Reputation: 1829
On my index page I am displaying all registered users. When I click on their profile image it takes me to their page, however when I right click on the image to open in new tab it takes me to their photo url address only.
How can I add link_to
so that when I right click on the image it opens the path to the user profile instead of the image url.
The related line should be:
= image_tag user.avatar.try(:image_url)
- if user.avatar.present?
.common_box.box1 data-user-id="#{}"
= image_tag user.avatar.try(:image_url)
-if @user.present?
a.message_btn href="#" data-user="#{}" data-mfp-src='#message_me' Message
= link_to "Save", follow_popup_user_path(user), class: 'save_btn', :'data-mfp-src'=>'#follow_div', remote: true
a.report_btn href="#" data-mfp-src='#report_me' Report
small years
span.age_box class="#{user.gender == 'Male' ? '': 'pink'}" = user.age
h3 class="#{user.gender == 'Male' ? '' : 'pink'}" = user.username
= user.address
div class= "#{user.gender == 'Male' ? 'green_corner': 'pink_corner'}"
=image_tag "#{user.gender == 'Male' ? 'side_curv.png': 'curv_2.png'}"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 298
Reputation: 3451
Since you have a user defined as user
already (guessing this is from a _user partial?) you should be able to something as simple as putting the image tag inside a link_to block.
- if user.avatar.present?
.common_box.box1 data-user-id="#{}"
= link_to user do
= image_tag user.avatar.try(:image_url)
-if @user.present?
// etc
Make sure the indentation is correct or slim will try to put everything indented past the link_to block in a link and the error that sometimes displays is tough to hunt down.
Upvotes: 2