Reputation: 297
I am using Flask-Admin and is very happy with it. However, the sample in Flask-Admin only provides to upload the image to static folder. Is it possible to upload it to S3 directly with Flask-Admin? Thanks.
Regards Alex
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2747
Reputation: 3226
Thanks for your sample code, Alex Chan. I needed this functionality too, so I decided to write more complete S3FileUploadField
and S3ImageUploadField
classes, based on your code and various other snippets.
You can find my code at:
Also up on pypi, so you can install with:
pip install flask-admin-s3-upload
I've documentated a basic usage example in the readme (can see it on the github project page). Hope this helps, for anyone else who needs S3 file uploads in flask-admin.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 297
Here it is but not clean the code..
import os
import os.path as op
import cStringIO
import logging
import config
from flask import url_for
from werkzeug import secure_filename
from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage
import boto
from boto.s3.key import Key
from wtforms import ValidationError, fields
from wtforms.widgets import HTMLString, html_params
from flask.ext.admin.babel import gettext
from flask.ext.admin._compat import string_types, urljoin
from flask.ext.admin.form.upload import ImageUploadField
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
except ImportError:
Image = None
ImageOps = None
__all__ = ['FileUploadInput', 'FileUploadField',
'ImageUploadInput', 'ImageUploadField',
'namegen_filename', 'thumbgen_filename']
class ImageUploadInput(object):
Renders a image input chooser field.
You can customize `empty_template` and `data_template` members to customize
look and feel.
empty_template = ('<input %(file)s>')
data_template = ('<div class="image-thumbnail">'
' <img %(image)s>'
' <input type="checkbox" name="%(marker)s">Delete</input>'
'<input %(file)s>')
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
args = {
'file': html_params(type='file',
'marker': '_%s-delete' %
if and isinstance(, string_types):
url = self.get_url(field)
args['image'] = html_params(src=url)
template = self.data_template
template = self.empty_template
return HTMLString(template % args)
def get_url(self, field):
if field.thumbnail_size:
filename = field.thumbnail_fn(
filename =
if field.url_relative_path:
filename = urljoin(field.url_relative_path, filename)
#return url_for(field.endpoint,
class s3ImageUploadField(ImageUploadField):
Image upload field.
Does image validation, thumbnail generation, updating and deleting images.
Requires PIL (or Pillow) to be installed.
widget = ImageUploadInput()
keep_image_formats = ('PNG',)
If field detects that uploaded image is not in this list, it will save image
as PNG.
def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None,
base_path=None, relative_path=None,
namegen=None, allowed_extensions=None,
thumbgen=None, thumbnail_size=None,
url_relative_path=None, endpoint='static',
:param label:
Display label
:param validators:
:param base_path:
Absolute path to the directory which will store files
:param relative_path:
Relative path from the directory. Will be prepended to the file name for uploaded files.
Flask-Admin uses `urlparse.urljoin` to generate resulting filename, so make sure you have
trailing slash.
:param namegen:
Function that will generate filename from the model and uploaded file object.
Please note, that model is "dirty" model object, before it was committed to database.
For example::
import os.path as op
def prefix_name(obj, file_data):
parts = op.splitext(file_data.filename)
return secure_filename('file-%s%s' % parts)
class MyForm(BaseForm):
upload = FileUploadField('File', namegen=prefix_name)
:param allowed_extensions:
List of allowed extensions. If not provided, will allow any file.
:param max_size:
Tuple of (width, height, force) or None. If provided, Flask-Admin will
resize image to the desired size.
:param thumbgen:
Thumbnail filename generation function. All thumbnails will be saved as JPEG files,
so there's no need to keep original file extension.
For example::
import os.path as op
def thumb_name(filename):
name, _ = op.splitext(filename)
return secure_filename('%s-thumb.jpg' % name)
class MyForm(BaseForm):
upload = ImageUploadField('File', thumbgen=prefix_name)
:param thumbnail_size:
Tuple or (width, height, force) values. If not provided, thumbnail won't be created.
Width and height is in pixels. If `force` is set to `True`, will try to fit image into dimensions and
keep aspect ratio, otherwise will just resize to target size.
:param url_relative_path:
Relative path from the root of the static directory URL. Only gets used when generating
preview image URLs.
For example, your model might store just file names (`relative_path` set to `None`), but
`base_path` is pointing to subdirectory.
:param endpoint:
Static endpoint for images. Used by widget to display previews. Defaults to 'static'.
# Check if PIL is installed
if Image is None:
raise Exception('PIL library was not found')
self.max_size = max_size
self.thumbnail_fn = thumbgen or thumbgen_filename
self.thumbnail_size = thumbnail_size
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.image = None
self.url_relative_path = url_relative_path
if not allowed_extensions:
allowed_extensions = ('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tiff')
super(ImageUploadField, self).__init__(label, validators,
def pre_validate(self, form):
super(ImageUploadField, self).pre_validate(form)
if and isinstance(, FileStorage):
self.image =
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError('Invalid image: %s' % e)
# Deletion
def _delete_file(self, filename):
super(ImageUploadField, self)._delete_file(filename)
def _delete_thumbnail(self, filename):
path = self._get_path(self.thumbnail_fn(filename))
if op.exists(path):
# Saving
def _save_file(self, data, filename):
path = self._get_path(filename)
if not op.exists(op.dirname(path)):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), self.permission)
# Figure out format
filename, format = self._get_save_format(filename, self.image)
if self.image and (self.image.format != format or self.max_size):
if self.max_size:
image = self._resize(self.image, self.max_size)
image = self._resize(self.image, (500, 500))
#image = self.image
self._save_image(image, filename, format)
savedUrl=self._save_image(self.image, filename, format)
self._save_thumbnail(data, filename, format)
return savedUrl
def _save_thumbnail(self, data, filename, format):
if self.image and self.thumbnail_size:
path = self._get_path(self.thumbnail_fn(filename))
savedUrl=self._save_image(self._resize(self.image, self.thumbnail_size),
return savedUrl
def _resize(self, image, size):
(width, height, force) = size
if image.size[0] > width or image.size[1] > height:
if force:
return, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
thumb = self.image.copy()
thumb.thumbnail((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
return thumb
return image
def _save_image(self, image, path, format='JPEG'):
if image.mode not in ('RGB', 'RGBA'):
image = image.convert('RGBA')
conn =boto.connect_s3( config.AWS_KEY, config.AWS_SECRET,)
bucket = conn.get_bucket("vipbutton")
k = Key(bucket)
k.key= path
tempFile = cStringIO.StringIO(),format)
#k.set_contents_from_string('This is a test of S3')
#with open(path, 'wb') as fp:
#, format)
return k.generate_url(expires_in=0, query_auth=False)
def _get_save_format(self, filename, image):
if image.format not in self.keep_image_formats:
name, ext = op.splitext(filename)
filename = '%s.jpg' % name
return filename, 'JPEG'
return filename, image.format
# Helpers
def namegen_filename(obj, file_data):
Generate secure filename for uploaded file.
return secure_filename(file_data.filename)
def thumbgen_filename(filename):
Generate thumbnail name from filename.
name, ext = op.splitext(filename)
return '%s_thumb%s' % (name, ext)
Upvotes: 4