Reputation: 114
Short story:
My question is two fold:
How do I copy over this text 05-Jun-2014
from a text file so that the text 05-Jun-2014
does not get displayed as #NAME?
or get cut off at 5
? (I need the whole thing copied over.)
How do I take that text and make it a date?
Long story
In this text file I have dates in this format day-month-year
, e.g 05-Jun-2014
As you see, the "e" in June is cut off. If I type in 05-Jun-2014
in excel, it recognizes it. I use CDate
to convert the string to a date.
My problem is multi-fold. Essentially I want excel vba to recognize 05-Jun-2014
as a date.
If I try to copy the phrase 05-Jun-2014
from my text document. I will only get 5
to copy over. I copy the string to a jagged array jaggArray
and from there I call it.
Below you can see my code for how I copy text:
Private Function createGCStruct(ByRef tempString() As String, ByVal aNum As Integer, ByVal oNum As Integer, _
ByRef oList() As String, ByVal index As Integer, ByVal gcSoiDate As Date, ByVal gcFName As String, _
ByVal typeName As String) As gcBStruct
' JaggedArray:
Dim jaggArray() As Variant
'2) Capture structure information from textfile array
'A) remove unnecessary spaces from existing Array and Place into jaggedArray
jaggArray = splitStringArrayElements(tempString)
End Function
splitStringArrayElements Function():
Private Function splitStringArrayElements(tempString() As String) As Variant()
' 1) Variables:
Dim j As Long
Dim trimmedString As String
Dim jaggArray() As Variant
ReDim jaggArray(LBound(tempString()) To UBound(tempString()))
Dim emptyStringArrayPlaceholder() As String
ReDim emptyStringArrayPlaceholder(0 To 0)
' 2) Remove unwanted spaces from tempString() and create a JaggedArray
For j = LBound(tempString()) To UBound(tempString())
' Remove spaces inbetween
trimmedString = Trim(tempString(j))
' If empty line, array is empty
If trimmedString = "" Then
jaggArray(j) = emptyStringArrayPlaceholder
' Else add array without spaces
jaggArray(j) = SplitAdv(trimmedString, " ")
End If
Next j
splitStringArrayElements = jaggArray
End Function
splitAdv() Function:
Public Function SplitAdv(ByVal InputText As String, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String) As Variant
' This function splits the sentence in InputText into
' words and returns a string array of the words. Each
' element of the array contains one word.
' This constant contains punctuation and characters
' that should be filtered from the input string.
Const CHARS = """-" 'Potential options are: "!?,.;:""'()[]{}"
Dim strReplacedText As String
Dim intIndex As Integer
' Replace tab characters with space characters.
strReplacedText = Trim(Replace(InputText, _
vbTab, " "))
' Filter all specified characters from the string.
For intIndex = 1 To Len(CHARS)
strReplacedText = Trim(Replace(strReplacedText, _
Mid(CHARS, intIndex, 1), " "))
Next intIndex
' Loop until all consecutive space characters are
' replaced by a single space character.
Do While InStr(strReplacedText, " ")
strReplacedText = Replace(strReplacedText, _
" ", " ")
' Split the sentence into an array of words and return
' the array. If a delimiter is specified, use it.
'MsgBox "String:" & strReplacedText
If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then
SplitAdv = VBA.Split(strReplacedText)
SplitAdv = VBA.Split(strReplacedText, Delimiter)
End If
End Function
If I remove the -
when I copy, the three parts become: 5-Jan-00 #NAME? 14:42:58
Here is where I copy over the date to a structure (assuming i removed the "-"). My goal was to copy over the parts of the date "05
", "Jun
", and "2014
", and then recombine them in this format: 05 Jun,2014
, and then try to convert that to a date:
Dim rDStart As Integer ' row of first gcDate
Dim cDStart As Integer ' col of first gcDate
Dim tempD1 As Date
Dim tempD2 As Date
rDStart = 6 ' the row of the first gcDate
cDStart = 2 ' the column of the first gcDate
'Collect gcDate
'***I get my errors below***
tempD1 = CDate(jaggArray(rDStart - 1)(cDStart - 1) & " " & jaggArray(rDStart - 1)(cDStart) & ", " & jaggArray(rDStart - 1)(cDStart + 1))
tempD2 = CDate(jaggArray(rDStart - 1)(cDStart + 2))
createGCStruct.gcDate = tempD1 + tempD2
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Views: 509
Reputation: 920
The way to create a "#NAME?" message with VBA is to do the following:
Range("A1") = "=05-Jun-2014"
Note that the "=" operator causes Excel to treat the following as an expression which in this case would be 5 minus Jun minus 2014. Because you have no function defined with the NAME 'Jun' you get the "#NAME?" message.
The following does not produce an error and Excel also correctly recognises the value as a date.
Range("A1") = "05-Jun-2014"
I suggest that you review where you are placing the value into the sheet which I believe is the likely source of the bug.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 38520
You could just use CDate
without splitting the string at all. CDate
will recognise many date formats, and as long as they are not ambiguous (which "05-Jun-2014"
isn't), the conversion should work just fine. This works for me:
Dim d As Date
d = CDate("05-Jun-2014")
With Range("A1")
.Value = d
.NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yyyy"
End With
Upvotes: 2