Reputation: 1
Hey I'm a beginner when it comes to VHDL and currently I'm trying to write a protocol decoder for the open pixel control (OPC) protocol:
I have implemented a FSM in VHDL to decode the OPC messages by reading bytes from a serial/RS232 receiver. The RX module outputs the received byte as a std_logic_vector and creates a data ready pulse that is one gclk cycle long.
In my top level entity I have connected the RX and the decoder modules to the same global clock net. The data ready pulse from the RX module is directly connected to the i_dataready input of the FSM in question.
Although I have checked the code for this FSM multiple times in the last couple of days and also searching a fair bit I couldn't find out why my FSM won't change states.
The thing that puzzles me is that two other modules, a serial TX and another module change states just fine upon receiving the data ready signal from the RX module, it's just this FSM that doesn't work.
This is the code that I have written:
EDIT: okay I've done some more simulation of my complete top level entity: The system is currently running at 2MHz (I know very slow but it's all I can do right now).
According to simulation in Active-HDL the system should work as expected.
Here is my top level entity:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity serial_test is
i_gclk: in std_logic;
i_rx: in std_logic;
o_tx: out std_logic;
o_go: out std_logic;
o_newdata: out std_logic;
o_ws: out std_logic;
o_leds: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)
end serial_test;
architecture rtl of serial_test is
signal txact, txdone: std_logic;
signal rxdata: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal rgbdata: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal opc_chan: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal go: std_logic;
signal opc_state: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal newrgb: std_logic;
opcdec_inst: entity work.opc_decoder
port map(i_gclk => i_gclk, i_dataready => go, i_rawdata => rxdata, o_channel => opc_chan, o_rgbdata => rgbdata, o_state => opc_state, o_newdata => newrgb);
urx_inst: entity work.uart_rx
port map(i_clk => i_gclk, i_rx_serial => i_rx, o_rx_dv => go, o_rx_byte => rxdata);
utx_inst: entity work.uart_tx
port map(i_clk => i_gclk, i_tx_dv => go, i_tx_byte => rxdata, o_tx_active => txact, o_tx_serial => o_tx, o_tx_done => txdone);
wsdrv_inst: entity work.ws2812_driver
port map(i_gclk => i_gclk, i_rgbdata => rgbdata, i_newdata => newrgb, o_serial => o_ws);
-- output FSM state to LEDs
o_leds <= opc_state;
-- output go signal for signal analyzer
o_go <= go;
o_newdata <= newrgb;
end rtl;
My testbench for the top level entity
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
ENTITY testbench IS
END testbench;
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF testbench IS
COMPONENT serial_test
i_gclk : IN std_logic;
i_rx : IN std_logic;
o_tx: OUT std_logic;
o_go : OUT std_logic;
o_newdata : OUT std_logic;
o_ws : OUT std_logic;
o_leds : OUT std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)
SIGNAL i_gclk : std_logic := '1';
SIGNAL i_rx : std_logic := '1';
SIGNAL o_tx : std_logic;
SIGNAL o_go : std_logic;
SIGNAL o_newdata : std_logic;
SIGNAL o_ws : std_logic;
SIGNAL o_leds : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- Please check and add your generic clause manually
uut: serial_test PORT MAP(
i_gclk => i_gclk,
i_rx => i_rx,
o_tx => o_tx,
o_go => o_go,
o_newdata => o_newdata,
o_ws => o_ws,
o_leds => o_leds
p_GCLK: process
i_gclk <= not i_gclk;
wait for 250ns;
end process p_GCLK;
p_RX: process
--wait for 375ns;
wait for 1ms;
-- first byte: 0x01 (CHANNEL)
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
-- second byte: 0x00 (COMMAND)
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
-- third byte 0x00(LENGTH MSB)
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
-- fourth byte 0x03 (LENGTH LSB)
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
-- fifth byte 0xCD
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
-- sixth byte 0xBA
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
-- seventh byte 0xFE
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '0';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
i_rx <= '1';
wait for 104us;
wait for 10ms;
end process p_RX;
Here you can see the waveforms that the simulator produces. It clearly shows that at least in simulation the FSM does indeed change states and even o_newdata works as expected. (sorry I can't yet post images on StackOverflow, uploaded them to my webiste instead)
This screenshot shows the signals from the Lattice CPLD that were actually measured with the logic analyzer. In this case we can see that there is no change in states, o_ws and o_newdata don't change either.
Now knowing that my FSM code should be okay, I presume this has something to do with the actual synthesis into hardware, maybe things like excessive propagation delay or clock skew. Is there a way to get around this in some way?
This is the FSM code in question
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity opc_decoder is
i_gclk: in std_logic; -- global system clock
i_dataready: in std_logic; -- data ready signal from previous block (length: 1 gclk cycle)
i_rawdata: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- raw byte received by previous block
o_channel: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- output channel address for output MUX
o_rgbdata: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- decoded OPC data byte (R|G|B)
o_state: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
o_newdata: out std_logic -- data synchronization signal for next block
end opc_decoder;
architecture rtl of opc_decoder is
type t_OPC_SM is (s_IDLE, s_OPC_CMD, s_OPC_LEN_HI, s_OPC_LEN_LO, s_OPC_DATA);
signal r_OPC_SM: t_OPC_SM := s_IDLE;
signal r_OPC_CHANNEL: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- decoded channel number/address
signal r_OPC_COUNT: unsigned(15 downto 0); -- number of actual RGB data bytes to be received
p_OPC_SM: process(i_gclk) is
if(rising_edge(i_gclk)) then
o_newdata <= '0';
case r_OPC_SM is
when s_IDLE =>
r_OPC_CHANNEL <= (others=>'0');
r_OPC_COUNT <= (others=>'0');
if(i_dataready = '1') then
r_OPC_CHANNEL <= i_rawdata;
r_OPC_SM <= s_OPC_CMD;
r_OPC_SM <= s_IDLE;
end if;
when s_OPC_CMD =>
if(i_dataready = '1') then
r_OPC_SM <= s_OPC_CMD;
end if;
when s_OPC_LEN_HI =>
if(i_dataready = '1') then
r_OPC_COUNT <= unsigned(i_rawdata) & r_OPC_COUNT(7 downto 0);
end if;
when s_OPC_LEN_LO =>
if(i_dataready = '1') then
r_OPC_COUNT <= r_OPC_COUNT(15 downto 8) & unsigned(i_rawdata);
end if;
when s_OPC_DATA =>
if(i_dataready = '1') then
if (r_OPC_COUNT > 0) then
o_rgbdata <= i_rawdata;
o_newdata <= '1';
r_OPC_SM <= s_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
r_OPC_SM <= s_IDLE;
end case;
end if;
end process p_OPC_SM;
-- output state information
with r_OPC_SM select
o_state <= "001" when s_IDLE,
"010" when s_OPC_CMD,
"011" when s_OPC_LEN_HI,
"100" when s_OPC_LEN_LO,
"101" when s_OPC_DATA,
"000" when others;
o_channel <= r_OPC_CHANNEL;
end rtl;
Thanks a lot, Elia
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1971
Reputation: 378
I had a similar problem with Synplify Pro and my ice40 project; go to the following site and follow the instructions to specify the encoding:
Apparently, the FSM optimizer in Synplify Pro is weird and will prevent your state machines from working unless you explicitly tell it what to do through some directives. This seems like a bug; it should probably get reported to Lattice.
Upvotes: 0
Alright, I'll bite. I wrote a test bench, and while there are errors in the execution of your state machine it changes states.
For a continuous i_dataready
Which shows o_newdata
doesn't get to the test bench in state s_OPC_DATA
. Setting that aside for the moment a single i_dataready
Which shows the opc_decoder changing state from s_IDLE
to s_OPC_CMD
which I would expect from your process statement.
This tells us you haven't presented enough information on the error indication you are seeing which can be as simple as opc_decoder not being bound because it was analyzed after the block statement it is instantiated in for instance.
Another thing that comes to mind is that you are manipulating the length of i_dataready
so the length is less than one clock and it's being missed due to delta delays being different between some of the entities using the clock.
The test bench used to generate these waveforms (noting that the STIMULUS process currently only leaves i_dataready
at a '1' for one clock):
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity opc_decoder_tb is
end entity;
architecture foo of opc_decoder_tb is
signal i_gclk: std_logic := '0'; -- global system clock
signal i_dataready: std_logic; -- data ready signal from previous
-- block (length: 1 gclk cycle)
signal i_rawdata: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- raw byte received by previous block
signal o_channel: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- output channel address
-- for output MUX
signal o_rgbdata: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- decoded OPC data byte
-- (R|G|B)
signal o_state: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal o_newdata: std_logic ;
entity work.opc_decoder
port map (
i_gclk => i_gclk,
i_dataready => i_dataready,
i_rawdata => i_rawdata,
o_channel => o_channel,
o_rgbdata => o_rgbdata,
o_newdata => o_newdata
CLOCK: -- picked the clock period out of a hat
wait for 50 ns;
i_gclk <= not i_gclk; -- which is why it was initialized to '0'
if Now > 500 ns then -- bound he simulation time, stop simulation
end if;
end process;
wait for 20 ns;
i_dataready <= '0'; -- demo 'U'
wait for 30 ns;
i_dataready <= '1';
wait for 100 ns; -- clock period
i_dataready <= '0';
end process;
end architecture;
The problem you've described ("why my FSM won't change states") isn't answerable from the code you've display, and may lie in methodology not yet disclosed.
From the information you've supplied to date the FSM will change states.
You can add to your question as the best way to enable other answers.
Upvotes: 2