Reputation: 5
I have a SPARQL query over a Jena model returning a single result. How can I access that result for I cannot iterate because only one element? I have tried 2 options but all failed. I used the ResultSetFormatter to convert result to JSONObject but I found that the keys are not my variables. Moreover, I tried to convert it to QuerySolution list using toList() method but it is returning empty list. Any help?
public void insertMedcationContext(JSONObject medcontext) {
Model model = connection.getDataset().getDefaultModel();
String medActivityQuery = "PREFIX rdf: <>\n"
+ "PREFIX fn: <>\n"
+ "PREFIX medication:<>\n"
+ "PREFIX resource:<>\n"
+ "PREFIX time:<>\n"
+ "SELECT ?activity ((?deschour - ?timestamp) AS ?gap) (fn:abs(?gap)AS ?gapabsolute)\n"
+ "WHERE\n"
+ "{?activity rdf:type medication:MedicationActivity .\n"
+ "?activity medication:belongsTo ?schedule .\n"
+ "?activity medication:expectedTime ?time .\n"
+ "?time time:hasTimeDescription ?desc .\n"
+ "?desc time:year ?descyear .\n"
+ "?desc time:month ?descmonth .\n"
+ "?desc time:day ?descdate .\n"
+ "?desc time:hour ?deschour .\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "ORDER BY (?gapabsolute)\n"
+ "LIMIT 1";
try {
Resource schedule = model.createResource(
nameSpace + medcontext.getString("schedule"),
Resource scheduleResource = model.getResource(schedule.getURI());
ParameterizedSparqlString parameterizedQuery = new ParameterizedSparqlString(
parameterizedQuery.setParam("schedule", scheduleResource);
JSONObject timestamp = new JSONObject();
timestamp = medcontext.getJSONObject("exacttime");
Query query = QueryFactory.create(parameterizedQuery.toString());
QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model);
try {
ResultSet result = qe.execSelect();
String text = ResultSetFormatter.asText(result);
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ResultSetFormatter.outputAsJSON(b, result);
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject (b.toString());
List <QuerySolution> resultList = ResultSetFormatter.toList(result);
// Get the right medication activity from the model for which context is incoming
Resource rightActivity = null;
QuerySolution row = resultList.get(0);
rightActivity = row.getResource("activity");
resultList is empty yet there is one result...
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Views: 721
Reputation: 85883
ResultSets are, by default, produced on demand. You can only iterate through them once, and then the results are consumed. After you do
ResultSet result = qe.execSelect();
String text = ResultSetFormatter.asText(result);
you probably can't get any results from doing
ResultSetFormatter.outputAsJSON(b, result);
Instead, you should copy the ResultSet with, e.g.,
ResultSet results = ResultSetFactory.copyResults( qe.execSelect() );
Upvotes: 3