Reputation: 91
I am trying to search for message items between two dates from the inbox folder. I use the following restrictionType but it throws this error:
firmt.RootFolder = null
What am I doing wrong?
There is some messages between the mentionned dates ;-)
Thanks for your suggestions.
using (ExchangeServiceBinding esb = new ExchangeServiceBinding())
esb.Url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExchangeWebServicesURL"].ToString();
esb.RequestServerVersionValue = new RequestServerVersion();
esb.RequestServerVersionValue.Version = ExchangeVersionType.Exchange2007_SP1;
esb.PreAuthenticate = true;
esb.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(email, password);
FindItemType findItemRequest = new FindItemType();
// paging
IndexedPageViewType ipvt = new IndexedPageViewType();
ipvt.BasePoint = IndexBasePointType.Beginning;
ipvt.MaxEntriesReturned = nombreMessage;
ipvt.MaxEntriesReturnedSpecified = true;
ipvt.Offset = offset;
findItemRequest.Item = ipvt;
// filter by dates
AndType andType = new AndType();
List<SearchExpressionType> searchExps = new List<SearchExpressionType>();
RestrictionType restriction = new RestrictionType();
PathToUnindexedFieldType pteft = new PathToUnindexedFieldType
FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemDateTimeSent
IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo = new IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType
Item = pteft,
FieldURIOrConstant = new FieldURIOrConstantType
Item = new ConstantValueType
Value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6d).ToString()
IsLessThanOrEqualToType IsLessThanOrEqualTo = new IsLessThanOrEqualToType
Item = pteft,
FieldURIOrConstant = new FieldURIOrConstantType
Item = new ConstantValueType
Value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1d).ToString()
andType.Items = searchExps.ToArray();
restriction.Item = andType;
findItemRequest.Restriction = restriction;
//// Define the sort order of items.
FieldOrderType[] fieldsOrder = new FieldOrderType[1];
fieldsOrder[0] = new FieldOrderType();
PathToUnindexedFieldType dateOrder = new PathToUnindexedFieldType
FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemDateTimeReceived
fieldsOrder[0].Item = dateOrder;
fieldsOrder[0].Order = SortDirectionType.Descending;
findItemRequest.SortOrder = fieldsOrder;
findItemRequest.Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType.Shallow;
// define which item properties are returned in the response
findItemRequest.ItemShape = new ItemResponseShapeType
BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.IdOnly
// identify which folder to search
DistinguishedFolderIdType[] folderIDArray = new DistinguishedFolderIdType[1];
folderIDArray[0] = new DistinguishedFolderIdType { Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.inbox };
// add folders to request
findItemRequest.ParentFolderIds = folderIDArray;
// find the messages
FindItemResponseType findItemResponse = esb.FindItem(findItemRequest);
ArrayOfResponseMessagesType responseMessages = findItemResponse.ResponseMessages;
ResponseMessageType responseMessage = responseMessages.Items[0];
if (responseMessage is FindItemResponseMessageType)
FindItemResponseMessageType firmt = (responseMessage as FindItemResponseMessageType);
*******FindItemParentType fipt = firmt.RootFolder;********
object obj = fipt.Item;
// FindItem contains an array of items.
ArrayOfRealItemsType realitems = (obj as ArrayOfRealItemsType);
ItemType[] items = realitems.Items;
// if no messages were found, then return null -- we're done
if (items == null || items.Count() <= 0)
return null;
// FindItem never gets "all" the properties, so now that we've found them all, we need to get them all.
BaseItemIdType[] itemIds = new BaseItemIdType[items.Count()];
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count(); i++)
itemIds[i] = items[i].ItemId;
GetItemType getItemType = new GetItemType
ItemIds = itemIds,
ItemShape = new ItemResponseShapeType
BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties,
BodyType = BodyTypeResponseType.Text,
BodyTypeSpecified = true,
AdditionalProperties = new BasePathToElementType[] {
new PathToUnindexedFieldType { FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemDateTimeSent },
new PathToUnindexedFieldType { FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageFrom },
new PathToUnindexedFieldType { FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageIsRead },
new PathToUnindexedFieldType { FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageSender },
new PathToUnindexedFieldType { FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageToRecipients },
new PathToUnindexedFieldType { FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageCcRecipients },
new PathToUnindexedFieldType { FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageBccRecipients }
GetItemResponseType getItemResponse = esb.GetItem(getItemType);
messages = ReadItems(getItemResponse, items.Count());
Upvotes: 4
Views: 6673
Reputation: 161
The restriction also works using the "Sortable date/time pattern".
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1474
In case anyone stumbles upon this in the future, EWS has gotten even more strict about date formatting. The accepted answer formatting works for 2 digit months, but it does not for single digit months.
The formatting that works in all cases is:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 91
I found the answer on my own after a long search about date format.
The restrictions has to be defined as this:
// greater or equal to
string dateStart = DateTime.Today.add(-6d);
string dateEnd = DateTime.Today.Add(1d);
PathToUnindexedFieldType dateSentPath = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();
dateSentPath.FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemDateTimeSent;
IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType IsGreaterThanOrEqual = new IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType();
IsGreaterThanOrEqual.Item = dateSentPath;
FieldURIOrConstantType dateConstant = new FieldURIOrConstantType();
ConstantValueType dateConstantValue = new ConstantValueType();
dateConstantValue.Value = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}T00:00:00Z", dateStart.Year.ToString(), dateStart.Month.ToString(), dateStart.Day.ToString());
dateConstant.Item = dateConstantValue;
IsGreaterThanOrEqual.FieldURIOrConstant = dateConstant;
// less than or equal to
PathToUnindexedFieldType dateSentPath1 = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();
dateSentPath1.FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemDateTimeSent;
IsLessThanOrEqualToType lessThanOrEqualTo = new IsLessThanOrEqualToType();
lessThanOrEqualTo.Item = dateSentPath1;
FieldURIOrConstantType dateConstant1 = new FieldURIOrConstantType();
ConstantValueType dateConstantValue1 = new ConstantValueType();
dateConstantValue1.Value = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}T00:00:00Z", dateEnd.Year.ToString(), dateEnd.Month.ToString(), dateEnd.Day.ToString());
dateConstant1.Item = dateConstantValue1;
lessThanOrEqualTo.FieldURIOrConstant = dateConstant1;
RestrictionType restriction = new RestrictionType();
AndType andType = new AndType();
andType.Items = new SearchExpressionType[] { lessThanOrEqualTo, IsGreaterThanOrEqual };
restriction.Item = andType;
findItemRequest.Restriction = restriction;
Hope this help someone some day ;-)
Upvotes: 4