Reputation: 4429
My directive runs fine in the browser. It's just the unit test I can't seem to get working. The directive creates a simple slider, and sets a few values on the scope, including min
In the unit test, $compile(element) seems to just wrap it in jqlite without doing anything else with it. Well, it also gives it a scope apparently, but there's nothing on the scope. The template also hasn't been applied.
My unit test:
describe('Given the slider directive', function () {
beforeEach(function() {
// necessary because .whenGET().passThrough() doesn't seem to work
$httpBackend.whenGET('partials/slider.html').respond('<div class="slider horizontal">'+
'<div class="min">{{min}}</div>'+
'<div class="max">{{max}}</div>'+
'<a slider-handle class="handle" ng-class="{focus: focus}"'+
'aria-valuemin="{{min}}" aria-valuemax="{{max}}" aria-valuenow="{{slider.value}}" aria-labelledby="{{id}}-label" aria-controls="{{id}}-value"'+
'ng-keydown="handleKeyDown($event)" ng-keypress="handleKeyPress($event)"'+
'ng-focus="handleFocus($event)" ng-blur="handleBlur($event)"'+
'ng-style="{\'left\': slider.left}"></a>'+
'<div ng-style="{\'left\': slider.left}" ng-show="showVals" id="{{id}}-value" class="slider-value" role="presentation">{{slider.value}}</div>'+
it('should compile and set the scope correctly', inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var element = $compile('<div slider min="6" max="18" step="1" ng-model="value"></div>')($rootScope);
var iScope = element.scope();
The console output of this is:
Scope{$id: '00T', $$childTail: null, $$childHead: null, $$prevSibling: null, $$nextSibling: null, $$watchers: null, $parent: null, $$phase: null, $root: Scope{$id: '00T', $$childTail: null, $$childHead: null, $$prevSibling: null, $$nextSibling: null, $$watchers: null, $parent: null, $$phase: null, $root: Scope{$id: ..., $$childTail: ..., $$childHead: ..., $$prevSibling: ..., $$nextSibling: ..., $$watchers: ..., $parent: ..., $$phase: ..., $root: ..., this: ..., $$destroyed: ..., $$asyncQueue: ..., $$postDigestQueue: ..., $$listeners: ..., $$isolateBindings: ..., safeApply: ...}, this: Scope{$id: ..., $$childTail: ..., $$childHead: ..., $$prevSibling: ..., $$nextSibling: ..., $$watchers: ..., $parent: ..., $$phase: ..., $root: ..., this: ..., $$destroyed: ..., $$asyncQueue: ..., $$postDigestQueue: ..., $$listeners: ..., $$isolateBindings: ..., safeApply: ...}, $$destroyed: false, $$asyncQueue: [], $$postDigestQueue: [], $$listeners: Object{}, $$isolateBindings: Object{}, safeApply: function (a) { ... }}, this: Scope{$id: '00T', $$childTail: null, $$childHead: null, $$prevSibling: null, $$nextSibling: null, $$watchers: null, $parent: null, $$phase: null, $root: Scope{$id: ..., $$childTail: ..., $$childHead: ..., $$prevSibling: ..., $$nextSibling: ..., $$watchers: ..., $parent: ..., $$phase: ..., $root: ..., this: ..., $$destroyed: ..., $$asyncQueue: ..., $$postDigestQueue: ..., $$listeners: ..., $$isolateBindings: ..., safeApply: ...}, this: Scope{$id: ..., $$childTail: ..., $$childHead: ..., $$prevSibling: ..., $$nextSibling: ..., $$watchers: ..., $parent: ..., $$phase: ..., $root: ..., this: ..., $$destroyed: ..., $$asyncQueue: ..., $$postDigestQueue: ..., $$listeners: ..., $$isolateBindings: ..., safeApply: ...}, $$destroyed: false, $$asyncQueue: [], $$postDigestQueue: [], $$listeners: Object{}, $$isolateBindings: Object{}, safeApply: function (a) { ... }}, $$destroyed: false, $$asyncQueue: [], $$postDigestQueue: [], $$listeners: Object{}, $$isolateBindings: Object{}, safeApply: function (a) { ... }}
{0: <div slider="" min="6" max="18" step="1" ng-model="value" class="ng-scope"></div>, length: 1}
I've got a JSFiddle with the entire (slightly cleaned up) code, but there it mysteriously doesn't even get past the $compile, which is not the same problem I have locally. Not sure if the JSFiddle is any use, because now I've got two mysterious problems instead of one.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 801
Reputation: 4429
Months of no answer or comments while I work on other stuff, and now I found the answer. It's really simple:
When you use $httpBackend.whenGET()
in a unit test, you always need to flush. So when you test a directive with a templateUrl, you need to flush() after you $compile().
I hope this is useful to someone out there.
Upvotes: 4