Reputation: 163
I wanted excel to go through every single cell of a column, perform an operation on it and then copy the results on another column. This was my initial code:
For i = 2 To dataRows
' Cells(i, aStampCol) = Cells(i, stampCol) - stim1TimeStamp
'Next i
This code actually worked, but ran extremely slowly, I looked at another post and they were saying it was better to just copy the column into an array, manipulate it and then copy it back to a column.
So I wrote the following code:
cellsAStamp = Range(Cells(2, stampCol), Cells(datarows, stampCol))
For i = 0 To datarows - 2
cellsAStamp(i) = cellsAStamp(i) - stim1TimeStamp
Next i
Range(Cells(2, aStampCol), Cells(endRow, aStampCol)) = cellsAStamp
The problem is, as soon as the for loop is initiated, I get a "Subscript out of Range" error. I get the impression that the cellsAsStamp is not storing the data properly, but I don't exactly know how to solve this problem, or for that matter, what the problem is!
I've pasted my full code below so you can look at how I initialized the variables:
Sub WM()
Dim col As Integer
Dim spanCol As Integer
Dim msgCol As Integer
Dim stampCol As Integer 'The column containing the timestamp
Dim aStampCol As Integer 'The column containing the adjusted timestamp
Dim row As Long
Dim startRow As Long
Dim stimRow As Long 'the row on the Sample_Message column that says "stim1"
Dim endRow As Long 'the row on the Sample_Message column that says "participant_trial_end"
Dim triNum() As String 'a string array that will hold "Trial: x" after it has been split
Dim stim1TimeStamp As Long
Dim cellsAStamp() As Variant 'will contain the names of all the NoBlink sheets to allow for
'Identifies Timestamp column, adds ADJUSTED_TIMESTAMP column
For stampCol = 1 To 10
If Cells(1, stampCol) = "TIMESTAMP" Then
aStampCol = stampCol
colLetter = ConvertToLetter(stampCol)
Columns(colLetter & ":" & colLetter).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
stampCol = stampCol + 1
Cells(1, aStampCol) = "ADJUSTED_TIMESTAMP"
GoTo out
End If
Next stampCol
'Identifies Trial Label column
For col = 1 To 10
If Cells(1, col) = "TRIAL_LABEL" Then
GoTo out1
End If
Next col
'Identifies Span column
For spanCol = 1 To 10
If Cells(1, spanCol) = "span" Then
GoTo out2
End If
Next spanCol
'Identifies Message column
For msgCol = 1 To 10
If Cells(1, msgCol) = "SAMPLE_MESSAGE" Then
GoTo out3
End If
Next msgCol
'Goes through Trial_Label column and deletes trials 1 and 2
row = 2
While Cells(row, col) Like "Trial: [12]"
row = row + 1
row = row - 1
If row = 1 Then 'in case the trials weren't there, it wont start at the header
row = 2
GoTo skipDelete
End If
Rows("2:" & CStr(row)).Delete
'Goes through Trial_Label column and stops once the trial changes
row = 2
GoTo stillMoreLeft
startRow = row
currTrial = Cells(row, col) 'did not initialize currSpan and currTrial as strings
currSpan = Cells(row, spanCol)
While currTrial = Cells(row, col)
'highlights any row that has a message
If Cells(row, msgCol) <> "." Then
Rows(CStr(row) & ":" & CStr(row)).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
'Identifies the row that contains "stim1" in Sample_Message
If Cells(row, msgCol) = "stim1" Then
stimRow = row
End If
'Identifies the row that contains "participant_trial_end" in Sample_Message
If Cells(row, msgCol) = "participant_trial_end" Then
endRow = row
End If
row = row + 1
row = row - 1
'Copies all of the rows containted in a trial
Rows(CStr(stimRow) & ":" & CStr(endRow)).Select
'Creates new sheet that will be named appropriately
triNum = Split(currTrial)
currSheetName = "Trial" & triNum(1) & "Span" & currSpan
ActiveSheet.Name = currSheetName
'Pastes all the rows contained in at trial
'Gets timestamp for stim1
stim1TimeStamp = Cells(2, stampCol)
'Puts the whole timestamp column in an array/ Does the appropriate calculations to each value
datarows = endRow - stimRow + 2
cellsAStamp = Range(Cells(2, stampCol), Cells(datarows, stampCol)) 'looks like a legit way to use range
For i = 0 To datarows - 2
cellsAStamp(i) = cellsAStamp(i) - stim1TimeStamp
Next i
Range(Cells(2, aStampCol), Cells(endRow, aStampCol)) = cellsAStamp
'Fills the Adjusted_TimeStamp column
'dataRows = endRow - stimRow + 2
'For i = 2 To dataRows
' Cells(i, aStampCol) = Cells(i, stampCol) - stim1TimeStamp 'This equation says: the Adjusted_Time_Stamp=TimeStamp-TimeStamp of Stim1
'Next i
'Copies header row and pastes it to first row of most recent trial sheet
row = row + 1 'we increment the row so that on the next line, when they check for whether the cell is empty or not, we aren't looking at the last cell of our current trial, but the first cell of our following trial
'Looks to see if there is still a trial left, if so, it goes through all of it
If Cells(row, col) <> "" Then
GoTo stillMoreLeft
bob = 1 + 1
End If
End Sub
Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Integer) As String
Dim iAlpha As Integer
Dim iRemainder As Integer
iAlpha = Int(iCol / 27)
iRemainder = iCol - (iAlpha * 26)
If iAlpha > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(iAlpha + 64)
End If
If iRemainder > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = ConvertToLetter & Chr(iRemainder + 64)
End If
End Function
Upvotes: 1
Views: 396
Reputation: 60224
When you read a range into an array, it will be a 2D array (1-based) -- dimension one is the rows, dimension two is the columns -- even if there is just one column. So try:
cellsAStamp(i,1) = cellsAStamp(i,1) - stim1TimeStamp
Upvotes: 2