Reputation: 300
Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to do this type of calculation in parallel, or tell me what the general name of this method is? I don't think these will return the same result.
for (int i = 1; i < width; i++)
x[i] = x[i] + x[i-1];
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
if ((i > 0) && (i < (width)))
X[i] = X[i] + X[i-1];
Upvotes: 8
Views: 7146
Reputation: 21515
It has been already recognized that your problem amounts at a cumulative summation. Following Robert Crovella's comment, I just want to provide an example of use of CUDA Thrust's thrust::inclusive_scan
for the computation of a cumulative summation.
The example refers to the case when you want to apply rank weigthing to a genetic algorithm. In this case, you rank the chromosomes and set up the following probability
and from that probability distribution you calculate the cumulative probability. See
R.L. Haupt, S.E. Haupt, "Practical Genetic Algorithms, Second Edition", J. Wiley and Sons, pp. 39
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/constant_iterator.h>
#include <cstdio>
template <class T>
struct scaling {
const T _a;
scaling(T a) : _a(a) { }
__host__ __device__ T operator()(const T &x) const { return _a * x; }
void main()
const int N = 20;
double a = -(double)N;
double b = 0.;
double Dx = -1./(0.5*N*(N+1));
thrust::device_vector<double> MatingProbability(N);
thrust::device_vector<double> CumulativeProbability(N+1, 0.);
thrust::transform(thrust::make_counting_iterator(a), thrust::make_counting_iterator(b), MatingProbability.begin(), scaling<double>(Dx));
thrust::inclusive_scan(MatingProbability.begin(), MatingProbability.end(), CumulativeProbability.begin() + 1);
for(int i=0; i<N+1; i++)
double val = CumulativeProbability[i];
printf("%d %3.15f\n", i, val);
Other examples of cumulative summations regard the numerical calculation of the primitive of a function.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 179717
This looks like a cumulative sum operation, in which the final value of x[i]
is the sum of all values x[0]...x[i]
in the original array.
In CUDA, this is called a scan or prefix-sum operation, and it can be efficiently parallelized. See e.g. this lecture for examples.
Upvotes: 12