta']['concepto'] = 'Cobranza';
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['concepto'] = 'Cobranza';
$cuenta['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden+1;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden;
} else {
if (stripos($cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'],$ultimo) === FALSE){
$cuenta['Cuenta']['asiento'] = ++$nroAsiento;
$nroOrden = 1;
$cuenta['Cuenta']['orden'] = $nroOrden;
$cuenta['Cuenta']['concepto'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'];
$ultimo = $cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'];
} else {
$cuenta['Cuenta']['asiento'] = $nroAsiento;
$cuenta['Cuenta']['orden'] = ++$nroOrden;
$ultimo = $cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'];
$cuenta['Cuenta']['concepto'] = $cuenta['Cuenta']['detalle'];
$graba['Cuenta'] = $cuenta['Cuenta'];
$this->Cuenta->id = $cuenta['Cuenta']['id'];
$grabaTest[$key] = $graba;
if (isset($grabaCaja)){
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['plan_cuenta_id'] = '226';
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['socio_id'] = null;
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['monto'] *= -1;
if ($cuenta['Cuenta']['socio_id']){
$socio = $this->Cuenta->Socio->find('first',array('recursive' => 0,
'conditions' => array('' => $cuenta['Cuenta']['socio_id'])));
$nombre = $socio['Persona']['apellido'];
if (isset($socio['Persona']['nombre'])){
$nombre .= ', '.$socio['Persona']['nombre'];
$grabaCaja['Cuenta']['detalle'] .= ' '.$nombre;
$grabaCajaTest[$key] = $grabaCaja;
This is one of my tests:
App::uses('CuentasController', 'Controller');
* CuentasController Test Case
class CuentasControllerTest extends ControllerTestCase {
* index method shared by
* testPongoAsientos_AperturaDeLibros()
* testPongoAsientos_MontoMenorCero()
* testPongoAsientos_id_socio_1332()
* @param string $enviado
* @return void
private function pongoAsientos($enviado){
$this->generate('Cuentas', array(
'models' => array(
'Cuenta' => array(
$result = $this->testAction('/cuentas/pongoAsientos', array('method' => 'GET',
'return' => 'contents',
//'data' => $data
* testPongoAsientos_AperturaDeLibros method
* @return void
public function testPongoAsientos_AperturaDeLibros() {
$enviado = array(
'Cuenta' => array(
'id' => '9000',
'asiento' => '1',
'fecha' => '2013-06-01',
'concepto' => 'Apertura de libros',
'orden' => '1',
'plan_cuenta_id' => '234',
'socio_id' => '1309',
'detalle' => 'Apertura de libros',
'monto' => '11935'
$esperado = array(
'Cuenta' => array(
'id' => '9000',
'asiento' => (int) 1,
'fecha' => '2013-06-01',
'concepto' => 'Apertura de libros',
'orden' => (int) 1,
'plan_cuenta_id' => '234',
'socio_id' => '1309',
'detalle' => 'Apertura de libros',
'monto' => '11935'
$this->assertEquals($esperado, $this->vars['grabaTest']);
The test working fine, but I not if is the correct way. Any ideas or sugestions will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 542
Reputation: 31
I answer my own question. It's was more easy than I was think. I don't know if the best way, but works. I just read the database from my test!!!
App::uses('CuentasController', 'Controller');
App::uses('Cuenta', 'Model'); // <-- Add This
* CuentasController Test Case
class CuentasControllerTest extends ControllerTestCase {
* Fixtures
* @var array
public $fixtures = array(
* setUp method
* @return void
public function setUp() {
$this->Cuenta = ClassRegistry::init('Cuenta');
* tearDown method
* @return void
public function tearDown() {
* testPongoAsientos_global method
* @return void
public function testPongoAsientos_global() {
// Call the function
// search in database
$resultFromDB = $this->Cuenta->find('all');
$myExpectedResult = array(/* Something here */)
$this->assertEquals($myExpectedResult,$resultFromDB ,'testPongoAsientos_global');
Upvotes: 1