Reputation: 1326
I am attempting to use VBA to create a chart using dynamic ranges. Specifically, I have an Excel table
as follows
Based on this data, I would like to create a chart, with the date ranges changed as per requirement. For example, at one instance, I would be required to produce a chart for 1st July - 6th July, and at another, from 10th July - 14th July.
The following is my attempt at generating such a chart, but I feel there would be much better ways other than mine. Hence, my question, is there any other, better way?
1- I first enter the date values in 'helper cells' for which a chart is sought. In this case, cell M24 has the value 10th July, while cell M26 has the value 14th July.
2- Then, I use the match()
function to find the positions from the date column of my Table. The function is =MATCH(M24,Table1[Dates],0)
, and =MATCH(M26,Table1[Dates],0)
3- Given that I have the relative positions for the dates, I then use the following VBA code to generate the chart:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
Dim myShape As Shape
Dim myChart As Chart
Dim myVal1 As String
Dim myVal2 As String
Set mySheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("dataSheet")
If myShape Is Nothing Then
Set myShape = mySheet.Shapes.AddChart(XlChartType:=xlColumnClustered, _
Left:=CommandButton1.Left + CommandButton1.Width + 2, _
Width:=370, Height:=200)
End If
'In the following, I am offsetting from the first cell
'of my Table, which contains the `value 1-Jul.
'My objective is to use the range 10-Jul to 14th Jul,
'so I also add a column offset
'Cells O24 and O26 contain the results of the match functions
myVal1 = Range("B4").Offset(Range("O24").Value, 0).Address
myVal2 = Range("B4").Offset(Range("O26").Value, 4).Address
Set myChart = myShape.Chart
myChart.ChartType = xlLine
myChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("dataSheet") _
.Range(CStr(myVal1 & ":" & myVal2))
End Sub
So, now hoping that my question is clear, could somebody please educate me of a better method than this one? This seems to be more a hacking method than proper coding to me...
Many thanks in advance!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 8698
Reputation: 6073
In my tutorial Chart Partial Range Between Variable Endpoints, I show a couple alternatives using defined Names, without VBA. One way simply gives the index of the first and last record to include in the chart, another uses match to find the range of records that begin and end at dates entered by the user.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 19737
As what Dave said, it is pretty solid. But you can try this one:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim d1 As Range, d2 As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Thisworkbook.Sheets("datasheet")
'~~> Look for the dates
With ws.Range("Table1[Dates]")
Set d1 = .Find(ws.Range("M24").Value, .Cells(.Cells.Count))
Set d2 = .Find(ws.Range("M26").Value, .Cells(.Cells.Count))
End With
'~~> Handle unavailable dates, interchanged inputs
Dim i As Long, j As Long
If d1 Is Nothing Or d2 Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Invalid coverage": Exit Sub
If d2.Value > d1.Value Then i = 0: j = 4 Else i = 4: j = 0
'~~> Set the chart source
Dim chsource As Range
Set chsource = ws.ListObjects("Table1").HeaderRowRange
Set chsource = Union(chsource, ws.Range(d1.Offset(0, i), d2.Offset(0, j)))
'~~> Clean up existing chart
Dim sh As Shape
For Each sh In Me.Shapes
If sh.Type = msoChart Then sh.Delete
'~~> Create the chart
With Me.Shapes.AddChart(, Me.CommandButton1.Left + _
Me.CommandButton1.Width + 2, Me.CommandButton1.Top, _
370, 200).Chart
.ChartType = xlLine
.SetSourceData chsource
.SetElement msoElementChartTitleAboveChart
.ChartTitle.Text = "Trend Chart"
End With
End Sub
You still retrieve dates on M24 and M26 respectively, but no need to use additional ranges with the formulas.
If the values aren't found, it returns a message box.
As long as the dates are found it will create the graph regardless where the user put it.
Also I did 2 ways of accessing the Table, 1 is using Range and the other is using ListObjects.
That is intentional for you to get a hang of both. Sometimes one is better than the other.
Also I am explicit in using Me
(which pertains to the sheet that contain your CB).
I also think that your graph should have the correct legends instead of Series(x) names so I added the header to the source. HTH.
Upvotes: 1