Reputation: 39
Below is a copy of my xml. Basically what I have is different crops(rice, soybeans, corn, etc) within each crop I have a field node and within that node there are several nodes describing the field. I also have an expense node that contains several expenses within that field node. Expenses can vary within each field which is why i have a node that can contain all of them. What I want to do is find an easy way to query this stuff. Lets say i want to get all the info for one particular field. Well in my app if they select a certain crop then i need to list all the fields in a combobox. Is my structure correct or is there another way to do this. What if i want to add all the expenses up for all the fields in a particular crop and lets say there are 20-30 fields. How can i do this? I know how to select certain things where value = 'something' but the main thing i need to do select all fields for a particular crop and add the expeneses. Or if i select a crop and field in my app then i need to be able to pull all the data from the field node. Any help would be great!
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Views: 1198
Reputation: 2022
Your XML structure makes sense (though I made some modifications that I list below). Like a database, your XML data should be structured in a way that makes logical sense for the relationships and data it represents. The XML should also be readable, which yours seems to be as well. That being said, there are many ways to "skin this cat" and I will outline two of them here.
Here is the modified XML file:
I created both of these as a unit test so they should both run as-is.
The first one, using LINQ (as is requested in your question) would look something like this the following. The general strategy is to load the xml file into and XmlDocument
instance and use XPath syntax to query the nodes and traverse the document.
Dim xmlData As String = "<Data><Crops><Crop><Name>Corn</Name><Fields><Field><Name>Field1</Name><Acres>2</Acres><Bushels>15</Bushels><Expenses><expense>12.0</expense><expense>20.0</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field2</Name><Acres>30</Acres><Bushels>60</Bushels><Expenses><expense>45.0</expense><expense>70.0</expense></Expenses></Field></Fields></Crop><Crop><Name>Soybeans</Name><Fields><Field><Name>Field2</Name><Acres>5</Acres><Bushels>1</Bushels><Expenses><expense>33.0</expense><expense>71.0</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field1</Name><Acres>10</Acres><Bushels>20</Bushels><Expenses><expense>15.0</expense><expense>10.0</expense></Expenses></Field></Fields></Crop><Crop><Name>Rice</Name><Fields><Field><Name>Field3</Name><Acres>15</Acres><Bushels>40</Bushels><Expenses><expense>15.50</expense><expense>44.79</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field4</Name><Acres>4</Acres><Bushels>18</Bushels><Expenses><expense>0.0</expense><expense>21.0</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field5</Name><Acres>15</Acres><Bushels>4</Bushels><Expenses><expense>62.0</expense><expense>27.45</expense></Expenses></Field></Fields></Crop></Crops></Data>"
Dim doc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
doc.LoadXml(xmlData) 'Load the data from the string'
'If loading from a file, use this'
Dim cropNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//Crop/Name") 'Use XPath syntax for querying'
Dim cropNames As New List(Of String)()
'Here, Linq is used to get all of the values of the name nodes within each crop (assuming each crop has only one name).'
cropNames.AddRange((From x As Xml.XmlNode In cropNodes Select x.InnerText).ToArray())
Debug.WriteLine("Crop: " & crop)
End Sub)
Dim fieldData As Xml.XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//Field")
For Each item As Xml.XmlNode In fieldData
Debug.WriteLine("Field Name: " & item.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText())
'Get expenses per field for each crop'
For Each name As String In cropNames
Dim cropNode As Xml.XmlNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Crop/Name[text()='" & name & "']/..")
Debug.WriteLine("Num Fields: " & cropNode.SelectNodes("Fields/Field").Count)
For Each node As Xml.XmlNode In cropNode.SelectNodes("Fields/Field")
Debug.WriteLine("Total Expenses for " & node.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText & ":$" & (From item As Xml.XmlNode In node.SelectNodes("Expenses/expense") Select Double.Parse(item.InnerText)).Sum())
The next way (and this would be my preference) would be to just deserialize the XML into strongly typed .NET objects. This way, you can create functions within each class to do the work for you and avoid the XPath syntax all together and it becomes easier to add custom functionality.
Here is an example:
'In some test code:
Dim xmlData As String = "<Data><Crops><Crop><Name>Corn</Name><Fields><Field><Name>Field1</Name><Acres>2</Acres><Bushels>15</Bushels><Expenses><expense>12.0</expense><expense>20.0</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field2</Name><Acres>30</Acres><Bushels>60</Bushels><Expenses><expense>45.0</expense><expense>70.0</expense></Expenses></Field></Fields></Crop><Crop><Name>Soybeans</Name><Fields><Field><Name>Field2</Name><Acres>5</Acres><Bushels>1</Bushels><Expenses><expense>33.0</expense><expense>71.0</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field1</Name><Acres>10</Acres><Bushels>20</Bushels><Expenses><expense>15.0</expense><expense>10.0</expense></Expenses></Field></Fields></Crop><Crop><Name>Rice</Name><Fields><Field><Name>Field3</Name><Acres>15</Acres><Bushels>40</Bushels><Expenses><expense>15.50</expense><expense>44.79</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field4</Name><Acres>4</Acres><Bushels>18</Bushels><Expenses><expense>0.0</expense><expense>21.0</expense></Expenses></Field><Field><Name>Field5</Name><Acres>15</Acres><Bushels>4</Bushels><Expenses><expense>62.0</expense><expense>27.45</expense></Expenses></Field></Fields></Crop></Crops></Data>"
Dim crops As CropData = Nothing
Dim ser As New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(CropData))
crops = ser.Deserialize(Xml.XmlReader.Create(New IO.StringReader(xmlData)))
For Each item In crops.Crops
Debug.WriteLine("Total Expenses for crop: " & item.Name & ": $" & item.GetTotalExpenses())
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Other classes:
Public Class CropData
'XmlIgnore is somewhat unnecessary on a private instance, but I like to be explicit
<Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()> _
Private _crops As List(Of Crop)
Public Sub New()
_crops = New List(Of Crop)()
End Sub
<Xml.Serialization.XmlArray(ElementName:="Crops"), Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItem("Crop")>
Public Property Crops As List(Of Crop)
Return _crops
End Get
Set(value As List(Of Crop))
If value IsNot Nothing Then
_crops = value
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class Crop
Private _fields As List(Of Field)
Public Sub New()
_fields = New List(Of Field)()
End Sub
Public Function GetTotalExpenses() As Double
Dim total As Double = 0D
If Me.Fields.Any() Then
total += item.GetFieldExpenses()
End Sub)
End If
Return total
End Function
Public Property Name As String
<Xml.Serialization.XmlArray(ElementName:="Fields"), Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItem(ElementName:="Field")>
Public Property Fields As List(Of Field)
Return _fields
End Get
Set(value As List(Of Field))
If value IsNot Nothing Then
_fields = value
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class Field
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Function GetFieldExpenses() As Double
If Me.Expenses.Any() Then
Return Me.Expenses.Sum()
Return 0
End If
End Function
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Acres As Double
Public Property Bushels As Double
<Xml.Serialization.XmlArray("Expenses"), Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItem("expense")>
Public Property Expenses As List(Of Double)
End Class
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
If I want to load an XML file with I check if it is well formed by attempting to load it into Excel using the XML feature on the data ribbon. Couldn't get your format to load (after cleaning up the etc's..). However the following seems to work:
You could then perform a select query on the crop field and add all expense fields together. If you did not want the number of fields per record to change, depending on the number of expenses you could pull out the expenses into another field and relate them by a randomly generated record locator. IE
Then you would need some LEFT OUTER JOIN trickery with a select statement on the field to produce the final record set of expenses from the two tables.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1524
Check out Linq to Xml and VB's xml operators for a concise solution:
Function TotalExpenses(myData as XElement, myCropName as String) as Double
Dim expenseElements = (From crop In myData.<Crop>
Where crop.<Name>.FirstOrDefault().Value = myCropName
From expenseElement In element.Descendants("Expenses").Descendants()
Select expenseElement)
Return expenseElements.Sum(Function(ee) Double.Parse(ee.Value))
End Function
Upvotes: 0