Reputation: 3467
I'm trying to set up Junit tests to test my Java code in an android project. I can't seem to get it working with the Gradle build.
I have set up one test as an example for now. My project is legacy which I ported to use Gradle, so I've defined the source sets and the structure rather than move the files into the new directory format.
When I run the build or just UnitTest the output is Build Successful, but it hasn't actually run my test unit test. Android studio does not seem to recognise the file as java either and does not show errors/ code completion on my file.
-> Module
-> assets
-> build
-> gen
-> libs
-> res
-> src
-> tests
My gradle build file:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath ''
apply plugin: 'android'
apply plugin: 'crashlytics'
repositories {
android {
compileSdkVersion 20
buildToolsVersion '20.0.0'
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 10
targetSdkVersion 20
versionCode 47
versionName '2.1'
buildTypes {
release {
runProguard true
zipAlign true
proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt')
proguardFile 'proguard-project.txt'
debug {
runProguard false
productFlavors {
defaultFlavor {
proguardFile 'proguard-project.txt'
signingConfigs {
debug {
storeFile file('../debug.keystore')
release {
storeFile file("XX")
storePassword "XX"
keyAlias "XX"
keyPassword "XX"
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
resources.srcDirs = ['src']
renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
unitTest {
java.srcDir file('tests')
resources.srcDir file('test/resources')
sourceSets {
unitTest {
java.srcDir file('test')
resources.srcDir file('test/resources')
dependencies {
compile 'com.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1@aar'
compile ''
unitTestCompile 'junit:junit:4.1+'
unitTestCompile files("$buildDir/intermediates/classes/debug")
configurations {
unitTestCompile.extendsFrom runtime
unitTestRuntime.extendsFrom unitTestCompile
task unitTest(type:Test, dependsOn: assemble) {
description = "run unit tests"
testClassesDir = project.sourceSets.unitTest.output.classesDir
classpath = project.sourceSets.unitTest.runtimeClasspath
// bind to check
build.dependsOn unitTest
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2487
Reputation: 6543
Do the following to your gradle script. This will allow you to run your tests within the JVM, which means not having to run the emulator or run the tests on a device.
At the top:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.robolectric:robolectric-gradle-plugin:0.12.+'
New plugin:
apply plugin: 'robolectric'
And near the bottom:
robolectric {
//configure the set of classes for JUnit tests
include '**/*Test.class'
//configure whether failing tests should fail the build
ignoreFailures false
And add the following dependencies:
androidTestCompile ('junit:junit:4.11')
androidTestCompile ('org.robolectric:robolectric:2.3') {
exclude module: 'classworlds'
exclude module: 'maven-artifact'
exclude module: 'maven-artifact-manager'
exclude module: 'maven-error-diagnostics'
exclude module: 'maven-model'
exclude module: 'maven-plugin-registry'
exclude module: 'maven-profile'
exclude module: 'maven-project'
exclude module: 'maven-settings'
exclude module: 'nekohtml'
exclude module: 'plexus-container-default'
exclude module: 'plexus-interpolation'
exclude module: 'plexus-utils'
exclude module: 'wagon-file'
exclude module: 'wagon-http-lightweight'
exclude module: 'wagon-http-shared'
exclude module: 'wagon-provider-api'
exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4'
Then start writing your tests in your tests folder. As you can see I set up a filter so only classes that start with Test.class are included in the test suite. Be sure to put the following annotations on any of these test classes: (be sure to change the url for the manifest file as it would be different for you from what is written)
@Config(manifest = "./src/main/AndroidManifest.xml", emulateSdk = 18)
class FirstTest {
// tests go here
Finally, run the tests with ./gradlew test
Upvotes: 1