Reputation: 39916
I'm stuck to Problem 2 of Project Euler, which makes use of the fibonnacci sequence.
My first naive implementation was grounded on the sheer math definition, using a recursive function:
fibonnacci_coefficient :: (Eq a, NUm a) => a -> a
fibonnacci_coefficient n
| n == 0 = 1
| n == 1 = 2
| otherwise = fibonnacci_coefficient (n-1) + fibonnacci_coefficient (n-2)
The exercise is asking to sum the even coefficients, those not exceeding 4,000,000. When I launched my algorithm it took more than 45 minutes so I canceled it. I guess it's because of my using this function that depends for each steps on re-computing former element recursively.
Among my readings I happened to see an 'efficient' definition of the fibonnacci sequence:
fib = 1 : 2 : [ a+b | (a,b) <- zip fib (tail fib)]
Honestly, I feel, I see why it works. I see, I kind of understand, but I cannot intuitively switch from the math definition directly to such an Haskell definition.
As I understood, efficiency relies in the main concept to define a list that chases its tail. But I can't grasp the pattern. And to understand I think I need to see the whole pattern:
Given a math sequence, that depends on k indexes, let's say k=4, given function f that takes 4 arguments:
u(n) = f (u(n-1)) (u(n-2)) (u(n-3)) (u(n-4))
What would be the Haskell pattern to express this list as an infinite list / sequence?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 224
Reputation: 18189
It was mentioned that it is not easy to write such a function that works for all k
simultaneously. This is true if you want it to be type safe in the number of arguments. However, if you are willing to let your function f
take a list of arguments instead, then it is possible (stealing the function name from @bheklilr):
import Data.List (tails)
recSeqK :: Int -> ([a] -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
recSeqK k f firstN = l where
l = firstN ++ map (f . reverse . take k) (tails l)
fib = recSeqK 2 sum [1,2]
main = print $ take 50 fib
Note that the reverse
is only needed because it is easier to write this with the opposite argument order for f
of the one in the question.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 105905
There's a function in Prelude called iterate
which enables you to define an infinite sequence based on repeated application:
-- example: natural numbers
nats :: [Integer]
nats = iterate (+1) 0
is implemented as
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
How does this work? Well, we use the current value as new element for our resulting list, and call iterate again with f x
as new current value. We can use this pattern to define other iterate
variants with more arguments:
iterate2 :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> [a]
iterate2 f x y = x : iterate2 f y (f x y)
iterate3 :: (a -> a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> [a]
iterate3 f x y z = x : iterate3 f y z (f x y z)
iterate4 :: (a -> a -> a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> a -> [a]
iterate4 f a b c d = a : iterate4 f b c d (f a b c d)
-- and so on
-- example:
fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = iterate2 (+) 0 1
-- note: arguments of f are from last to first, so
-- we need to reverse the order of arguments
u = iterate4 (\a b c d -> f d c b a) x y v w
However, as you can see, the stepping function has another type, depending on how many previous values we want to use. That's also the reason we have zipWith
, zipWith3
, zipWith4
and so on. While it is possible to create a typeclass in order to create a single function for a fixed number of instances, it isn't possible to do this for arbitrary sequences.
That being said, you're probably good with one of those simple functions.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 57590
Assuming the first four elements of the sequence are a,b,c,d
, then u(n) = f(u(n-1), u(n-2), u(n-3), u(n-4))
can be translated into a recursively-defined list in Haskell with:
u = a : b : c : d : zipWith4 f (tail (tail (tail u))) (tail (tail u)) (tail u) u
Upvotes: 3