Reputation: 1004

OCMock unit test error

I use OCMock to test out singleton methods. I get "no such method exists in the mocked class." error for testSingleton method and infinite loop (the screenshot, the spinning indicator) for testSingletonWithBlock method

EDIT: download sample project here

enter image description here

Here is my implementation


@implementation Manager
+ (Manager *)sharedManager {
    static Manager *instance;
    dispatch_once_t predicate;
    dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
        instance = [Manager new];
    return instance;
- (int)getOne {
    return 1;
- (void)success:(BOOL)success completion:(void(^)(void))completion failure:(void(^)(void))failure {
    success ? completion() : failure();

view controller:

- (void)manager_printOne {
    int num = [[Manager sharedManager] getOne];
    NSLog(@"number is: %d", num);

- (void)manager_success:(BOOL)success completion:(void(^)(void))completion failure:(void(^)(void))failure {

    [[Manager sharedManager] success:success completion:completion failure:failure];


test view controller:

@interface coreDataTestTests : XCTestCase

@property (nonatomic, strong) id mockManager;

@property (nonatomic, strong) ViewController *viewController;


@implementation coreDataTestTests

- (void)setUp
    [super setUp];

    self.viewController = [ViewController new];

    //for singleton
    self.mockManager = [Manager createNiceMockManager];

- (void)tearDown
    [super tearDown];

    self.viewController = nil;

    //Note: singleton need both, retain counts = 2
    self.mockManager = nil;
    [Manager releaseInstance];


- (void)testSingleton {

    OCMStub([self.mockManager getOne]).andReturn(2);
    [self.viewController manager_printOne];


- (void)testSingletonWithBlock {


    [[[[self.mockHelper stub] ignoringNonObjectArgs] andDo:^(NSInvocation *invocation) {


        [invocation getArgument:&block atIndex:3];

    }] success:0 completion:[OCMArg any] failure:[OCMArg any]];

    [self.viewController manager_success:NO completion:^{
    } failure:^{



manager category for unit test:

static Manager *mockManager = nil;

@implementation Manager

#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wobjc-protocol-method-implementation"

+ (Manager *)sharedManager {
    if (mockManager) {
        return mockManager;
    return invokeSupersequentNoParameters();

#pragma clang diagnostic pop

+(id)createMockManager {
    mockManager = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[Manager class]];
    return mockManager;

+(id)createNiceMockManager {
    mockManager = [OCMockObject niceMockForClass:[Manager class]];
    return mockManager;

+(void)releaseInstance {
    mockManager = nil;

Upvotes: 1

Views: 695

Answers (2)

Erik Doernenburg
Erik Doernenburg

Reputation: 3016

In your description above you write "manager category for unit test", but the implementation that follows is not a category, it's an actual implementation of the Manager class, i.e. the code reads

@implementation Manager

and not

@implementation Manager(unitTests)

It seems that the test code uses this second implementation of Manager and that implementation does not have a getOne method. So the mock is right to complain; the implementation of Manager it sees does not have the method and hence it can't stub it.

I believe you can fix your test by making the implementation a category. As far as I know it is possible to override a class method (sharedManager in your case) in a category, but it's a bit dicey to do so. The approach described by Ben Flynn is better.

Upvotes: 1

Ben Flynn
Ben Flynn

Reputation: 18932

Rather than creating a category, you could just stub sharedManager and return a nice mock.

- (void)setUp
    [super setUp];

    self.viewController = [ViewController new];

    //for singleton
    id classMockManager = OCClassMock([Manager class]);
    OCMStub([classMockManager sharedManager]).andReturn(classMockManager);
    self.mockManager = classMockManager;

I don't have an environment up to test this just this moment, but this strategy should work. Note that this is OCMock3 syntax. See

Upvotes: 3

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