Reputation: 115
I'm having a problem with the grid alignment when I add in a text box.
I've set up a simple GUI with a 3 column wide display. As part fo the GUI I have a text box for entering notes, and a spinbox for a defined number range.
If I remove the text box from the active code my spinbox aligns correctly with all other entries, but when I place the text box in the grid my spinbox is moved over to the right.
Doesn't seem to matter where the spinbox code is in relation to the text box, once the text box is present the spin box moves over to the right.
At this stage I just can't see what is causing the problem.
I'll admit I'm new to Tkinter (and stackoverflow).
This is the particular line of code that causes the problem:
self.newText.grid(row=display_row, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=10, pady=10).
Sample code below. If I comment out the above line the spin box aligns correctly, if its present then the spinbox is offset. Its only the spinbox that is affected, neither Label, Entry, RadioButton or Text widgets are affected, but Spinbox is. These are the only widgets needed for my GUI.
Any help appreciated.
# Name: MyGUI
# Purpose: Problem Sample
from Tkinter import *
# GUI Class
class GUIClass():
GUI class
def __init__(self):
self.displayframe = 0
self.NameVar = StringVar()
self.NumVar = StringVar() # shouldn't be but it works
self.ButtonVar = BooleanVar()
# Function for standard button
def StandardEntry(self, display_row,labeltext,entryvar):
Standard 'Entry' feature for GUI.
Label(self.displayframe, text=labeltext).grid(row=display_row, column=0, sticky=W)
name = Entry(self.displayframe, textvariable=entryvar)
name.grid(row=display_row, column=1, sticky=W)
def BooleanRadioButton(self, display_row, labeltext, entryvar):
Boolean true/false radio button function
Label(self.displayframe, text=labeltext).grid(row=display_row, column=0, sticky=W)
ButtonOn = Radiobutton(self.displayframe, text="Enabled", variable=entryvar, value=True)
ButtonOn.grid(row=display_row, column=1, sticky=W)
ButtonOn = Radiobutton(self.displayframe, text="Disabled", variable=entryvar, value=False)
ButtonOn.grid(row=display_row, column=2, sticky=W)
def StandardSpinBox(self, display_row, labeltext, min_value, max_value, variablename):
Standard spinbox for this project.
Label(self.displayframe, text=labeltext).grid(row=display_row, column=0, sticky=W)
spinboxwidget = Spinbox(self.displayframe, from_=min_value, to=max_value, textvariable=variablename)
spinboxwidget.grid(row=display_row, column=1)
def AddFreeTextForm(self, display_row, notes):
Standard widget for free text entry
self.newText = Text(self.displayframe, width=50, height=8, takefocus=0)
self.newText.grid(row=display_row, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=10, pady=10)
def movesettingstoclass(self, dataclass):
dataclass.NameVar = self.NameVar.get()
dataclass.NumVar = int(self.NumVar.get())
dataclass.ButtonVar = self.ButtonVar.get()
def populate(self, dataclass):
Takes the data in the data structure and populates the GUI.
# Data Class
class DataClass():
def __init__(self):
self.NameVar = 'SomeName'
self.NumVar = 11
self.ButtonVar = False
def showvalues(self):
Debug function/method for checking values are set correctly.
msg += 'NameVar : %s\n' %self.NameVar
msg += 'NumVar : %d\n' %self.NumVar
msg += 'KVVar : %d\n' %self.KVVar
if self.ButtonVar == True:
msg += 'ButtonVar: True\n'
msg += 'ButtonVar: False\n'
print msg
# Main window
root = Tk()
MyData = DataClass()
mainGUI = GUIClass()
root.title('Problem Example')
menu = Menu(root)
# text fields to be entered by the user...
display_row = 0
Notes = ''
mainGUI.displayframe = Frame(root)
# Some entry input parameter
mainGUI.StandardEntry(display_row, "Some Label", mainGUI.NameVar)
# Some spinbox input parameter
mainGUI.StandardSpinBox(display_row, "Some Label", 3, 21, mainGUI.NumVar)
# Some Radiobutton input parameter
SwitchOn = mainGUI.BooleanRadioButton(display_row, "Button Label", mainGUI.ButtonVar)
Label(mainGUI.displayframe, text="Configuration Notes").grid(row=display_row, column=1, sticky=W)
display_row += 1
#notes = mainGUI.AddFreeTextForm(display_row, "Configuration Notes", MyData.Notes)
notes = mainGUI.AddFreeTextForm(display_row, Notes)
# and the magic all happens here
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1288
Reputation: 1759
You forgot to set the sticky
parameter when calling the spinbox' grid
spinboxwidget.grid(row=display_row, column=1, sticky=W)
Upvotes: 3