Reputation: 21
I am making a program that needs to run the commands that users put in. If the command doesn't exist it opens an error.
set /p cmd="Command:"
if not exist %cmd% goto nocommand
echo Error, command doesn't exist..
goto cmd
But if I type "echo text" it says text isn't a command. I need it to only read the first word.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 928
Reputation: 57332
Checks if its is possible to execute the command as an internal,from given path or from %PATH%. It uses also solution from dbenham from here : Check if command is internal in CMD
@echo off
set /p "cmd=Command:"
for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%cmd%") do set "fcmd=%%~na"
set "empty=%temp%\empty%random%"
md "%empty%"
pushd "%empty%"
set path=
>nul 2>nul %fcmd% /?
if not errorlevel 9009 (
rd "%empty%"
echo %fcmd% is internal command
goto :execute
) else (
rd "%empty%"
for %%# in (%PATHEXT%;"" ) do (
rem echo --%fcmd%%%~#--
if exist %fcmd%%%~# (
echo the command/executable/script will be executed from given location
goto :execute
for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%fcmd%%%~#") do (
if "%%~$PATH:a" NEQ "" (
echo the command/executable/script is defined in %%PATH%%
goto :execute
echo command does not exist
exit /b 1
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 26180
set /p cmd="Command:"
for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ("%cmd%") do set firstword=%%i
echo %firstword%
Upvotes: 0