Reputation: 935
Below is my Code for POpulating ListBox using ADO Recordset . It is working but not in a way it should be display in form.
Function PopulatelstReview()
Dim sList As String
Dim i As Long
Dim ADORs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSearchResult As String
Set AdoCn = New ADODB.Connection
Set AdoCmd = New ADODB.Command
AdoCn.Open AdoConnectionString
AdoCmd.ActiveConnection = AdoConnectionString
Debug.Print AdoConnectionString
Set ADORs = New ADODB.Recordset
'rs.Open "TestListReview", AdoCn
ADORs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'rs.Open strSQL, AdoConnectionString, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
AdoCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
AdoCmd.CommandText = "TestListReview"
Set rs = AdoCmd.Execute
Set ADORs = ExecuteStoredProcedure("TestListReview", AdoCmd)
With ADORs
lstReview.RowSourceType = "Value List"
lstReview.ColumnHeads = False
Label43.Caption = ADORs.Fields(0).Name
Label44.Caption = ADORs.Fields(1).Name
Label45.Caption = ADORs.Fields(2).Name
Label48.Caption = ADORs.Fields(3).Name
Label49.Caption = ADORs.Fields(4).Name
Label50.Caption = ADORs.Fields(5).Name
Label51.Caption = ADORs.Fields(6).Name
Label52.Caption = ADORs.Fields(7).Name
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!id
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!TradePartner
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!TrustAccount
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!Date
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!CurrentBalance
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!FileName
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!RecordNum
lstReview.AddItem ADORs!ImportDateTime
sList = ADORs.GetString(adClipString, , ";", ";")
'lstReview.RowSourceType = "Value List"
'lstReview.RowSource = sList
End With
'Call RS2WS(ADORs, "A3")
'lstReview.Column(0, 1) = "ID"
End Function
I need that each value should come under appropiate columns which i placed in labels.please tell me how can i do this
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5552
Reputation: 5917
Are you using Excel or Access? if you are using Access you could import/linked table and use normal queries as (recordsource) to populate list boxes.
anyhow, here is a pseudo code to populate a listbox using your method. After you have connected to the server and executed your SQL statement try following codes.
Dim RC, CC As Long
ADORs.MoveLast ' vba will not know the total row until you scroll down to the last
RC = ADORs.RecordCount ' get the result row count
CC = ADORs.Fields.count ' get the field/column count
ADORs.MoveFirst ' Move back to the first record
lstReview.ColumnHeads = True
lstReview.ColumnCount = CC ' Number of column as in the recordset
'Fill the column names
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To CC - 1
lstReview.Column(I, 0).value = ADORs.Fields(I).name
Next I
'Fill the data
Dim J As Integer
While Not ADORs.EOF
For I = 1 To RC - 1
For J = 0 To CC - 1
lstReview.Column(J, I).value = ADORs.Fields(J).value
Next J
Next I
ADORs.MoveNext 'moving to next record
Also you should consider trapping errors such as if the SQL execution has returned any records.
for access you can use this
If Nz(ADORs.RecordCount, 0) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Sorry no records found.."
Exit Sub
End If
if you are using excel you can use something like this
If isNull(ADORs.RecordCount) or (ADORs.RecordCount = 0) Then
MsgBox "Sorry no records found.."
Exit Sub
End If
hope this helps.. enjoy :)
Upvotes: 2