Reputation: 35
I'm a Clojure noob, so bear with me. I'm trying to write a simple program to send a command through a socket and get a response. My code is:
(def IPaddress "")
(def port 1500)
(def socket (new Socket IPaddress port))
(print (clojure.string/join ["\nConnected to HSM: " (. socket isConnected)]))
(def in (DataInputStream. (BufferedInputStream. (. socket getInputStream))))
(def out (DataOutputStream. (BufferedOutputStream. (. socket getOutputStream))))
(def command "Some string")
(. out WriteUTF command)
(def response (. in readUTF))
(print (clojure.string/join ["Output from HSM: " response]))
The error is "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method: writeUTF". I'm having trouble understanding Java interop, and accessing object methods, etc. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: If anyone is interested, my final working code is included here:
(def IPaddress "")
(def port 1500)
(def socket (Socket. IPaddress port))
(println "Connected:" (.isConnected socket))
(def in (DataInputStream. (BufferedInputStream. (.getInputStream socket))))
(def out (DataOutputStream. (BufferedOutputStream. (.getOutputStream socket))))
(def command "Some string")
(println "Input:" command)
(.writeUTF out command)
(.flush out)
(def response (.readUTF in))
(println "Output: " response)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3813
Reputation: 29
I realize this is pretty old but it is one of the only examples I have found for reading and writing to a socket with clojure. I needed to experiment a bit to get your code working so it might be useful to someone to the results of that effort:
(import ( Socket))
(import ( DataInputStream DataOutputStream))
(def IPaddress "")
(def port 1500)
(def command "Some string\n")
(def socket (Socket. IPaddress port))
(def in (DataInputStream. (.getInputStream socket)))
(def out (DataOutputStream. (.getOutputStream socket)))
(println "Input:" command)
(.writeUTF out command)
(def response (.readLine in))
(println "Output: " response)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 8593
Java is case sensite so it should be (. out writeUTF command)
. Note that the prefer syntax for interop is (.writeUTF out command)
which is equivalent to your statement
Upvotes: 2